2021 Women’s Pole Vault World Rankings

A bar’s-eye view of happy Olympic gold medalist Katie Nageotte. (JEFF COHEN)

THIS WAS A SCENE dominated by veterans: the first 3 were all 30 by year’s end, and No. 4 was 31 and No. 5 hit 33…

KATIE NAGEOTTE DIDN’T HAVE the year’s highest clearance, but she didn’t need to. The Olympic gold medalist vaulted her way to the top position by having the season’s best sequence of marks and by handling DL Final winner Anzhelika Sidorova 3-1 in their head-to-heads. That displaced the Russian from the No. 1 spot she earned in ’19…

WIN-LOSS RECORDS backed up the top end’s honors-won credentials: Nageotte didn’t have an overall losing record against anyone; similarly, Sidorova lost only to Nageotte, Holly Bradshaw to Nageotte and Sidorova, Stefanídi to the first 3…

SPEAKING OF VETERANS, 39-year-old Jenn Suhr made the U.S. Top 10 for the 15th straight year.

1. KATIE NAGEOTTE (US) (6/13/91, 5-6/135) (1.67/61)
4.50 | 14-9i 2)ATL I 1/24 1. Clark
4.60 | 15-1 2)Drake R 4/24 1. Morris
4.48 | 14-8¼ 1)Athens 5/01
4.70 | 15-5 2)Mt. SAC 5/09 1. Stefanídi
4.93 | 16-2 1)Marietta 5/23
4.84 | 15-10½ 1)Doha DL 5/28
4.85 | 15-11 1)Music City 6/06
4.94 | 16-2½i 1)Marietta ATL 6/11
4.95 | 16-2¾ 1)Olympic Trials 6/26
4.90 | 16-¾ 1)Monaco DL 7/09
4.90 | 16-¾ 1)Olympic Games 8/05
4.82 | 15-9¾ 1)Eugene DL 8/21
nh )Zürich DL 9/09 1. Sidorova; 2. Stefanidi; 3. Sutej; 4. Bradshaw; 5. Zhuk
2. ANZHELIKA SIDOROVA (Russia) (6/28/91, 5-5¼/115) (1.66/52)
4.75 | 15-7i 1)Novocheboksarsk 1/16
4.80 | 15-9i 1)Moscow 1/27
4.87 | 15-11¾i 1)Moscow 2/07
4.75 | 15-7i 1)Rus Indoor 2/15
4.90 | 16-¾i 1)Moscow 2/21
4.64 | 15-2¾ 7)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte; 2. Morris; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 4. Sutej;
6. Zhuk
4.80 | 15-9 1)Moscow 6/05
4.91 | 16-1¼ 1)Florence DL 6/10
4.75 | 15-7 1)Rus Ch 6/24
4.80 | 15-9 2)Monaco DL 7/09 1. Nageotte
4.85 | 15-11 2)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte
4.70 | 15-5 1)Padua 9/05
5.01 | 16-5¼ 1)Zürich DL 9/09
4.65 | 15-3 1)Innsbruck 9/11
3. HOLLY BRADSHAW (Great Britain) (11/2/91, 5-8¾/150) (1.75/68)
4.85 | 15-11i 1)Rouen 2/06
4.73 | 15-6¼i 1)Liévin WIT 2/09
4.78 | 15-8¼i 1)Aubière 2/27
4.65 | 15-3i =3)Euro Indoor 3/06 1. Moser; 2. Sutej
4.74 | 15-6½ 3)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte; 2. Morris
4.82 | 15-9¾ 1)Huelva 6/03
4.66 | 15-3½ 4)Florence DL 6/10 1. Sidorova; 2. Zhuk; 3. Stefanidi
4.90 | 16-¾ 1)GB Ch 6/26
4.61 | 15-1½ 2)Stockholm DL 7/04 1. Knoroz
4.70 | 15-5 4)Monaco DL 7/09 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Stefanidi
4.71 | 15-5½ 2)Gateshead2 DL 7/13 1. Morris
4.85 | 15-11 3)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova
4.60 | 15-1 1)Welsh Ch 8/15
4.72 | 15-5¾ 2)Eugene DL 8/21 1. Nageotte
4.67 | 15-3¾ 4)Zürich DL 9/09 1. Sidorova; 2. Stefanidi; 3. Sutej
4. KATERÍNA STEFANÍDI (Greece) (2/4/90, 5-7¾/139) (1.72/63)
4.61 | 15-1½i 1)Tourcoing 1/31
4.43 | 14-6¼i 10)Rouen 2/06 1. Bradshaw; 2. Zhuk; 3t. Newman; 3t. Polak; 5. Sutej;
6. Newell; 7t. Moser; 7t. Pluim; 9. Chevrier
4.63 | 15-2¼i 2)Liévin WIT 2/09 1. Bradshaw
4.61 | 15-1½i 2)Gre Indoor 2/13 1. Polak
4.60 | 15-1 1)Chula Vista 4/24
4.61 | 15-1½ 1)Chula Vista 5/02
4.80 | 15-9 1)Mt. SAC 5/09
4.74 | 15-6½ 4)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte; 2. Morris; 3. Bradshaw
4.75 | 15-7 1)Gre Ch 6/05
4.66 | 15-3½ 3)Florence DL 6/10 1. Sidorova; 2. Zhuk
4.80 | 15-9 3)Monaco DL 7/09 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova
4.80 | 15-9 4)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw
nh )Eugene DL 8/21 1. Nageotte; 2. Bradshaw; 3. Gruver; 4. LeLeux; 5. Newell
4.77 | 15-7¾ 2)Zürich DL 9/09 1. Sidorova
4.50 | 14-9 4)Bellinzona 9/14 1. Sutej; 2. Kylypko; 3. Zhuk
5. TINA ŠUTEJ (Slovenia) (11/7/88, 5-8/130) (1.73/59)
4.51 | 14-9½i 1)Novo Mesto 1/30
4.70 | 15-5i 1)Ostrava 2/03
4.62 | 15-1¾i 5)Rouen 2/06 1. Bradshaw; 2. Zhuk; 3t. Newman; 3t. Polak
4.50 | 14-9i 5)Liévin WIT 2/09 1. Bradshaw; 2. Stefanidi; 3. Zhuk; 4. Newell
4.53 | 14-10¼i 1)Gent 2/13
4.57 | 15-0i 2)Madrid WIT 2/24 1. Zhuk
4.60 | 15-1i =3)Aubière 2/27 1. Bradshaw; 2. Zhuk
4.70 | 15-5i 2)Euro Indoor 3/06 1. Moser
4.74 | 15-6½ 4)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte; 2. Morris; 3. Bradshaw
4.00 | 13-1½ 1)Slo Ch 6/06
4.56 | 14-11½ 7)Florence DL 6/10 1. Sidorova; 2. Zhuk; 3. Stefanidi; 4. Bengtsson; 4. Bradshaw;
6. Peinado
nh )Athens 6/14 1. Hodel…
4.25 | 13-11¼ 1)Stara Zagora 6/19
4.50 | 14-9 =6)Monaco DL 7/09 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Stefanidi; 4. Bradshaw; 5. Zhuk
4.50 | 14-9 1)Novo Mesto 7/14
4.50 | 14-9 =5)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi
4.71 | 15-5½ 1)Karlsruhe 9/04
4.67 | 15-3¾ 3)Zürich DL 9/09 1. Sidorova; 2. Stefanidi
4.70 | 15-5 1)Bellinzona 9/14
4.50 | 14-9 1)Ljubljana 9/16
6. IRYNA ZHUK (Belarus) (1/26/93, 5-5¼/126) (1.665/57)
4.66 | 15-3½i 1)Gomel 1/29
4.62 | 15-1¾i 2)Rouen 2/06 1. Bradshaw
4.63 | 15-2¼i 3)Liévin WIT 2/09 1. Bradshaw; 2. Stefanidi
4.67 | 15-3¾i 1)Madrid WIT 2/24
4.73 | 15-6¼i 2)Aubière 2/27 1. Bradshaw
4.65 | 15-3i =3)Euro Indoor 3/06 1. Moser; 2. Sutej
4.74 | 15-6½ 6)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte; 2. Morris; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 4. Sutej
4.65 | 15-3 1)Prague 6/07
4.71 | 15-5½ 2)Florence DL 6/10 1. Sidorova
4.56 | 14-11½ 1)Poznań 6/13
nh )Blr Ch 6/25 1. Kantsavenka…
4.61 | 15-1½ 3)Stockholm DL 7/04 1. Knoroz; 2. Bradshaw
4.70 | 15-5 5)Monaco DL 7/09 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Stefanidi; 4. Bradshaw
4.50 | 14-9 =8)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 5t. Kylypko;
5t. Sutej; 5t. Murto
nh )Eugene DL 8/21 1. Nageotte; 2. Bradshaw; 3. Gruver; 4. LeLeux; 5. Newell
4.66 | 15-3½ 2)Karlsruhe 9/04 1. Sutej
4.47 | 14-8 5)Zürich DL 9/09 1. Sidorova; 2. Stefanidi; 3. Sutej; 4. Bradshaw
4.55 | 14-11 2)Innsbruck 9/11 1. Sidorova
4.50 | 14-9 3)Bellinzona 9/14 1. Sutej; 2. Kylypko
7. SANDI MORRIS (US) (7/8/92, 5-8½/143) (1.74/65)
4.81 | 15-9¼i 1)ATL II 1/31
4.88 | 16-0i 1)ATL III 2/07
4.60 | 15-1i 1)New Balance GP 2/13
4.80 | 15-9 1)Texas R 3/26
4.70 | 15-5 1)Drake R 4/24
4.84 | 15-10½ 2)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte
4.70 | 15-5i 2)Marietta ATL 6/11 1. Nageotte
4.60 | 15-1 3)Olympic Trials 6/26 1. Nageotte; 2. LeLeux
4.50 | 14-9 =6)Monaco DL 7/09 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Stefanidi; 4. Bradshaw; 5. Zhuk
4.76 | 15-7¼ 1)Gateshead2 DL 7/13
4.40 | 14-5¼ nq)Olympic Games 8/02 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 5t. Kylypko;
5t. Sutej; 5t. Murto; 8t. Xu; 8t. Zhuk; 8t. Kiriakopoulou;
8t. Peinado; 8t. Silva; 13. Bengtsson; nhLeLeLeux & Newell
8. WILMA MURTO (Finland) (6/11/98, 5-11½/150) (1.82/68)
4.51 | 14-9½i 1)Turku 2/06
4.41 | 14-5½i 1)Helsinki 2/13
4.55 | 14-11i 6)Euro Indoor 3/06 1. Moser; 2. Sutej; 3t. Bradshaw; 3t. Zhuk; 5. Polak
4.43 | 14-6¼ 2)Turku 5/22 1. Lampela
4.30 | 14-1¼ 2)Turku 6/01 1. Lampela
nh )Turku 6/08 1. Lampela…
4.35 | 14-3¼ 3)Sollentuna 6/13 1. Penaido; 2. Bengtsson
4.51 | 14-9½ 1)Jyväskylä 6/19
4.61 | 15-1½ 1)Kuortane 6/26
4.62 | 15-1¾ 1)Vaasa 6/29
4.61 | 15-1½ 3)Gateshead2 DL 7/13 1. Morris; 2. Bradshaw
4.50 | 14-9 =5)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi
4.63 | 15-2¼ 1)Lahti 8/19
4.72 | 15-5¾ 1)Fin Ch 8/29
nh )v Swe 9/04 1. Lampela…
9. ROBEILYS PEINADO (Venezuela) (11/26/97, 5-4¼/110) (1.63/50)
4.66 | 15-3½ 6)Florence DL 6/10 1. Sidorova; 2. Zhuk; 3. Stefanidi; 4. Bengtsson; 4. Bradshaw.
4.55 | 14-11 1)Sollentuna 6/13
4.61 | 15-1½ 1)Lucerne 6/29
4.50 | 14-9 =8)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 5t. Kylypko;
5t. Sutej; 5t. Murto.
10. ANGELICA BENGTSSON (Sweden) (7/8/93, 5-4¼/112) (1.63/51)
4.50 | 14-9 8)Doha DL 5/28 1. Nageotte; 2. Morris; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 4. Sutej;
6. Zhuk; 7. Sidorova
4.66 | 15-3½ 4)Florence DL 6/10 1. Sidorova; 2. Zhuk; 3. Stefanidi
4.55 | 14-11 2)Sollentuna 6/13 1. Peinado
4.45 | 14-7¼ 4)Cluj-Napoca 6/19 1. Moser; 2. Polak; 3. Lampela
4.28 | 14-½ 1)Halmstad 6/29
4.61 | 15-1½ 4)Stockholm DL 7/04 1. Knoroz; 2. Bradshaw; 3. Zhuk
4.50 | 14-9 13)Olympic Games 8/05 1. Nageotte; 2. Sidorova; 3. Bradshaw; 4. Stefanidi; 5t. Kylypko;
5t. Sutej; 5t. Murto; 8t. Xu; 8t. Zhuk; 8t. Kiriakopoulou;
8t. Peinado; 8t. Silva

1. *Katie Nageotte (Nike) 6. Bridget Guy (unattached)
1)Olympic Trials, 1)Olympic Games, 1)Eugene DL 2)Texas R, 4)Drake, 9)Olympic Trials
2. *Sandi Morris (Puma) 7. Nastassja Campbell (Arkansas)
3)Olympic Trials, 1)Gateshead DL, nq)Olympic Games 1B)Texas R, 1)SEC, 6)Olympic Trials
3. Morgann LeLeux (North Harbor Gymnastics TC) 8. Alina McDonald (KMR Athletics)
2)Olympic Trials, nh)Olympic Games, 4)Eugene DL 1)Baskin, 8)Olympic Trials
4. Olivia Gruver (Nike) 9. Sophie Gutermuth (unattached)
3)Mt. SAC, 4)Olympic Trials, 3)Eugene DL 6)Mt. SAC, 3)Music City, 7)Olympic Trials
5. Jenn Suhr (adidas) 10. Megan Clark (Oiselle/New York AC)
5)Olympic Trials 1)ATL I, 2)ATL IV, 10)Olympic Trials