2023 Women’s High Jump World Rankings

Twenty-two-year-old repeater Yaroslava Mahuchikh’s sequence of Rankings spots since ’19 is 3-2-1-1. (KIRBY LEE/IMAGE OF SPORT)

A LONG 17-MEET CAMPAIGN by young Yaroslava Mahuchikh featured no fewer than 15 wins, including the all-important WC and DL Final. Her pair of non-wins were both 3rds, both times behind Nicola Olyslagers & Iryna Gerashchenko…

THE AUSSIE SEWED UP No. 2 with a dominating 6-1 record against Gerashchenko, who was at her best in June and July and doing well in numerous top-quality meetings before a middle-of-the-pack finish in Budapest…

TEEN PRODIGY Angelina Topić, who didn’t turn 18 until the end of July, competed a lot and had a case for No. 4, but in the final analysis Eleanor Patterson’s WC silver was too good an honor to overcome… Vashti Cunningham is the top American for the sixth year in a row.

1. YAROSLAVA MAHUCHIKH (Ukraine) (9/19/01, 5-11¼/121) (1.81/55)
2.00 | 6-6¾i 1)L’viv 1/14
1.98 | 6-6i 1)Cottbus 1/25
1.99 | 6-6¼i 1)Ulsteinvik 2/02
1.95 | 6-4¾i 1)Val-de-Reuil 2/04
2.02 | 6-7½i 1)Metz 2/11
1.97 | 6-5½i 1)Banská Bystrica 2/14
1.98 | 6-6i 1)Euro Ind 3/05
2.00A | 6-6¾() 1)Nairobi CT 5/13
2.01 | 6-7 1)Rabat DL 5/28
2.00 | 6-6¾ 1)Hengelo 6/04
1.97 | 6-5½ 1)Chorzów 6/22
1.97 | 6-5½ 3)Lausanne DL 6/29 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko
1.96 | 6-5 3)Monaco DL 7/21 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko
2.01 | 6-7 1)World Ch 8/27
2.02 | 6-7½ 1)Xiamen DL 9/02
2.00 | 6-6¾ 1)Brussels DL 9/08
2.03 | 6-8 1)Eugene DL 9/17
2. NICOLA OLYSLAGERS (Australia) (12/28/96, 6-1¼/139) (1.86/63)
1.98 | 6-6 1)Canberra 1/28
1.93 | 6-4 1)Melbourne 2/23
1.94 | 6-4¼ 1)Sydney 3/11
1.95 | 6-4¾ 1)Aus Ch 4/02
2.00 | 6-6¾ 1)Paris DL 6/09
2.01 | 6-7 1)Turku CT 6/13
1.99 | 6-6¼ 1)Brno 6/17
2.02 | 6-7½ 1)Lausanne DL 6/29
1.98 | 6-6 2)Chorzów DL 7/16 1. Gerashchenko
1.99 | 6-6¼ 1)Monaco DL 7/21
1.99 | 6-6¼ 3)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson
2.03 | 6-8 2)Eugene DL 9/17 1. Mahuchikh
3. IRYNA GERASHCHENKO (Ukraine) (3/10/95, 5-11¼/137) (1.81/62)
1.96 | 6-5i 1)Kyyiv 1/07
1.93 | 6-4i 2)L’viv 1/14 1. Mahuchikh
1.96 | 6-5i 2)Cottbus 1/25 1. Mahuchikh
1.93 | 6-4i 1)Nantes 1/28
1.97 | 6-5½i 2)Hustopeče 2/04 1. Lake
1.90 | 6-2¾i 1)Třinec 2/07
1.93 | 6-4i 1)Udine 2/09
1.92 | 6-3½i 3)Ukr Ind 2/18 1. Levchenko; 2. Tabashnyk
1.91 | 6-3¼ 2)Rabat DL 5/28 1. Mahuchikh
1.93 | 6-4 2)Hengelo 6/04 1. Mahuchikh
1.94 | 6-4¼ 4)Paris DL 6/09 1. Olyslagers; 2. Cunningham; 3. Topic
1.94 | 6-4¼ 3)Turku CT 6/13 1. Olyslagers; 2. Lake
2.00 | 6-6¾ 2)Lausanne DL 6/29 1. Olyslagers
1.98 | 6-6 1)Chorzów DL 7/16
1.96 | 6-5 2)Monaco DL 7/21 1. Olyslagers
1.97 | 6-5½ 1)Ukr Ch 7/29
1.94 | 6-4¼ =5)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson; 3. Olyslagers; 4. Lake
1.91 | 6-3¼ 4)Brussels DL 9/08 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Topic; 3. Patterson
1.87 | 6-1½ 7)Eugene DL 9/17 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Topic; 4. Cunningham; 5t. Lake;
5t. Levchenko
4. ELEANOR PATTERSON (Australia) (5/22/96, 5-11½/146) (1.82/66)
1.87 | 6-1½i 6)Hustopeče 2/04 1. Lake; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Ovchinnikova; 4. Tabashnyk; 5. Shaw
1.93 | 6-4i 2)Udine 2/09 1. Gerashchenko
1.89 | 6-2¼ 9)Chorzów DL 7/16 1. Gerashchenko; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Levchenko; 4. Topic; 5. Lake;
6. Distin; 7. Dubovitskaya; 8. Tabashnyk
1.96 | 6-5 =4)Monaco DL 7/21 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh
1.95 | 6-4¾ 1)Heilbronn 8/05
1.99 | 6-6¼ 2)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh
1.92 | 6-3½ 3)Xiamen DL 9/02 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Apostolovski
1.94 | 6-4¼ 3)Brussels DL 9/08 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Topic
5. ANGELINA TOPIĆ (Serbia) (7/26/05, 6-0/130) (1.83/59)
1.90 | 6-2¾i 1)Belgrade 1/14
1.94 | 6-4¼i 1)Belgrade 1/25
1.91 | 6-3¼i 1)Belgrade 1/29
1.91 | 6-3¼i 1)Athens 2/03
1.94 | 6-4¼i 4)Euro Ind 3/05 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Weerman; 3. Tabashnyk
1.90 | 6-2¾ 1)Belgrade 5/06
1.94 | 6-4¼ 1)Filothéi 5/17
1.87 | 6-1½ =3)Rabat DL 5/28 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Gerashchenko
1.97 | 6-5½ 3)Paris DL 6/09 1. Olyslagers; 2. Cunningham
1.91 | 6-3¼ 3) Chorzów 6/22 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Stanciu
1.94 | 6-4¼ =6)Lausanne DL 6/29 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh; 4. Lake; 5. Levchenko
1.90 | 6-2¾ 1)Novi Pazar 7/02
1.95 | 6-4¾ 4)Chorzów DL 7/16 1. Gerashchenko; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Levchenko
1.96 | 6-5 =4)Monaco DL 7/21 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh
1.90 | 6-2¾ 1)Srb Ch 7/30
1.90 | 6-2¾ 1)Euro U20 8/09
1.94 | 6-4¼ 7)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson; 3. Olyslagers; 4. Lake; 5t. Gerashchenko;
5t. Distin
1.97 | 6-5½ 2)Brussels DL 9/08 1. Mahuchikh
1.95 | 6-4¾ 3)Eugene DL 9/17 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Olyslagers
6. MORGAN LAKE (Great Britain) (5/12/97, 5-10/141) (1.78/64)
1.87 | 6-1½i 7)Cottbus 1/25 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Tuuri; 4. Vukovic; 5. Palsyte;
5. Stanciu
1.99 | 6-6¼i 1)Hustopeče 2/04
1.90 | 6-2¾i 1)GB Ind 2/19
1.86 | 6-1¼i =7)Euro Ind 3/05 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Weerman; 3. Tabashnyk; 4. Topic; 5. Levchenko;
6. Honsel
1.87 | 6-1½ 5)Rabat DL 5/28 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Gerashchenko; 3t. Topic; 3t. Dubovitskaya
1.94 | 6-4¼ 5)Paris DL 6/09 1. Olyslagers; 2. Cunningham; 3. Topic; 4. Gerashchenko
1.97 | 6-5½ 2)Turku CT 6/13 1. Olyslagers
1.88 | 6-2 1)Berlin 6/18
1.94 | 6-4¼ 4)Lausanne DL 6/29 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh
1.90 | 6-2¾ 1)GB Ch 7/08
1.92 | 6-3½ 5)Chorzów DL 7/16 1. Gerashchenko; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Levchenko; 4. Topic
1.93 | 6-4 7)Monaco DL 7/21 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh; 4t. Topic; 4t. Patterson;
6. Levchenko
1.92 | 6-3½ 3)Heilbronn 8/05 1. Patterson; 2. Apostolovski
1.97 | 6-5½ 4)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson; 3. Olyslagers
1.91 | 6-3¼ 5)Brussels DL 9/08 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Topic; 3. Patterson; 4. Gerashchenko
1.91 | 6-3¼ =5)Eugene DL 9/17 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Topic; 4. Cunningham
7. VASHTI CUNNINGHAM (US) (1/18/98, 6-¾/146) (1.85/66)
1.97 | 6-5½i 1)Iowa City 1/20
2.00 | 6-6¾i 1)USATF Ind 2/17
1.98 | 6-6 1)Mt SAC R 4/15
1.97 | 6-5½ 1)USATF Throws 5/20
1.97 | 6-5½ 2)Paris DL 6/09 1. Olyslagers
1.95 | 6-4¾ 1)NYC GP 6/24
1.91 | 6-3¼ 1)USATF 7/07
1.90 | 6-2¾ 11)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson; 3. Olyslagers; 4. Lake; 5t. Gerashchenko;
5t. Distin; 7. Topic; 8. Honsel; 9t. Apostolovski; 9t. Dubovitskaya
1.91 | 6-3¼ 4)Eugene DL 9/17 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Topic
8. YULIYA LEVCHENKO (Ukraine) (11/28/97, 5-10½/132) (1.79/60)
1.85 | 6-¾i 2)Kyyiv 1/07 1. Gerashchenko
1.91 | 6-3¼i 3)L’viv 1/14 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Gerashchenko
1.92 | 6-3½i 1)Kyyiv 1/29
1.84 | 6-½i 3)Val-de-Reuil 2/04
1.89 | 6-2¼i 1)Mondeville 2/08
1.92 | 6-3½i 3)Metz 2/11 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Weerman
1.96 | 6-5i 1)Ukr Ind 2/18
1.94 | 6-4¼i 5)Euro Ind 3/05 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Weerman; 3. Tabashnyk; 4. Topic
1.86A | 6-1¼() 4)Nairobi CT 5/13 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Zialor; 3. Tabashnyk
1.81 | 5-11¼ =6)Rabat DL 5/28 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Gerashchenko; 3t. Topic; 3t. Dubovitskaya; 5. Lake
1.90 | 6-2¾ 4)Hengelo 6/04 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Goring
1.91 | 6-3¼ 6)Paris DL 6/09 1. Olyslagers; 2. Cunningham; 3. Topic; 4. Gerashchenko; 5. Lake
1.87 | 6-1½ 5)Turku CT 6/13 1. Olyslagers; 2. Lake; 3. Gerashchenko; 4. Dubovitskaya
1.94 | 6-4¼ 5)Lausanne DL 6/29 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh; 4. Lake
1.98 | 6-6 3)Chorzów DL 7/16 1. Gerashchenko; 2. Olyslagers
1.93 | 6-4 6)Monaco DL 7/21 1. Olyslagers; 2. Gerashchenko; 3. Mahuchikh; 4t. Topic; 4t. Patterson
1.95 | 6-4¾ 2)Ukr Ch 7/29 1. Gerashchenko
1.89 | 6-2¼ nq)World Ch 8/25 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson; 3. Olyslagers; 4. Lake; 5t. Gerashchenko;
5t. Distin; 7. Topic; 8. Honsel; 9t. Apostolovski; 9t. Dubovitskaya;
11. Cunningham; 12. Meniker; 13t. Kulichenko; 13t. Junnila; 15. Gicquel
1.91 | 6-3¼ =5)Eugene DL 9/17 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Topic; 4. Cunningham
9. LAMARA DISTIN (Jamaica) (3/3/00, 5-10/143) (1.78/65)
1.90 | 6-2¾i 1)Razorback Inv 1/27
1.94 | 6-4¼i 1)Albuquerque 2/03
1.97 | 6-5½i 1)Clemson 2/11
1.95 | 6-4¾i 1)SEC Ind 2/25
1.91 | 6-3¼i 1)NCAA Ind 3/11
1.93 | 6-4 2)Mt SAC R 4/15 1. Cunningham
1.95 | 6-4¾ 1)Baton Rouge 4/22
1.91 | 6-3¼ 1)SEC 5/13
1.87 | 6-1½ 2)NCAA 6/10 1. Griffith
1.91 | 6-3¼ 1)Jam Ch 7/06
1.89 | 6-2¼ 6)Chorzów DL 7/16 1. Gerashchenko; 2. Olyslagers; 3. Levchenko; 4. Topic; 5. Lake
1.94 | 6-4¼ =5)World Ch 8/27 1. Mahuchikh; 2. Patterson; 3. Olyslagers; 4. Lake
10. BRITT WEERMAN (Netherlands) (6/13/03, 5-10/137) (1.78/62)
1.96 | 6-5i 2)Weinheim 2/03 1. Honsel
1.96 | 6-5i 2)Metz 2/11 1. Mahuchikh
1.90 | 6-2¾i 1)Neth Ind 2/19
1.96 | 6-5i 2)Euro Ind 3/05 1. Mahuchikh

1. *Vashti Cunningham (Nike/Red Bull) 6. Rachel McCoy (unattached)
1)USATF, 11)World Ch, 4)Eugene DL 5)USATF, 1)Pan-Am G
2. Anna Hall (adidas) 7. Nissi Kabongo (SFA)
1)USATF Indoor, 1)Florida R, 8)Paris DL 2)USATF Indoor, 7)NCAA Indoor, =6)USATF
3. Rylee Anderson (Kansas) 8. Liz Evans (unattached)
2)NCAA Indoor, 12)NCAA, =2)USATF 4)USATF Indoor, 1)Hayes Inv, =6)USATF
4. Charity Griffith (Ball State) 9. Mercedeez Francis (unattached)
5)NCAA Indoor, 1)NCAA, 4)USATF 3)USATF Indoor, 1)South Florida Inv, 8)USATF
5. Jenna Rogers (Nebraska) 10. Cierra Tidwell (BYU)
4)NCAA Indoor, 13)NCAA,=2)USATF 8)NCAA Indoor, 7)NCAA, nh)USATF

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