U.S. Women’s Indoor List — 2009

compiled by Glen McMicken

(marks received and verified by 04/11/2009)


These lists give the top U.S. performers of the indoor season, with an appending of those foreign collegians whose marks also fall into the range of our reporting standards. In the oversized-track category, the domestics and foreign collegians are commingled (‘ after name = foreigner on OT list). Relay teams may contain non-U.S. nationals.

Open athletes and high schoolers have no notation before their name. Collegians are noted by class: – = senior; * = junior; **=soph; *** = frosh.

Oversized tracks are those larger than 200m in circumference. OT marks at races longer than 1000m are no longer carried with the main list (except in the multis) because too many huge tracks have been turned into speedways. (A) = altitude over 1000m (in affected events only).

! = secondary performance in a field-event series (only applicable to final end-of-season lists); ¶ = field-event mark for which complete series data is missing (only applicable to final end-of-season lists)

6.69 Tianna Madison (Nike) Jones M 01/24
6.70 ***Santana Lowery (FlorV) JUCO Ind 03/07
6.72 Shalonda Solomon (Reebok) Gamecock Ind 02/21
— 3 performances by 3 performers —
6.76 **Kya Brookins (SC) Gamecock Ind 02/21
6.79 Brianna Glenn (adidas) Fresno 01/19
6.83 **Shayla Mahan (SC) Gamecock Ind 02/21
6.85 *Jessica Young (TCU) Lubbock 01/17
6.89 **Tiffany Townsend (Bay) Lubbock 01/17
Angela Williams (Nike) Jones M 01/24
6.91 **Joanna Atkins (Aub) Jones M 01/24
Ashton Purvis (Ca HS) Natl Scholastic 03/14
Foreign Collegians:
6.80 ***Sheniqua Ferguson (SWMs-Bah) JUCO Ind 03/07
6.84 **Kim Smith (WayB-Jam) TxT Open 01/24
6.86 **Teneshia Peart (FlorV-Can) JUCO Ind 03/07
6.87 **Trisha-Ann Hawthorne (Ct-Jam) Terrier Cl 01/23
7.11 Carmelita Jeter (Nike) Birmingham 02/21
7.13 **Kya Brookins (SC) NCAA Ind 03/14
7.15 Lisa Barber (unat) USATF Ind 03/01
Angela Williams (Nike) Athens 02/25
———Williams Pireás 02/25
— 5 performances by 4 performers —
7.17 -Murielle Ahoure (Mia) Ky Inv 01/17
7.18 Tianna Madison (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
7.19 -Alexandria Anderson (Tx) NCAA Ind 03/13
Rachelle Smith (NRD) USATF Ind 03/01
7.20 Gloria Asumnu (adidas) USATF Ind 03/01
7.22 Bianca Knight (adidas) Razorback Inv 01/24
*Lynne Layne (Tn) SEC Ind 03/01
7.23 Mechelle Lewis (Nike) Düsseldorf 02/13
**Shayla Mahan (SC) SEC Ind 03/01
(A) Sani Roseby (unat) Flagstaff 01/31
7.24 *Porscha Lucas (TxAM) Big 12 Ind 02/28
**Kenyanna Wilson (LSU) NCAA Ind 03/13
7.25 Muna Lee (Nike) Reebok B 02/07
7.26 Stephanie Durst (Nike) Düsseldorf 02/13
*Jessica Young (TCU) NCAA Ind 03/13
7.28 **Joanna Atkins (Aub) SEC Ind 03/01
Juanita Broaddus (Nike) Gent 02/08
**Gabby Mayo (TxAM) Big 12 Ind 02/28
Foreign Collegians:
7.19 *Samantha Henry (LSU-Jam) SEC Ind 03/01
7.27 *Barbara Pierre (StA-Hai) NCAA II Ind 03/14
7.29 **Kim Smith (WayB-Jam) New Mexico Inv 01/31
7.31 ***Samoy Hackett (Linc-Tri) NCAA II Ind 03/14
**Trisha-Ann Hawthorne (Ct-Jam) Big East Ind 02/22
7.34(A) *Wanda Hutson (ACU-Tri) AF Inv 02/14
7.37 *Janika Martell (Linc-Jam) NCAA II Ind 03/14
7.38 -Allison George (TxAM-Grn) Armory Coll 02/06
**Flings Owusu-Agyapong (Syr-Can) Armory Coll 02/06
22.80 -Murielle Ahoure (Mia) NCAA Ind 03/13
22.83 *Porscha Lucas (TxAM) NCAA Ind 03/13
22.88 Bianca Knight (adidas) Tyson Inv 02/13
22.89 *Charonda Williams (AzSt) NCAA Ind 03/13
22.94 ———Lucas Big 12 Ind 02/28
— 5 performances by 4 performers —
23.11 -Alexandria Anderson (Tx) NCAA Ind 03/13
**Tiffany Townsend (Bay) Big 12 Ind 02/28
23.17 Shalonda Solomon (Reebok) Reebok B 02/07
23.23 **Gabby Mayo (TxAM) NCAA Ind 03/13
23.28 **Jessica Beard (TxAM) Big 12 Ind 02/28
23.31 Jeneba Tarmoh (unat) TxAm Inv 02/14
23.34 -Leslie Cole (Ok) Big 12 Ind 02/28
23.37 Ashton Purvis (CaHS) NatScho 03/15
23.42 **Teona Rodgers (FlSt) ACC Ind 02/28
23.48 **Scottesha Miller (Ok) NCAA Ind 03/13
23.58 Ebonie Floyd-Broadnax (unat) TxAm Inv 02/14
23.59 **Shavon Greaves (PennSt) NCAA Ind 03/13
23.68 Nina Gilbert (unat) Razorback Inv 01/24
**Brittany St. Louis (FlSt) Armory Coll 02/07
23.70 Natasha Hastings (Nike) Tyson Inv 02/13
23.73 *Khrystal Carter (TxAM) Big 12 Ind 02/28
Foreign Collegians:
23.23 -Allison George (TxAM-Grn) NCAA Ind 03/13
23.72 **Trisha-Ann Hawthorne (Ct-Jam) Big East Ind 02/22
23.73 ***Nivea Smith (Aub-Bah) University Park 02/07
23.79 **Cache Armbrister (Aub-Bah) Tyson Coll 02/14
23.83 ***Samoy Hackett (Linc-Tri) NCAA II Ind 03/14
23.93 -Pinar Saka (NbO-Tur) Nb Tune-Up 02/20
23.97 -Aleesha Barber (PennSt-Tri) Big 10 Ind 03/01
Oversized Track:
23.30 *Samantha Henry (LSU-Jam) SEC Ind 03/01
23.43 Ashlee Kidd (unat) Ky Inv 01/17
23.46 ***Santana Lowery (FlorV) JUCO Ind 03/07
23.53 *Lynne Layne (Tn) SEC Ind 03/01
23.62 ***Alishea Usery (Fl) SEC Ind 03/01
23.69 ***Sheniqua Ferguson (SWMs-Bah) JUCO Ind 03/07
51.55 **Francena McCorory (Hamp) NCAA Ind 03/14
51.77 **Jessica Beard (TxAM) NCAA Ind 03/14
52.06 ———McCorory Armory Coll 02/07
52.28 Nina Gilbert (unat) Razorback Inv 01/24
52.33 -Leslie Cole (Ok) Armory Coll 02/07
— 5 performances by 4 performers —
52.34 Dominique Darden (Reebok) USATF Ind 03/01
52.44 Ashlee Kidd (unat) USATF Ind 03/01
52.56 -Alexandria Spruiel (NCAT) Va Tech LC 03/07
52.74 -Valerie Brown (WnKy) NCAA Ind 03/13
52.92 Shana Cox (adidas) Blacksburg 02/21
52.96 Miriam Barnes (Nike) Karlsruhe 02/15
53.12 **Joanna Atkins (Aub) NCAA Ind 03/14
53.27 *Keshia Baker (Or) NCAA Ind 03/13
53.28 **LaJada Baldwin (Ms) NCAA Ind 03/14
53.39 Cynetheia Rooks (unat) USATF Ind 03/01
53.50 ***Nadonnia Rodriques (SC) Armory Coll 02/07
53.55 Shareese Woods (Nike) Razorback Inv 01/24
53.57 ***Mandela Graves-Fulgham (Ct) Big East Ind 02/22
53.62 *Fawn Dorr (PennSt) University Park 02/07
53.66 *Asia Washington (VaT) Va Tech LC 03/07
53.67 *Queen Harrison (VaT) PennSt Natl 01/31
Foreign Collegians:
53.04 -Pinar Saka (NbO-Tur) Husker Inv 02/07
53.70 **Endurance Abinuwa (UTEP-Ngr) TxAm Inv 02/14
Oversized Track:
52.61 Atkins SEC Ind 03/01
52.98 Baldwin SEC Ind 03/01
53.41 Rodriques SEC Ind 03/01
53.47 *Brandi Cross (SC) IaSt LC 03/07
53.52 **Shelise Williams (Ar) SEC Ind 03/01
53.66 **Jennifer Mace (Tul) IaSt LC 03/07
Foreign Collegians:
1:12.04 -Clarrise Moh (SH-Fra) Armory Coll 02/07
1:27.78 -Heather Dorniden (Mn) Big 10 Ind 03/01
1:27.96 *Molly Beckwith (In) Big 10 Ind 03/01
1:28.90 ———Dorniden Mn Open 02/21
— 3 performances by 2 performers —
1:29.01 Nina Gilbert (unat) Düsseldorf 02/13
1:29.34 Miriam Barnes (Nike) Düsseldorf 02/13
1:29.51 Katie Waits (Reebok) Ann Arbor 01/24
1:29.65 -Geena Gall (Mi) Ann Arbor 02/21
1:29.85 Charlene Lipsey (NYHS) Armory Coll 02/07
1:29.90 Phyllis Francis (NYHS) NY City 02/14
1:30.25 *Erica Moore (InSt) W Lafayette 01/24
1:30.56 -Katie LaValley (Mi) Big 10 Ind 03/01
2:03.05 Alice Schmidt (Nike) Reebok B 02/07
2:03.19 Hazel Clark (Nike) Reebok B 02/07
2:03.56 Katie Waits (Reebok) USATF Ind 03/01
2:03.71 *Phoebe Wright (Tn) NCAA Ind 03/13
2:03.91 ***Lacey Cramer (BYU) NCAA Ind 03/13
— 5 performances by 5 performers —
2:04.10 -Geena Gall (Mi) NCAA Ind 03/13
2:04.32 Treniere Clement (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
2:04.43 -Heather Dorniden (Mn) NCAA Ind 03/14
2:04.44 -Laura Hermanson (NDSt) NCAA Ind 03/13
2:04.46 **Katie Palmer (BYU) NCAA Ind 03/13
2:04.54 *LaTavia Thomas (LSU) Armory Coll 02/07
2:04.58 -Sarah Bowman (Tn) PennSt Natl 01/31
2:04.72 **Kate Grace (Yale) NCAA Ind 03/13
2:05.16 Jesse Carlin (Nike) Valentine Inv 02/13
2:05.94 Chanteé McBride (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
2:06.02 Angee Henry (TNb) USATF Ind 02/28
2:06.07 *Molly Beckwith (In) NCAA Ind 03/13
2:06.30 Ty Davis (Brooks) USATF Ind 03/01
2:06.36 -Maggie Infeld (Gtn) ECAC Ind 03/07
2:06.37 Nikeya Green (Reebok) USATF Ind 02/28
Foreign Collegians:
2:04.66 *Caitlin Bailey (BC-Can) ECAC Ind 03/08
2:05.73 -Clarisse Moh (SH-Fra) New York City 02/27
2:08.77 -Dawn Nagazina (Tul-Can) Tyson Coll 02/13
Oversized Track:
2:02.39 Wright SEC Ind 03/01
2:03.91 Gall Meyo Inv 02/07
2:04.27 Thomas SEC Ind 03/01
2:04.39 Dorniden Meyo Inv 02/07
2:04.94 *Erica Moore (InSt) Notre Dame LC 03/07
2:05.38 ***Sofie Persson (Ms-Swe) SEC Ind 03/01
2:05.55 Beckwith Meyo Inv 02/07
2:05.70 **Brittany Hall (LSU) SEC Ind 03/01
2:05.88 *Kayann Thompson (LSU-Jam) SEC Ind 03/01
2:05.99 *Shannon Leinert (Mo) Iowa State Cl 02/14
2:06.11 Trisa Nickoley (unat) Iowa State Cl 02/14
2:44.56 ***Emily Infeld (Gtn) PennSt Natl 01/31
2:44.60 *Renee Tomlin (Gtn) PennSt Natl 01/31
2:46.09 Jillian Smith (NJHS) Armory Coll 02/06
— 3 performances by 3 performers —
2:46.51 *Nichole Jones (Bay) Big 12 Ind 02/28
2:46.59 **Sheila Reid (Vill) Big East Ind 02/22
2:46.60 *Lauren Bonds (Ks) Big 12 Ind 02/28
2:47.38 *Samantha Gawrych (BC) ECAC Ind 03/08
2:47.51 **Kaylyn Christopher (WV) Big East Ind 02/22
2:47.52 *Danielle Bradley (Bay) Big 12 Ind 02/28
2:47.81 -Natalie Sherbak (VaT) Blacksburg 02/20
Foreign Collegians:
2:47.27 -Natalja Callahan (Nb-Lat) Big 12 Ind 02/28
2:47.34 **Lucy Van Dalen (SB-NZ) Mets Ind 01/29
4:10.96 Lindsey Gallo (Reebok) Reebok B 02/07
4:17.37 Anna Willard (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
4:18.60 Liz Maloy (unat) Glasgow 01/31
4:18.82 Shayne Culpepper (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
4:19.30 Sara Hall (Asics) USATF Ind 03/01
4:25.91 Jenny Barringer (Co) Big 12 Ind 02/28
4:27.90 Lindsey Gallo (Reebok) Reebok B 02/07
4:29.72 -Sarah Bowman (Tn) NCAA Ind 03/14
4:30.69 Anna Willard (Nike) Tyson Inv 02/13
4:32.17 -Brie Felnagle (NC) Tyson Inv 02/13
— 5 performances by 5 performers —
4:33.19 Kara Goucher (Nike) Millrose G 01/30
4:34.41 -Kellyn Johnson (Wich) NCAA Ind 03/14
4:34.78 **Keri Bland (WV) Big East Ind 02/22
4:38.56 Katie Waits (Reebok) Tyson Inv 02/13
4:38.60 -Lennie Waite (Rice) NCAA Ind 03/14
4:38.63 *Bridget Franek (PennSt) University Park 02/07
4:38.92 Shayne Culpepper (Nike) Millrose G 01/30
4:39.58 -Brenda Martinez (UCR) NCAA Ind 03/14
4:40.18 *Tarah McKay (Louis) Big East Ind 02/22
4:40.31 -Natalie Sherbak (VaT) Blacksburg 02/21
4:40.91 Treniere Clement (Nike) Tyson Inv 02/13
-Lisa Senakiewich (MiSt) Allendale 02/14
4:40.93 -Frances Koons (Vill) PennSt Natl 01/31
4:40.94 Lauren Hagans (unat) Reebok B 02/07
4:40.99 **Sheila Reid (Vill) NCAA Ind 03/14
Foreign Collegians:
4:27.19 -Sally Kipyego (TxT-Ken) Big 12 Ind 02/28
4:34.11 -Susan Kuijken (FlSt-Hol) ACC Ind 02/28
4:36.71 **Lucy Van Dalen (SB-NZ) New York City 02/27
4:36.87 *Pilar McShine (FlSt-Tri) NCAA Ind 03/14
Oversized Track:
4:35.70 **Sheila Reid (Vill) Notre Dame LC 03/07
4:36.09 *Charlotte Browning (Fl-GB) Notre Dame LC 03/07
4:37.07 -Lauren Centrowitz (Stan) Seattle 02/14
4:37.62 Amy Begley (Nike) Seattle 02/14
4:37.79 Koons Notre Dame LC 03/07
4:37.83 *Jessica Pixler (SPac) Seattle 02/14
4:38.00 ***Christine Babcock (Wa) Seattle 02/14
*Katie Follett (Wa) Wash LC 03/07
4:38.48 Clerc Koenck (unat) Meyo Inv 02/07
4:38.51 *Kailey Campbell (Wa) Wash LC 03/07
4:38.64 Sara Vaughn (BouR) Seattle 02/14
4:38.71 **Danielle Tauro (Mi) Notre Dame LC 03/07
4:38.80 -Heather Dorniden (Mn) Iowa State Cl 02/14
4:39.39 -Heidi Dahl (ETn) Atl Sun Ind 02/21
4:39.43 -Gwen Jorgensen (Wi) Iowa State Cl 02/14
4:39.61 *Nicole Blood (Or) Wash LC 03/07
4:40.23 -Alicia Follmar (Stan) Seattle 02/14
8:42.03 -Jenny Barringer (Co) NCAA Ind 03/14
8:46.65 Kara Goucher (Nike) Reebok B 02/07
8:53.27 Amy Begley (Nike) USATF Ind 02/28
8:53.72 Sara Hall (Asics) USATF Ind 02/28
8:55.62 Julie Culley (NYAC) USATF Ind 02/28
— 5 performances by 5 performers —
8:55.74 Shalane Flanagan (Nike) Reebok B 02/07
8:56.92 Lindsey Gallo (Reebok) USATF Ind 02/28
9:01.08 Rebecca Donaghue (NBalB) USATF Ind 02/28
9:02.50 Delilah DiCrescenzo (Puma) USATF Ind 02/28
9:04.35 Nicole Bush (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
9:04.58 -Brie Felnagle (NC) Armory Coll 02/07
9:04.67 Amy Mortimer (Reebok) Reebok B 02/07
9:07.68 Desiree Davila (Hans) Allendale 02/14
9:08.77 -Tasmin Fanning (VaT) Boone 12/05
9:10.04 *Bridget Franek (PennSt) PennSt Natl 01/31
9:10.54 Liz Maloy (unat) Valentine Inv 02/13
9:10.91 Melissa White (Hans) Allendale 02/14
9:11.19 Jen Rhines (adidas) USATF Ind 02/28
9:13.79 Kristin Anderson (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
9:14.32 Lindsay Allen (ME) USATF Ind 02/28
Foreign Collegians:
8:48.77 -Sally Kipyego (TxT-Ken) Reebok B 02/07
8:56.27 -Susan Kuijken (FlSt-Hol) NCAA Ind 03/14
9:13.12 -Danette Doetzel (Prov-Can) Big East Ind 02/22
Oversized Track:
9:08.15 ***Laurynne Chetelat (Stan) Mtn Pac Ind 02/28
9:08.50 ***Mel Lawrence (Wa) Mtn Pac Ind 02/28
9:09.92 *Lisa Koll (IaSt) Ames 01/24
9:10.12 -Gwen Jorgensen (Wi) Meyo Inv 02/07
9:10.99 -Lauren Centrowitz (Stan) Washington Inv 01/31
9:11.24 **Alex Kosinski (Or) Mtn Pac Ind 02/28
9:11.31 -Sarah Bowman (Tn) Ky Inv 01/17
9:11.62 *Angela Bizzarri (Il) Meyo Inv 02/07
14:47.62 Shalane Flanagan (Nike) Reebok B 02/07
15:27.87 Jen Rhines (adidas) Reebok B 02/07
15:55.63 -Gwen Jorgensen (Wi) Big 10 Ind 03/01
15:55.70 -Racheal Marchand (Ia) Big 10 Ind 03/01
15:58.76 *Bridget Franek (PennSt) Big 10 Ind 03/01
— 5 performances by 5 performers —
15:58.92 -Frances Koons (Vill) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:01.30 -Denise Bargiachi (Ar) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:03.04 -Andrea Walkonen (BU) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:03.15 *Emily Anderson (WM) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:04.77 **Amanda Marino (Vill) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:06.01 **Catherine White (Ar) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:07.50 *Angela Bizzarri (Il) Big 10 Ind 03/01
16:08.49 Kathy Newberry (unat) Fairfax 03/01
16:09.67 *Wendi Robinson (In) Big 10 Ind 03/01
16:11.77 -Kellyn Johnson (Wich) Mo Vly Ind 03/01
16:20.12 *Amy Laskowske (Mn) Big 10 Ind 03/01
16:20.95 *Mattie Bridgmon (Or) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:21.60 *Clara Grandt (WV) Big East Ind 02/21
16:22.02 *Krystal Douglas (Prov) ECAC Ind 03/07
16:22.64 *Jessica Pixler (SPac) NCAA II Ind 03/14
Foreign Collegians:
15:51.14 -Sally Kipyego (TxT-Ken) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:00.45 -Danette Doetzel (Prov-Can) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:01.77 *Janet Jesang (WnKy-Ken) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:07.91 **Lillian Badaru (TxT-Ken) NCAA Ind 03/13
16:18.80 **Silje Fjortoft (SMU-Nor) NCAA Ind 03/13
Oversized Track:
15:01.70 Jenny Barringer (Co) Seattle 02/14
15:55.67 -Lindsey Scherf (Or) Washington Inv 01/31
16:09.26 *Anita Campbell (Wa-Can) Seattle 02/14
16:09.29 Bridgmon Seattle 02/14
16:12.65 Pixler Washington Inv 01/31
16:19.69 -Jenna Kingma (AzSt) Seattle 02/14
16:20.06 -Christine Kalmer (Ar-SA) SEC Ind 03/01
16:22.34 *Kate Niehaus (Stan) Mtn Pac Ind 02/28
7.50 Danielle Carruthers (unat) Jones M 01/24
Damu Cherry (Nike) Jones M 01/24
7.62 Shantia Moss (unat) Gainesville 02/07
— 3 performances by 3 performers —
7.70 *Tiki James (CFl) Jones M 01/24
7.71 Tiffany Williams (unat) Jones M 01/24
7.72 Jenny Adams (unat) Fresno 01/19
April Williams (Bart) JUCO Ind 03/07
7.74 Tiffany Johnson (unat) Gamecock Ind 02/21
Ashley Lodree (unat) Fresno 01/19
7.75 -Ronnetta Alexander (SC) Gamecock Ind 02/21
Foreign Collegians:
7.66 **Natasha Ruddock (Essex-Jam) JUCO Ind 03/07
7.82 Lolo Jones (Asics) Karlsruhe 02/15
———Jones Birmingham 02/21
7.84 ———Jones USATF Ind 03/01
7.85 ———Jones Stuttgart 02/07
7.89 Danielle Carruthers (unat) Prague 02/26
— 5 performances by 2 performers —
7.94 Damu Cherry (Nike) Paris 02/13
Hyleas Fountain (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
8.00 -Tiffany Ofili (Mi) NCAA Ind 03/14
8.02 *Queen Harrison (VaT) PennSt Natl 01/31
8.03 *Kristi Castlin (VaT) ACC Ind 02/28
8.04 -Celriece Law (Tn) NCAA Ind 03/14
8.05 Yvette Lewis (unat) Karlsruhe 02/15
8.07 **Teona Rodgers (FlSt) ACC Ind 02/28
8.08 Dawn Harper (unat) Prague 02/26
8.09 -Seun Adigun (Hous) Armory Coll 02/06
8.10 Kellie Wells (Nike) Stuttgart 02/07
8.13 Candice Davis (unat) Liévin 02/10
8.14 Ellakisha O’Kelley (unat) Clemson 02/21
8.15 Leah Kincaid (unat) Chapel Hill 01/31
Shantia Moss (unat) USATF Ind 03/01
8.16 *Vanneisha Ivy (NC) Chapel Hill 01/24
8.17 *Tiki James (CFl) Va Tech LC 03/07
Gi-Gi Johnson (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
Foreign Collegians:
8.07 **Shermaine Williams (JCS-Jam) NCAA II Ind 03/14
8.16 **Natasha Ruddock (Essex-Jam) Millrose G 01/30
8.17 -Aleesha Barber (PennSt-Tri) NCAA Ind 03/14
4 x 200
1:36.71 North Carolina Armory Coll 02/07
4 x 400
3:32.52 Texas A&M NCAA Ind 03/14
3:34.30 Arizona State NCAA Ind 03/14
3:34.64 Penn State NCAA Ind 03/14
3:36.10 ——Penn State University Park 02/07
3:36.20 Arkansas TC Razorback Inv 01/24
— 5 performances by 4 teams —
3:36.40 Disney Elite Jones M 01/24
3:36.51 TCU NCAA Ind 03/14
3:36.61 South Carolina NCAA Ind 03/14
3:36.71 Texas NCAA Ind 03/14
3:36.90 Arkansas NCAA Ind 03/14
3:37.01 North Carolina NCAA Ind 03/14
3:37.08 Oregon NCAA Ind 03/14
3:37.30 Illinois NCAA Ind 03/14
3:37.39 Auburn University Park 02/07
3:38.34 Baylor Big 12 Ind 02/28
3:38.46 Miami TxAM Inv 02/14
3:38.74 Virginia Tech Va Tech Elite 02/07
3:38.84 LSU Armory Coll 02/07
3:38.87 Seton Hall NCAA Ind 03/14
Western Kentucky NCAA Ind 03/14
3:39.24 UCLA Armory Coll 02/07
Oversized Track:
3:33.50 South Carolina SEC Ind 03/01
3:34.63 TCU IaSt LC 03/07
3:35.13 Illinois Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:35.18 Arkansas SEC Ind 03/01
3:35.33 Texas IaSt LC 03/07
3:35.38 Western Kentucky IaSt LC 03/07
3:35.50 Auburn SEC Ind 03/01
3:36.21 Seton Hall Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:36.52 Oregon Mtn Pac 02/28
3:36.62 North Carolina Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:36.86 Mississippi Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:37.07 LSU IaSt LC 03/07
3:37.19 UCLA Mtn Pac Ind 02/28
3:37.29 Baylor Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:37.34 Western Michigan Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:37.95 Michigan Notre Dame LC 03/07
3:39.10 Houston IaSt LC 03/07
4 x 800
8:34.82 Tennessee PennSt Natl 01/31
8:43.93 Georgetown Big East Ind 02/22
8:45.37 ——Georgetown PennSt Natl 01/31
— 3 performances by 2 teams —
8:46.51 Villanova Big East Ind 02/22
8:51.55 West Virginia Big East Ind 02/22
8:52.90 Duke Terrier Cl 01/23
8:54.11 Southern HS, Manahawkin, NJ NIN 03/15
8:56.14 Brown ECAC Ind 03/07
8:57.46 Notre Dame Big East Ind 02/22
8:58.09 Baylor Armory Coll 02/07
8:58.33 Boston College ECAC Ind 03/08
8:58.40 Connecticut Big East Ind 02/22
10:50.98 Tennessee NCAA Ind 03/13
10:56.19 North Carolina NCAA Ind 03/13
10:56.40 ———Tennessee Armory Coll 02/06
10:56.73 BYU NCAA Ind 03/13
10:58.49 Stanford NCAA Ind 03/13
— 5 performances by 4 teams —
11:02.67 Georgetown NCAA Ind 03/13
11:02.81 Oregon NCAA Ind 03/13
11:05.05 Michigan NCAA Ind 03/13
11:06.81 Washington NCAA Ind 03/13
11:08.50 Baylor NCAA Ind 03/13
11:11.33 West Virginia University Park 02/07
11:12.96 Florida State ACC Ind 02/28
11:13.77 Texas Tech Big 12 Ind 02/28
11:18.26 Villanova Armory Coll 02/06
11:23.11 Kansas State NCAA Ind 03/13
11:24.54 Shippensburg NCAA II Ind 03/14
11:25.13 Minnesota Big 10 Ind 03/01
11:26.18 Notre Dame Big East Ind 02/21
11:27.34 Iowa Big 10 Ind 03/01
11:28.63 Boston College Terrier Cl 01/23
11:29.57 Duke Armory Coll 02/06
Oversized Track:
11:05.12 West Virginia Notre Dame LC 03/07
11:05.80 Washington Washington Inv 01/31
11:07.41 Kansas State Notre Dame LC 03/07
11:11.12 Minnesota Meyo Inv 02/07
11:17.92 Washington State. Notre Dame LC 03/07
11:23.91 Indiana Meyo Inv 02/07
11:24.02 Missouri State Notre Dame LC 03/07
1.98 6-6 *Destinee Hooker (Tx) NCAA Ind 03/13
1.95 6-4 3/4 *Liz Patterson (Az) NCAA Ind 03/13
——Hooker ! NCAA Ind 03/13
1.93 6-4 Sharon Day (Asics) Fresno 01/19
6-4 ——Hooker Big 12 Ind 02/28
6-4 ——Patterson Iowa St Cl 02/14
— 6 performances by 3 performers —
1.92 6-3 1/2 Amy Acuff (unat) Millrose G 01/30
1.91 6-3 1/4 -Becky Christensen (Harv) Allston 02/14
1.89 6-2 1/4 -Raevan Harris (Aub) Ky Inv 01/17
Chaunté Howard (Nike) Millrose G 01/30
Deirdre Mullen (Nike) Valentine Inv 02/13
1.87 6-1 1/2 Adriane Sims-Stone (unat) Chapel Hill 01/31
1.86 6-1 1/4 *Epley Bullock (Nb) Husker Inv 02/07
1.835 6-1/4 Hannah Willms (IaHS) Ced Rapids 03/25
1.83 6-0 **Brittani Carter (LSU) NCAA Ind 03/13
*Inika McPherson (Cal) NCAA Ind 03/13
**Dess Meek (SHous) Houston Inv 01/31
1.82 5-11 1/2 *Jasmin Day (Az) Wash LC 03/07
**Priscilla Fredrick (StJ) ECAC Ind 03/07
*Rachel Gehret (Louis) Va Tech LC 03/07
*Amber Kaufman (Hi) Flagstaff 02/14
*Carin Knight (Ct) Armory Coll 02/07
***Kelly McNamee (Wa) Vandal Inv 02/21
*Kristen Meister (Cal) Wash Inv 01/31
**April Sinkler (Clem) ACC Ind 02/28
*Chealsea Taylor (Al) McCravy M 02/07
4.83 15-10 Jenn Stuczynski (adidas) USATF Ind 03/01
4.82 15-9 3/4 ——Stuczynski Reebok B 02/07
4.71 15-5 1/2 ——Stuczynski Millrose G 01/30
4.63 15-2 1/4 ——Stuczynski Tyson Inv 02/13
4.62 15-1 3/4 ——Stuczynski ! Reebok B 02/07
— 5 performances by 1 performer —
4.61 15-1 1/2 Stacy Dragila (Nike) Millrose G 01/30
4.50 14-9 Lacy Janson (Nike) Stuttgart 02/07
4.45(A) 14-7 1/4 Chelsea Johnson (Nike) PV Summit 01/02
4.40 14-5 1/4 **Katelin Rains (Mank) Mn Open 02/21
4.37 14-4 *Alicia Rue (Mn) Minneapolis 01/17
4.35 14-3 1/4 *Kylie Hutson (InSt) NCAA Ind 03/14
*Katie Stripling (Ar) Tyson Coll 02/13
4.28 14-1/2 ***Rachel Laurent (LSU) SEC Ind 03/01
4.27 14-0 **Natalie Willer (Nb) Big 12-Mtn W 01/24
4.25(A) 13-11 1/4 Becky Holliday (New Balance) PV Summit 01/02
4.21 13-9 3/4 **Melissa Gergel (Or) Seattle 02/14
4.20 13-9 1/4 ***Leslie Brost (NDSt) IaSt LC 03/07
Janice Keppler (unat) Ark LC 03/06
(A) -Katie Morgan (Cal) Albuquerque 01/24
*Vera Neuenswander (In) Tyson Coll 02/13
-Dianna Noonan (GVal) Allendale 02/06
-Mary Saxer (NDm) Big East Ind 02/21
4.17 13-8 1/4 **Tara Diebold (Ar) Ark LC 03/06
*Carrie Kayes (Akr) Va Tech LC 03/07
Foreign Collegians:
4.25 13-11 1/4 *Gabriella Duclos (Az-Can) NCAA Ind 03/14
4.20(A) 13-9 1/4 **Sonia Grabowska (UtSt-Pol) Logan 01/17
***Tina `Šutej (Ar-Slo) Armory Coll 02/06
6.71 22-1/4 Brittney Reese (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
6.70 21-11 3/4 -Jeomi Maduka (Corn) Va Duals 02/14
6.66 21-10 1/4 Hyleas Fountain (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
6.63 21-9 ——Maduka Ithaca 01/24
6.60 21-8 -Natasha Harvey (Jack) Atl Sun Ind 02/21
— 5 performances by 4 performers —
6.59 21-7 1/2 Akiba McKinney (Nike) USATF Ind 03/01
6.53 21-5 1/4 Brianna Glenn (adidas) Ire Ch 02/08
6.52 21-4 3/4 Funmi Jimoh (Nike) Linz 02/05
6.51 21-4 1/4 Lela Nelson (Nike) Blacksburg 02/20
**April Sinkler (Clem) ACC Ind 02/28
6.47 21-2 3/4 *Amy Menlove (BYU) Armory Coll 02/06
6.45 21-2 Tianna Madison (Nike) Stockholm 02/18
6.43 21-1 1/4 **Jamesha Youngblood (Or) NCAA Ind 03/13
6.40 21-0 Grace Upshaw (Nike) Paris 02/13
6.39 20-11 3/4 **Ti’Anca Mock (Ok) Razorback 01/24
6.38 20-11 1/4 -Gayle Hunter (PennSt) NCAA Ind 03/13
6.35 20-10 *DeAna Carson (Bay) Armory Coll 02/06
-Pat Springs (UNCC) Va Tech LC 03/07
-Bettie Wade (Mi) Ann Arbor 01/24
6.33 20-9 1/4 Janay Deloach (unat) Reebok B 02/07
6.32 20-9 ***Vashti Thomas (TxAM) Armory Coll 02/06
Foreign Collegians:
6.56 21-6 1/4 -Bianca Stuart (SnIl-Bah) Mo Vly Ind 03/01
6.53 21-5 1/4 -Eléni Kafoúrou (Boise-Gre) NCAA Ind 03/13
6.48 21-3 1/4 -Rhonda Watkins (UCLA-Tri) Armory Coll 02/06
6.47 21-2 3/4 **Kim Williams (FlSt-Jam) ACC Ind 02/28
6.40 21-0 *Shara Proctor (Fl-Agu) NCAA Ind 03/13
6.37(A) 20-10 3/4 Karoline Köhler (SDi-Ger) Mtn West 02/28
6.35 20-10 *Sarah Nambawa (MTn-Uga) Murfreesbo 02/14
6.33 20-9 1/4 -Peter-Gaye Beckford (Ar-Jam) SEC Ind 03/01
13.77 45-2 1/4 Shakeema Welsch (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
13.76 45-1 3/4 Crystal Manning (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
13.72 45-1/4 ——Manning Tyson Coll 02/14
13.68 44-10 3/4 Erica McLain (Nike) USATF Ind 02/28
13.65 44-9 1/2 ——Welsch ! USATF Ind 02/28
— 5 performances by 3 performers —
13.56 44-6 Toni Smith (unat) Sooner Inv 02/21
13.37 43-10 1/2 -Jeomi Maduka (Corn) Heps Ind 03/01
13.28 43-7 -Dione Thomas (CFl) Va Tech LC 03/07
***Vashti Thomas (TxAM) Big 12 Ind 02/28
13.21 43-4 1/4 *Tiara Swanagan (FlSt) ACC Ind 02/28
13.19 43-3 1/4 Sherita Williams (GBTC) USATF-NE 02/22
13.15(A) 43-1 3/4 *Deanna Young (NM) Mtn West 02/28
13.13 43-1 *Lauren Martin (InSt) Mo Vly Ind 03/01
13.11 43-1/4 *Ashika Charan (TxAM) Ar Inv 01/09
13.09 42-11 1/2 -Casey Taylor (Mi) Ann Arbor 01/24
13.06 42-10 1/4 Tahari James (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
13.03 42-9 Tiombé Hurd (unat) Blacksburg 02/21
13.02 42-8 3/4 *Neidra Covington (TCU) TxAm Inv 02/14
**April Sinkler (Clem) ACC Ind 02/28
12.98 42-7 Lena Bettis (unat) Blacksburg 02/21
**Ti’Anca Mock (Ok) Sooner Inv 02/21
**TiAra Walpool (KsSt) Big 12 Ind 02/28
Foreign Collegians:
14.03 46-1/2 **Kim Williams (FlSt-Jam) Blacksburg 01/16
13.62 44-8 1/4 *Sarah Nambawa (MTn-Uga) Murfreesbo 02/14
13.52 44-4 1/4 -Yasmine Regis (TxAM-GB) Armory Coll 02/07
13.45 44-1 1/2 *Karoline Köhler (SDi-Ger) NCAA Ind 03/14
13.32(A) 43-8 1/2 -Decontee Kaye (SDi-Lbr) Mtn West 02/28
13.31 43-8 *Shara Proctor (Fl-Agu) SEC Ind 03/01
13.28 43-7 -Eléni Kafoúrou (Boise-Gre) WAC Ind 02/28
*Patricia Mamona (Clem-Por) Va Tech Elite 02/07
13.24 43-5 1/4 -Andrea Linton (LSU-Jam) NCAA Ind 03/14
12.98 42-7 -Agata Cichoszewska (Troy-Pol) Sun Belt Ind 03/01
18.59 61-0 Jill Camarena (NYAC) USATF Ind 02/28
18.42 60-5 1/4 ——Camarena ! USATF Ind 02/28
18.24 59-10 1/4 Liz Wanless (NYAC) Anderson 02/21
18.18 59-7 3/4 ——Wanless USATF Ind 02/28
18.13 59-5 3/4 ——Camarena ! USATF Ind 02/28
— 5 performances by 2 performers —
17.74 58-2 1/2 -Sarah Stevens (AzSt) NCAA Ind 03/14
17.61 57-9 1/2 Rachel Jansen (unat) NnIa Inv 02/20
17.41 57-1 1/2 Karen Shump (unat) Sooner Inv 02/07
17.12 56-2 -Patience Knight (TxT) Big 12 Ind 02/28
16.90 55-5 1/2 Chandra Brewer (unat) McCravy M 02/07
16.85 55-3 1/2 *Jordyn Brown (Tx) NCAA Ind 03/14
16.80 55-1 1/2 -Stevi Large (Akr) Zips Inv 02/20
16.78 55-3/4 *Mykael Bothum (Id) WAC Ind 02/28
*Aja Evans (Il) NCAA Ind 03/14
16.69 54-9 1/4 *Tynisha McMillian (Ct) Big East Ind 02/22
16.67 54-8 1/4 Robyn Jarocki (unat) Oshkosh 01/23
16.57 54-4 1/2 -Aubrey Baxter (BHills) NAIA Ind 03/07
16.47 54-1/2 -Nia Henderson (Kent) MAC Ind 02/28
Abby Ruston (unat) USATF Ind 02/28
16.32 53-6 1/2 -Nicole Lloyd (Az) Husker Inv 02/07
16.21 53-2 1/4 ***Lawanda Henry (NC) Va Tech Elite 02/07
16.12 52-10 3/4 Adriane Blewitt (unat) Findlay Cl 01/31
16.09 52-9 1/2 -Krishna Lee (Mo) IaSt LC 03/07
Foreign Collegians:
17.94 58-10 1/4 *Mariam Kevkhishvili (Fl-Geo) SEC Ind 03/01
17.42 57-2 **Annie Alexander (Tn-Tri) NCAA Ind 03/14
16.09 52-9 1/2 ***Kelly Closse (SPl-Fra) JUCO Ind 03/07
24.43 80-2 Amber Campbell (Mjo) USATF Ind 03/01
24.19 79-4 1/2 ——Campbell ! USATF Ind 03/01
24.15 79-2 3/4 ——Campbell ! USATF Ind 03/01
24.07 78-11 3/4 ——Campbell ! USATF Ind 03/01
23.85 78-3 ——Campbell ! USATF Ind 03/01
— 5 performances by 1 performer —
23.30 76-5 1/2 Erin Gilreath (NYAC) Anderson 02/21
22.09 72-5 3/4 **D’Ana McCarty (Louis) NCAA Ind 03/13
21.79 71-6 -Stevi Large (Akr) NCAA Ind 03/13
21.68 71-1 1/2 Loree Smith (NYAC) Wash Inv 01/31
21.63 70-11 3/4 Kristal Yush (NYAC) USATF Ind 03/01
21.59 70-10 -Sarah Stevens (AzSt) Flagstaff 02/07
21.34 70-1/4 -Loren Groves (KsSt) Husker Inv 02/07
21.14 69-4 1/4 *Frednisha Marshall (SFA) NCAA Ind 03/13
20.74 68-1/2 ***Victoria Flowers (Ct) N Eng Ind 02/28
20.63 67-8 1/4 -Nia Henderson (Kent) MAC Ind 02/28
20.56 67-5 1/2 Ronda Gullatte (T1D) Nashville 01/11
20.26 66-5 3/4 -Sharon Ayala (Fres) NCAA Ind 03/13
20.21 66-3 3/4 -Ozie Okolie (TxT) TxT Open 01/24
20.07 65-10 1/4 *Irene Cooper (WnMi) Muncie 02/20
20.03 65-8 3/4 **Elisa Bryant (Wa) NCAA Ind 03/13
19.95 65-5 1/2 -Elisha Hunt (Mo) Columbia 02/20
19.79 64-11 1/4 -Aubrey Baxter (BHSt) NAIA Ind 03/07
19.77 64-10 1/2 **Tara Cooper (Ash) NCAA II Ind 03/14
19.75 64-9 3/4 **Valerie Wert (Akr) MAC Ind 02/28
Foreign Collegians:
19.90 65-3 1/2 **Dorotea Habazin (VaT-Cro) Va Tech LC 03/07
4391 Diana Pickler (Asics) USATF Ind 03/07
4386 Liz Roehrig (unat) Minneapolis 01/23
4365 *Amy Menlove (BYU) NCAA Ind 03/13
4342 -Gayle Hunter (PennSt) NCAA Ind 03/13
4320 Sharon Day (Asics) USATF Ind 03/07
— 5 performances by 5 performers —
4292 Julie Pickler (Asics) USATF Ind 03/07
4252 Lela Nelson (Nike) USATF Ind 03/07
-Bettie Wade (Mi) NCAA Ind 03/13
4228 Jackie Johnson (Nike) USATF Ind 03/07
4096 **Chantae McMillan (Nb) NCAA Ind 03/13
4088 -Kalindra McFadden (Or) NCAA Ind 03/13
4073 **Jasmine Cotten (Cinc) Big East Ind 02/22
4063 **Whitney Liehr (Stan) NCAA Ind 03/13
4051 -Kasey Hill (BC) USATF Ind 03/07
4030 *Erica Moore (InSt) Iowa State Cl 02/14
4016 Amanda Twigg (TNod) Minneapolis 01/23
4005 -Shevell Quinley (Az) Mtn Pac Ind 02/28
3998 ***Dorcas Akinniyi (Wi) Big 10 Ind 03/01
3997 -Ashley Trimble (Ky) NCAA Ind 03/13
3967 *Buky Bamigboye (Gtn) Big East Ind 02/22
Foreign Collegians:
4321 ***Brianne Theisen (Or-Can) NCAA Ind 03/13
4267 *Megan Wheatley (Nb-Aus) NCAA Ind 03/13
4235 *Liane Weber (Clem-Ger) NCAA Ind 03/13
4118 -Annett Wichmann (Hi-Ger) NCAA Ind 03/13
4081 *Patrícia Mamona (Clem-Por) ACC Ind 02/28