March 2018

From The Editor

IT’S ALWAYS A SAD MOMENT when one of the sport’s greats leaves us, but for me the news of the passing of Roger Bannister left me with a particularly hollow feeling. He’s my first track memory, although not for the sub-4:00.

U.S. Schedule

Relays & Invitationals March 28–31 Texas Relays; Austin, Texas 29–31 Bobcat Invitational; San Marcos, Texas Florida Relays; Gainesville, Florida 30–31… Read More

Stat Corner

Sub-45 Relay Legs The NCAA Indoor Championships saw the all-time men’s list in the 4×4 significantly altered. So was the… Read More

For The Record

MEN Men’s record alterations reported since the February issue. W = World; A or Am = American; C = Collegiate;… Read More

Last Lap

HERE’S THIS MONTH’S collection of generally off-track activities that have gone a long way towards shaping the way the sport… Read More

Status Quo

THE LATEST in the aches, pains & eligibility departments: Team USA lost 3 major women’s World-Half Marathon team members: when… Read More

On Your Marks

WHAT’S THE SCAM? Russian athletes training in Kenya were apparently tested by several con artists posing as doping control officers…. Read More

Track Shorts

SYDNEY McLAUGHLIN doesn’t mind the time-final setup at the NCAA Indoors. “It’s better for me nerve-wise to just know that… Read More

Bradford An 18-Footer

For Zachery Bradford (Bloomington, Illinois), joining the 18-foot club—making him only the third prep ever to do so undercover—remains shocking…. Read More

Ellis At Quartermiler U

The ’18 NCAA Indoor will be forever remembered for records falling like rain, and several of them involved USC athletes… Read More