DEVONSHIRE, BERMUDA, May 21 — Although the gusts of restless island air at the USATF Bermuda GP blew favorably down the homestraight and jumps runway (unlike in the headwind-fest ’22 edition), big numbers on the wind gauges were a constant. Yet the competitions were compelling.
None more so than the men’s 100 showdown between ’19 dash world champions Christian Coleman and Noah Lyles. Was 2-time century No. 1 Coleman — World Ranked No. 5 last year — back to the sharpness needed to outrun 3-time 200 top ranker Lyles who now has the 100 in his sights?
The answer: yes — even as a tight finish heightened drama for future meetings. Coleman started in lane 4 and with a 4×1 leadoff sprint in his legs about 75 minutes earlier. Lyles started fresh to his right in corridor 5.
At the crack of the gun, vaunted starter Coleman raced true to form. He led reaction times at 0.133 with Lyles =No. 4 at 0.154. Not that reaction times tell as much as the first few steps in a sprint. Coleman prevailed there too. With 20m down he had a clear led, with Ackeem Blake and returned-from-injury Terrance Laird also out well.
Lyles raced in 4th but with ground-eating form rushed past Laird and then Blake around 70m. At 90 he had shrunk Coleman’s margin to a foot-and-a-half. From there giant strides and a perfectly timed lean nearly sealed the deal.
Coleman strode upright and seemed to shut it down in his last pair of steps. Still he crossed in front, 9.78–9.80. The wind had its say, juking the gauge all the way to 4.4mps. No matter. A win’s a win and Coleman leapt skyward to celebrate as he decelerated around the bend.
“I just knew I just had to get out and try to maintain my form,” he told NBC’s Lewis Johnson. “I feel like I executed pretty well. I have to just go back and watch the film, clean it up and get ready for the next race.”
Asked about the near certainty Lyles would close like a house afire, Coleman added, “I mean, it’s a cliché but just stay in my lane. You know, just execute everything that me and my coach [Tim Hall] work on, execute my phases. And I knew I’d be hard to beat if I do that.”
As for his chances in what promises to be an intense USATF comp, Coleman —defending champ Wild Card qualifier to the ’22 Worlds and 6th-place finisher there — low-keyed, “I think I got a good shot.” And a battle on his hands; earlier in the day world champion Fred Kerley had dashed 10.88/10.91 in his heat and final in Yokohama.
Wind was a constant throughout the meet (2.0 was the lowest recorded reading for a running event). Will Claye’s 57-3w (17.45) was an all-conditions triple jump U.S. list leader and his longest since the Tokyo Olympics.
Abby Steiner’s 22.06w run in the 200 undercut Sha’Carri Richardson’s recent 22.07 as the all-conditions AL. Tokyo 100H champion Jasmine Camacho-Quinn hurdled the fastest she ever has, 12.17 helped by a 3.5 breeze, to win from ’15 world champ Danielle Williams.
Tara Davis-Woodhall served up a fine finish in the long jump. Down by ½-inch to Quanesha Burks (23-1¼w/7.04) after 5 fair jumps, the Texas alum sailed out to 23-4w (7.11) for the win and an exuberant celebration. The pair had traded some smack on social media ahead of time but hugged each other afterwards.
Men’s Events
100(4.4): 1. Christian Coleman (US) 9.78w (a-c AL, lo-alt WL, =WL;
2. Noah Lyles (US) 9.80w; 3. Ackeem Blake (Jam) 9.87w; 4. Terrance Laird (US) 9.94w; 5. Emmanuel Matadi (Lbr) 10.02w; 6. Joseph Amoah (Gha) 10.05w; 7. Andre De Grasse (Can) 10.16w.
200(4.7): 1. Elijah Morrow (US) 20.11w; 2. De Grasse 20.28w; 3. Kendal Williams (US) 20.28w; 4. Joseph Amoah (Gha) 20.56w; 5. Daniel Stokes (Mex) 20.67w.
400: 1. Steven Gardiner (Bah) 44.42; 2. Alonzo Russell (Bah) 45.24; 3. Trevor Stewart (US) 45.58; 4. Javon Francis (Jam) 45.81; 5. Demish Gaye (Jam) 45.92; 6. Jose Figueroa (PR) 47.17; 7. Wil London (US) 47.57.
1500: 1. Robert Heppenstall (Can) 3:41.83; 2. Ethan Hussey (GB) 3:42.52; 3. Rob Napolitano (PR) 3:42.87; 4. AJ Ernst (US) 3:42.95.
110H(4.0): 1. Jamal Britt (US) 12.99w; 2. Eric Edwards (US) 13.07w; 3. Freddie Crittenden (US) 13.13w; 4. Tyler Mason (Jam) 13.30w; 5. Damion Thomas (Jam) 13.38w; 6. Michael Dickson (US) 13.48w; 7. Louis Rollins (US) 13.67w; 8. Robert Dunning (US) 22.28w (fell).
4 x 100: 1. United States 38.21 (Coleman, K. Williams, J. Lyles, Laird); 2. United States B 38.81 (Kemp, Royster, Garcia, Gillespie); 3. Jamaica 39.51.
LJ: 1. LaQuan Nairn (Bah) 27-3¾w (8.32); 2. Steffin McCarter (US) 27-0w (8.23); 3. Will Williams (US) 26-10w (8.18); 4. Jarrion Lawson (US) 26-3w (8.00) (25-4¾/7.74).
TJ: 1. Will Claye (US) 57-3w (17.45) (a-c AL);
2. Donald Scott (US) 55-11¾w (17.06) (54-2¾/16.53); 3. Jordan Scott (Jam) 55-11¾w (17.06); 4. Christian Taylor (US) 55-2¼w (16.82) (54-1/16.48); 5. Omar Craddock (US) 54-6½ (16.62); 6. Chris Carter (US) 54-1¼ (16.49).
Women’s Events
100(2.0): 1. Tamari Davis (US) 10.91; 2. Shashalee Forbes (Jam) 10.98 PR; 3. Celera Barnes (US) 11.01; 4. Gina Lückenkemper (Ger) 11.03; 5. English Gardner (US) 11.13; 6. Kemba Nelson (Jam) 11.14; 7. Mikiah Brisco (US) 11.16; 8. Marybeth Sant-Price (US) 11.16.
200(3.1): 1. Abby Steiner (US) 22.06w (a-c AL);
2. Anthonique Strachan (Bah) 22.34w; 3. Makenzie Dunmore (US) 22.50w; 4. Ashanti Moore (Jam) 22.78w; 5. Anavia Battle (US) 22.79w.
400: 1. Gabby Scott (PR) 51.65; 2. Courtney Okolo (US) 52.23; 3. Candice McLeod (Jam) 52.30; 4. Brittany Aveni (US) 52.41; 5. Kaylin Whitney (US) 53.29; 6. Dalilah Muhammad (US) 53.41; 7. Shakima Wimbley (US) 53.51.
800: 1. Olivia Baker (US) 2:03.15; 2. Susan Aneno (Uga) 2:03.17; 3. Emily Richards (US) 2:03.65; 4. Hannah Segrave (GB) 2:03.68.
100H(3.5): 1. Jasmine Camacho-Quinn (PR) 12.17w (a-c WL) (a-c: 2, 3 W);
2. Danielle Williams (Jam) 12.38w; 3. Tonea Marshall (US) 12.39w; 4. Megan Tapper (Jam) 12.47w; 5. Amber Hughes (US) 12.82w; 6. Gabbi Cunningham (US) 12.84w.
400H: 1. Andrenette Knight (Jam) 54.90; 2. Cassandra Tate (US) 55.06; 3. Shiann Salmon (Jam) 55.56; 4. Ronda Whyte (Jam) 55.56;… dnf—Ashley Spencer (US) (fell).
4 x 100: 1. Jamaica 42.80 (Burchell, Moore, Forbes, Smith); 2. United States 42.83 (Brisco, Steiner, Gardner, Barnes); 3. United States B 42.87 (Oliver, Annelus, Dunmore, Hill).
LJ: 1. Tara Davis-Woodhall (US) 23-4w (7.11) (a-c WL, AL);
2. Quanesha Burks (US) 23-1¼w (7.04) (21-4¼/6.51; 3. Ruth Usoro (Ngr) 22-4½ (6.82) PR; 4. Monae’ Nichols (US) 21-4¾w (6.52); 5. Tiffany Flynn (US) 21-2½w (6.46).