2019 Men’s Triple Jump World Rankings

Christian Taylor’s latest No. 1 gives him 8 leaderships in the last 9 years. (VICTOR SAILER/PHOTO RUN)

BIG NAMES continue to fall by the wayside as Christian Taylor continues his climb up the TJ’s all-time scoring lists. This year’s win, his eighth, breaks a tie with WR holder Jonathan Edwards and now finds him trailing only Viktor Saneyev’s 9. The 10 points he picked up this year moved him from 7th to 5th on the all-time scoring list, passing a pair of WR setters from the ’50s, Adhemar da Silva and Leonid Shcherbakov. Speaking of all-time scoring, Will Claye climbed into the 9th position…

A FLORIDA TEAMMATE OF TAYLOR’S, Claye has been in the Rankings every year that Taylor has, but No. 1s have obviously been hard to come by. This year’s runner-up finish marks his fifth time in that position. Taylor had a convincing 4–1 edge in their head-to-head meetings this year. Note that we didn’t count USATF as a real competition for Taylor as he merely made a mandatory appearance to get on the team and didn’t register a mark.

1. CHRISTIAN TAYLOR (US) (6/18/90, 6-2¾/165) (1.90/75)
17.18 | 56-4½ 2)Long Beach 4/20 1. Craddock
17.13 | 56-2½w 1)Jones Mem 4/27
17.47 | 57-3¾ 1)Nanjing IWC 5/21
17.14 | 56-2¾ 1)Taipei 5/25
17.41 | 57-1½ 1)Montreuil 6/11
17.33 | 56-10¼ 1)Šamorín 6/15
17.93 | 58-10w 1)Székesfehérvár 7/09
17.82 | 58-5¾ 1)Monaco DL 7/12
17.19 | 56-4¾ 2)London DL 7/20 1. Pichardo
nm –)USATF 7/26 (no losses charged)
17.82 | 58-5¾ 2)Paris DL 8/24 1. Claye
17.85 | 58-6¾w 1)Brussels DL 9/06
17.92 | 58-9½ 1)World Ch 9/29
2. WILL CLAYE (US) (6/13/91, 5-10¾/150) (1.80/68)
17.40 | 57-1 1)Baie-Mahault 5/18
18.14 | 59-6¼ 1)Long Beach 6/29
17.66 | 57-11¼ 2)Székesfehérvár 7/09 1. Taylor
17.75 | 58-3 2)Monaco DL 7/12 1. Taylor
17.70 | 58-1w 2)USATF 7/26 1. Scott
18.06 | 59-3 1)Paris DL 8/24
17.22 | 56-6 2)Brussels DL 9/06 1. Taylor
17.74 | 58-2½ 2)World Ch 9/29 1. Taylor
3. PEDRO PABLO PICHARDO (Portugal) (6/30/93, 6-¾/157) (1.85/71)
17.32 | 56-10i 1)Braga 2/17
17.47 | 57-3¾ 2)Rome DL 6/06 1. Craddock
16.67 | 54-8¼ 3)Montreuil 6/11 1. Taylor; 2. Zango
17.29 | 56-8¾ 3)Székesfehérvár 7/09 1. Taylor; 2. Claye
17.38 | 57-¼ 3)Monaco DL 7/12 1. Taylor; 2. Claye
17.53 | 57-6¼ 1)London DL 7/20
17.22 | 56-6 1)Leiria 7/28
16.98 | 55-8½ 1)Sandnes 8/11
16.32 | 53-6½ 7)Brussels DL 9/06 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Craddock; 4. Scott; 5. Copello;
6. Evora
17.62 | 57-9¾ 4)World Ch 9/29 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango
4. HUGUES FABRICE ZANGO (Burkina Faso) (6/25/93, 5-10¾/165) (1.80/75)
17.04 | 55-11i 1)Eaubonne 1/20
17.58 | 57-8¼i 1)Paris 1/27
17.09 | 56-1i 1)Liévin 2/10
17.30 | 56-9¼i 1)Fr Ind 2/17
14.78 | 48-6w 2)Amiens 5/05 1. Gogois
16.35 | 53-7¾ 1)Bruay-la-Bussière 5/19
17.22 | 56-6 1)Forbach 5/26
17.30 | 56-9¼ 4)Rome DL 6/06 1. Craddock; 2. Pichardo; 3. Scott
17.08 | 56-½ 2)Montreuil 6/11 1. Taylor
17.33 | 56-10¼ 1)Bruay-la-Bussière 6/28
17.33 | 56-10¼ 4)Monaco DL 7/12 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Pichardo
16.88 | 55-4¾ 3)London DL 7/20 1. Pichardo; 2. Taylor
17.50 | 57-5 1)Fr Ch 7/28
17.14 | 56-2¾ 4)Paris DL 8/24 1. Claye; 2. Taylor; 3. Craddock
16.88 | 55-4¾ 1)African G 8/27
17.66 | 57-11¼ 3)World Ch 9/29 1. Taylor; 2. Claye
5. OMAR CRADDOCK (US) (4/26/91, 5-10/174) (1.78/79)
17.68 | 58-¼ 1)Long Beach 4/20
17.25 | 56-7¼(A) 1)Provo 4/27
17.16 | 56-3¾ 1)Osaka IWC 5/19
17.42 | 57-2 2)Nanjing IWC 5/21 1. Taylor
17.50 | 57-5 1)Rome DL 6/06
17.55 | 57-7 3)USATF 7/26 1. Scott; 2. Claye
17.42 | 57-2 1)Pan-Am G 8/10
17.28 | 56-8½ 3)Paris DL 8/24 1. Claye; 2. Taylor
17.17 | 56-4 3)Brussels DL 9/06 1. Taylor; 2. Claye
16.87 | 55-4¼ nq)World Ch 9/27 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango; 4. Pichardo; 5. Napoles;
6. Scott; 7. Copello; 8. Diaz; 9. Wu; 10. Fang;
11. Er; 12. dos Santos
6. DONALD SCOTT (US) (2/23/92, 6-0/185) (1.83/84)
16.29 | 53-5½i 1)Ann Arbor 1/12
16.60 | 54-5½i 1)Ypsilanti 1/26
16.76 | 55-0i 1)Meyo Inv 2/01
16.85 | 55-3½i 1)USATF Ind 2/24
17.11 | 56-1¾ 3)Long Beach 4/20 1. Craddock; 2. Taylor
17.03 | 55-10½ 3)Nanjing IWC 5/21 1. Taylor; 2. Craddock
17.43 | 57-2¼ 3)Rome DL 6/06 1. Craddock; 2. Pichardo
17.05 | 55-11¼ 2)Turku IWC 6/11 1. Zhu
16.68 | 54-8¾ 2)Šamorín 6/15 1. Taylor
17.19 | 56-4¾ 4)Székesfehérvár 7/09 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Pichardo
17.03 | 55-10½ 6)Monaco DL 7/12 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Pichardo; 4. Zango; 5. Evora
17.74 | 58-2½w 1)USATF 7/26
17.14 | 56-2¾ 4)Brussels DL 9/06 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Craddock
16.47 | 54-½ 5)US v Europe 9/10 1. Benard; 2. Williams; 3. Bates; 4. Er
17.17 | 56-4 6)World Ch 9/29 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango; 4. Pichardo; 5. Napoles
7. ALEXIS COPELLO (Azerbaijan) (8/12/85, 6-¾/176) (1.85/80)
16.53 | 54-2¾i 1)San Sebastián 2/02
16.57 | 54-4½i 3)Liévin 2/10 1. Zango; 2. Lipsanen
16.74 | 54-11¼ 8)Rome DL 6/06 1. Craddock; 2. Pichardo; 3. Scott; 4. Zango; 5. Babayev;
6. Diaz; 7. Benard
16.82 | 55-2¼ 1)Soria 6/15
16.90 | 55-5½ 6)Székesfehérvár 7/09 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Pichardo; 4. Scott; 5. dos Santos
16.80 | 55-1½ 4)London DL 7/20 1. Pichardo; 2. Taylor; 3. Zango
16.79 | 55-1 1)Barcelona 8/03
16.64 | 54-7¼ 8)Paris DL 8/24 1. Claye; 2. Taylor; 3. Craddock; 4. Zango; 5. Compaore;
6. Zhu; 7. Evora
17.02 | 55-10¼ 5)Brussels DL 9/06 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Craddock; 4. Scott
17.10 | 56-1¼ 7)World Ch 9/29 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango; 4. Pichardo; 5. Napoles;
6. Scott
8. RUITING WU (China) (11/29/95)
16.80 | 55-1½ 1)São Paulo 2/23
16.94 | 55-7 1)São Paulo 3/02
17.19 | 56-4¾ 1)Zhaoqing 4/09
17.07 | 56-0 1)Huangshi 4/14
nm –)Nanjing IWC 5/21 1. Taylor; 2. Craddock; 3. Scott; 4. Xu; 5. Zhu;
6. Babayev; 7. de Sa
17.40 | 57-1 2)La Chaux-de-Fonds 6/30 1. Zhu
17.47 | 57-3¾ 1)Chn Tr 8/03
17.09 | 56-1 1)Daqing 8/24
16.39 | 53-9¼ 4)Zagreb IWC 9/03 1. Benard; 2. Babayev; 3. Er
16.97 | 55-8¼ 9)World Ch 9/29 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango; 4. Pichardo; 5. Napoles;
6. Scott; 7. Copello; 8. Diaz
9. YAMING ZHU (China) (5/04/94)
17.35 | 56-11¼i 1)Nanjing 2/19
16.65 | 54-7½i 1)Hangzhou 3/20
16.51 | 54-2 3)Huangshi 4/14 1. Wu; 2. Fang
16.87 | 55-4¼w 2)Asian Ch 4/22 1. Kurbanov
16.51 | 54-2 2)Osaka IWC 5/19 1. Craddock
16.90 | 55-5½ 5)Nanjing IWC 5/21 1. Taylor; 2. Craddock; 3. Scott; 4. Xu
16.73 | 54-10¾ 9)Rome DL 6/06 1. Craddock; 2. Pichardo; 3. Scott; 4. Zango; 5. Babayev;
6. Diaz; 7. Benard; 8. Copello
17.36 | 56-11½w 1)Turku IWC 6/11
17.40 | 57-1 1)La Chaux-de-Fonds 6/30
17.23 | 56-6½ 2)Chn Tr 8/03 1. Wu
16.99 | 55-9 6)Paris DL 8/24 1. Claye; 2. Taylor; 3. Craddock; 4. Zango; 5. Compaore
16.29 | 53-5½ 6)Zagreb IWC 9/03 1. Benard; 2. Babayev; 3. Er; 4. Wu; 5. Veszelka
16.79 | 55-1 nq)World Ch 9/27 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango; 4. Pichardo; 5. Napoles;
6. Scott; 7. Copello; 8. Diaz; 9. Wu; 10. Fang;
11. Er; 12. dos Santos
10. NELSON ÉVORA (Portugal) (4/20/84, 5-11¼/154) (1.81/70)
16.61 | 54-6i 2)Val-de-Reuil 2/01 1. Lipsanen
16.77 | 55-¼i 2)Braga 2/17 1. Pichardo
17.11 | 56-1¾i 2)Euro Ind 3/03 1. Babayev
16.69 | 54-9¼ 10)Rome DL 6/06 1. Craddock; 2. Pichardo; 3. Scott; 4. Zango; 5. Babayev;
6. Diaz; 7. Benard; 8. Copello; 9. Zhu
16.72 | 54-10¼ 8)Székesfehérvár 7/09 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Pichardo; 4. Scott; 5. dos Santos;
6. Copello; 7. Veszelka
17.13 | 56-2½ 5)Monaco DL 7/12 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Pichardo; 4. Zango
16.37 | 53-8½ 6)London DL 7/20 1. Pichardo; 2. Taylor; 3. Zango; 4. Copello; 5. Williams
16.82 | 55-2¼ 7)Paris DL 8/24 1. Claye; 2. Taylor; 3. Craddock; 4. Zango; 5. Compaore;
6. Zhu
16.54 | 54-3¼ 6)Brussels DL 9/06 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Craddock; 4. Scott; 5. Copello
16.80 | 55-1½ nq)World Ch 9/27 1. Taylor; 2. Claye; 3. Zango; 4. Pichardo; 5. Napoles;
6. Scott; 7. Copello; 8. Diaz; 9. Wu; 10. Fang;
11. Er; 12. dos Santos



1. *Christian Taylor (Nike) 6. KeAndre Bates (unattached)
1)Monaco DL, 1)Brussels DL, 1)World Ch 3)USATF Indoor, 5)USATF, 3)vs Europe
2. *Will Claye (Puma/NYAC) 7. Chris Carter (unattached)
2)USATF, 2)Brussels DL, 2)World Ch 2)USATF Indoor, 6)USATF, 6)vs Europe
3. *Omar Craddock (Jump Corps) 8. Armani Wallace (Florida State)
3)USATF, 3)Brussels DL, nq)World Ch 4)NCAA Indoor, 3)NCAA, 12)USATF
4. *Donald Scott (adidas) 9. John Warren (Southern Mississippi)
1)USATF, 4)Brussels DL, 6)World Ch 6)NCAA Indoor, 4)NCAA, 7)USATF
5. Chris Benard (Nike) 10. Matthew O’Neal (unattached)
4)USATF, 1)Zagreb IWC, 1)vs Europe 5)Baie-Manault, 8)USATF

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