U.S. Women’s Indoor List — 2007

compiled by Jim Rorick

(marks received and verified by 04/09/2007)


These lists give the top U.S. performers of the indoor season, with an appending of those foreign collegians whose marks also fall into the range of our reporting standards. In the oversized-track category, the domestics and foreign collegians are commingled (‘ after name = foreigner on OT list). Relay teams may contain non-U.S. nationals.

Open athletes and high schoolers have no notation before their name. Collegians are noted by class: – = senior; * = junior; **=soph; *** = frosh.

Oversized tracks are those larger than 200m in circumference. OT marks at races longer than 1000m are no longer carried with the main list (except in the multis) because too many huge tracks have been turned into speedways. (A) = altitude over 1000m (in affected events only).

! = secondary performance in a field-event series (only applicable to final end-of-season lists); ¶ = field-event mark for which complete series data is missing (only applicable to final end-of-season lists)

6.28 Victoria Jordan (TxHS) NIN 03/11
6.71 Nolle Graham (unat) Gator Inv 01/27
6.73 Kya Brookins (SCHS) Gator Inv 01/27
——Brookins Gamecock 02/17
6.76 ——Brookins Gamecock 02/17
——Brookins Gamecock 02/17
**5 performances by 2 performers**
6.78 *Shalonda Solomon (SC) Gamecock 02/17
6.81 **Jessica Young (Rich) Atlantic 10 02/17
6.82 Gabby Mayo (NCHS) Nat Scho 03/11
6.83 Shayla Mahan (MiHS) Findlay 01/20
6.84 **Murielle Ahoure (GM) VaT Inv 01/13
Victoria Jordan (TxHS) NIN 03/11
Tiffany Townsend (TxHS) Nat Scho 03/11
-Shareese Woods (UNCC) VaT Inv 01/12
7.15 *Courtney Champion (Tn) SEC 02/25
7.16 Sani Roseby (Nike) USATF 02/25
7.17 Carmelita Jeter (SBTC) USATF 02/25
7.19 ——Champion SEC 02/24
Juanita Broaddus (unat) LSU LC 03/02
——Champion NCAA 03/10
**6 performances by 4 performers**
7.22 *Gloria Asumnu (Tul) C-USA 02/24
Marshevet Hooker (adidas) USATF 02/25
7.23 Angela Daigle-Bowen (adidas) USATF 02/25
7.24 Victoria Jordan (TxHS) Houston 02/10
Amber Plowden (InI) USATF 02/25
7.25 **Alexandria Anderson (Tx) Big 12 02/23
7.26 Shayla Mahan (MiHS) Ky Inv HS 02/17
(A) Jeneba Tarmoh (CaHS) Simplot HS 02/17
7.27 *Ebonie Floyd (Hous) Tyson Coll 02/09
7.28 Miki Barber (unat) Reeb Boston 01/27
Kya Brookins (SCHS) Clemson 12/02
*Cleo Tyson (Tn) PennSt Nat 01/26
7.29(A) Bianca Knight (MsHS) Simplot HS 02/17
7.30(A) Antonette Carter (Asics) NM Inv 02/16
Brianna Glenn (unat) USATF 02/24
7.31 -Chaunte Bayne (Tx) NCAA 03/09
-Yolanda Goff (Ok) Norman 02/17
Foreign Collegians:
7.14 -Kerron Stewart (Aub-Jam) SEC 02/25
7.20 *Kelly Baptiste (LSU-Tri) SEC 02/25
7.25(A) *Damola Osayomi (UTEP-Ngr) Lobo Inv 01/20
7.29 *Simone Facey (TxAM-Jam) NCAA 03/09
*Sherry Fletcher (LSU-Grn) NCAA 03/09
***Samantha Henry (LSU-Jam) LSU LC 03/02
7.30 *Tracy-Ann Rowe (Aub-Jam) Tyson Inv 02/09
7.31(A) *Virgil Hodge (TCU-StK) Mtn West 02/23
-Yvonne Mensah (Il-Can) Big 10 02/24
22.85 *Shalonda Solomon (SC) Tyson Coll 02/10
22.92 *Courtney Champion (Tn) NCAA 03/09
22.97(A) Bianca Knight (MsHS) Simplot HS 02/17
-Shareese Woods (UNCC) NCAA 03/09
22.98 *Ebonie Floyd (Hous) NCAA 03/09
**5 performances by 5 performers**
23.34 Tiffany Townsend (TxHS) Nat Scho 03/11
23.35 **Alexandria Anderson (Tx) NCAA 03/09
Debbie Dunn (unat) PennSt Nat 01/27
23.39 *Natasha Hastings (SC) Tyson Coll 02/10
23.43 ***Porscha Lucas (TxAM) NCAA 03/09
*Brooklynn Morris (LSU) NCAA 03/09
23.44 -Ashlee Kidd (GaT) PennSt Nat 01/27
23.55 Ashton Purvis (CaHS) Nat Scho 03/11
23.56 **Murielle Ahoure (GM) NCAA 03/09
23.58 ***Lynne Layne (Tn) NCAA 03/09
23.60 *Shana Cox (PennSt) University Park 02/10
23.63 -Latonia Wilson (LaT) WAC 02/23
23.65(A) Jeneba Tarmoh (CaHS) Simplot HS 02/17
*Cleo Tyson (Tn) PennSt Nat 01/27
23.67 Jordine Kimbrel (BITC) Valentine 02/10
**Patrice Potts (VaT) University Park 02/10
Foreign Collegians:
22.58 -Kerron Stewart (Aub-Jam) NCAA 03/09
22.90 *Kelly Baptiste (LSU-Tri) NCAA 03/09
22.97 *Simone Facey (TxAM-Jam) NCAA 03/09
22.99 *Virgil Hodge (TCU-StK) NCAA 03/09
23.23 -Nadine Palmer (Fl-Jam) NCAA 03/09
23.24 *Sherry Fletcher (LSU-Grn) NCAA 03/09
*Carol Rodriguez (USC-PR) NCAA 03/09
23.36 *Tracy-Ann Rowe (Aub-Jam) Tyson Coll 02/10
23.38 ***Samantha Henry (LSU-Jam) NCAA 03/09
23.56 **Davita Prendergast (Linc-Jam) NCAA II 03/10
23.67 *Kineke Alexander (Ia-StV) Big 10 02/25
Oversized Track:
22.46 Stewart’ SEC 02/25
23.26 Morris SEC 02/24
23.37 Lucas Big 12 02/24
23.54 Layne SEC 02/25
23.60 *Nickeisha Anderson (MoB-Jam) NAIA 03/10
36.33 Allyson Felix (adidas) Tyson Inv 02/09
36.42 Dee Dee Trotter (adidas) Tyson Inv 02/09
36.67 ***Francena McCorory (Hamp) VaT Inv 01/12
36.93 *Shalonda Solomon (SC) VaT Inv 01/12
37.07 *Natasha Hastings (SC) VaT Inv 01/12
**5 performances by 5 performers**
37.60 Mary Wineberg (Nike) Tyson Inv 02/09
Oversized Track:
37.48 -Ashlee Kidd (GaT) Meyo Inv 02/02
50.80 *Natasha Hastings (SC) NCAA 03/10
51.64 ——Hastings NCAA 03/09
51.70 ——Hastings Armory Coll 02/03
51.95 Dee Dee Trotter (adidas) USATF 02/25
51.96 -Ashlee Kidd (GaT) NCAA 03/10
**5 performances by 3 performers**
52.26 Monica Hargrove (unat) USATF 02/25
52.31 *Shana Cox (PennSt) PennSt Nat 01/27
Mary Wineberg (Nike) USATF 02/25
52.74 -Jenna Harris (OhSt) NCAA 03/09
52.76(A) Tonette Dyer (Nike) NM Inv 02/16
52.94 *Johnsie Liles (StA) NCAA II 03/10
52.95 *Jessica Cousins (Ar) NCAA 03/10
53.19 -Nina Gilbert (LaT) WAC 02/24
53.33 -Stephanie Smith (SC) NCAA 03/09
53.47 **Ayrizanna Favours (OhSt) University Park 02/10
53.65 *Deonna Lawrence (LSU) Armory Coll 02/03
53.68 **Katie Baker (TxAM) Armory Coll 02/02
53.73(A) *Ariel Burr (NM) Mtn West 02/24
53.74 -Cynetheia Rooks (LSU) NCAA 03/09
53.78(A) Turquoise Thompson (CaHS) Simplot HS 02/17
53.91(A) Licretia Sibley (unat) NM Inv 02/16
53.92(A) -Deborah Jones (TCU) Mtn West 02/24
Foreign Collegians:
51.48 *Kineke Alexander (Ia-StV) NCAA 03/10
52.47 -Ginou Etienne (Mia-Hai) NCAA 03/10
53.59 **Davita Prendergast (Linc-Jam) Tyson Coll 02/09
53.60 -Clora Williams (TxAM-Jam) Armory Coll 02/03
53.72 -Maxcine Foster (StJ-Jam) ECAC 03/04
53.77 **Nickiesha Wilson (LSU-Jam) NCAA 03/09
53.80(A) -Nathandra John (TCU-StK) Mtn West 02/24
Oversized Track:
52.60 Cousins SEC 02/25
52.82 Wilson’ SEC 02/25
52.94 Lawrence SEC 02/25
53.08 Rooks SEC 02/25
53.29 Williams’ Big 12 02/23
53.42 *Kenyata Coleman (Ms) SEC 02/24
53.44 ***Jenna Martin (Ky-Can) SEC 02/24
53.61 *Tanisha Wisdom (MdEnS) Wilson Inv 03/03
53.62 -Latosha Wallace (AzSt) IaSt LC 03/03
53.71 *Latonya Loche (Tn) SEC 02/24
53.82 *Jenaie Edwards (CMi) MAC 02/24
53.91 **Krista Simkins (Mia) IaSt LC 03/03
1:09.16 ***Francena McCorory (Hamp) PennSt Nat 01/27
1:09.56 Debbie Dunn (unat) PennSt Nat 01/27
1:11.72 -Morgan Uceny (Corn) Ithaca 02/17
Oversized Track:+
1:11.56 *Ashley Hubbard (Gtn) Big East 02/18
1:11.66 -Maxcine Foster (StJ-Jam) Big East 02/18
1:27.70 -Morgan Uceny (Corn) University Park 02/10
1:28.38 -Katie Erdman (Mi) Big 10 02/25
1:28.62 **Heather Dorniden (Mn) Big 10 02/25
1:29.31 ——Dorniden Minneapolis 01/20
1:30.08 ——Erdman Big 10 02/24
**5 performances by 3 performers**
1:30.28 Phyllis Francis (NYHS) New York 02/10
1:30.95 *Briene Simmons (PennSt) Big 10 02/25
Foreign Collegians:
1:27.84 *Kineke Alexander (Ia-StV) Iowa City 01/13
1:29.40 -Carlene Robinson (Il-Jam) Big 10 02/25
2:02.68 Nikeya Green (Reebok) USATF 02/25
2:03.47 *Alysia Johnson (Cal) NCAA 03/10
2:03.63 Sasha Spencer (Nike) Leipzig 02/09
2:03.66 ——Spencer Chemnitz 02/23
2:03.70 Christin Wurth-Thomas (Nike) USATF 02/25
**5 performances by 4 performers**
2:04.54 -Katie Erdman (Mi) NCAA 03/09
2:04.58 Mishael Berger (unat) USATF 02/25
-Morgan Uceny (Corn) Heps 02/25
2:04.64 Lauren Austin (unat) USATF 02/25
2:04.70 **Rebekah Noble (Or) NCAA 03/10
2:04.87 **Heather Dorniden (Mn) NCAA 03/10
2:04.96 Chanelle Price (PaHS) University Park 02/24
2:05.33 Frances Santin (SMTC) USATF 02/25
2:05.67 *Briene Simmons (PennSt) NCAA 03/09
2:05.90 *Becky Horn (WnMi) University Park 02/10
2:06.22 **Geena Gall (Mi) Big 10 02/25
2:06.27 **Brie Felnagle (NC) ACC 02/24
2:06.44 ***LaTavia Thomas (LSU) Tyson Inv 02/09
2:06.59 **Sarah Bowman (Tn) Sevigne 02/03
2:07.07 -Georgia Kloss (NC) Armory Coll 02/03
2:07.14 -Leslie Treherne (Tn) Sevigne 02/03
Foreign Collegians:
2:03.58 *Katya Kostetskaya (TxSt-Rus) Tyson Inv 02/09
2:05.41 ***Caitlin Bailey (BosC-Can) ECAC 03/03
2:06.70 **Mable Kunihira (OR-Uga) Fayetteville 03/02
Oversized Track:
2:04.33 Dorniden Meyo Inv 02/03
2:04.61 Julian Clay (Nike) Wash Inv 01/27
2:04.81 Gall Meyo Inv 02/03
2:04.84 *Nicole Edwards (Mi-Can) Meyo Inv 02/03
2:05.60 Kloss Wilson Inv 03/03
2:05.70 -Fatimoh Muhammed (UTEP-Ngr) IaSt LC 03/03
2:05.76 Thomas SEC 02/25
2:05.79 -Georganne Way (Ky) IaSt LC 03/03
2:06.00 *Lavera Morris (Ky) IaSt LC 03/03
2:06.02 -Meisue Francis (LSU-Grn) IaSt LC 03/03
2:06.20 *Morgan Bonds (KsSt) IaSt Class 02/10
2:06.34 **Jamie Cheever (Mn) Meyo Inv 02/03
2:06.52 -Leslie Treherne (Tn) SEC 02/25
2:06.54 *Trisa Nickoley (Mo) IaSt Class 02/10
2:06.60 Lindsey Schnell (AzE) Wash Inv 01/27
2:06.88 *Linda Feldberga (Wich-Lat) IaSt Class 02/10
2:44.51 Amy Mortimer (Reebok) Valentine 02/10
2:45.70 *Frances Koons (Vill) Gotham Cup 01/12
2:46.52 -Morgan Uceny (Corn) Ithaca 01/06
2:47.37 -Marcia Taddy (WiPl) Platteville 01/20
2:47.42 Nikeya Green (Reebok) Fairfax 01/06
**5 performances by 5 performers**
2:48.21 *Briene Simmons (PennSt) University Park 01/20
2:48.61 Sascha Scott (unat) New York 02/23
2:49.12 Anne Shadle (Reebok) Fairfax 01/06
2:50.74 **Jessica Ortman (Alb) America E 02/17
2:50.97 ***Bridget Franek (PennSt) University Park 01/20
Foreign Collegians:
2:50.43 -Nana Ferjan (Brown-Slo) Sorlein 01/20
2:50.57 ***Jessica Driscoll (BC-Can) Roxbury Cross 01/26
Oversized Track:
2:45.68 ***Nichole Jones (Bay) Big 12 02/24
2:47.81 *Temeka Kincy (Tx) Big 12 02/24
2:48.25 -Jenny Mockler (IaSt-GB) Big 12 02/24
2:48.77 **Liliani Mendez (KsSt-PR) Big 12 02/24
4:16.42 Sara Hall (Asics) Armory Inv 01/20
4:20.39 Desiraye Osburn (New Balance) Glasgow 01/27
4:31.35 Shayne Culpepper (Nike) Reeb Boston 01/27
4:31.84 Christin Wurth-Thomas (Nike) Reeb Boston 01/27
4:32.24 Sara Hall (Asics) Reeb Boston 01/27
4:32.68 ——Hall Armory Inv 01/20
4:33.43 Sarah Schwald (Nike) Tyson Inv 02/09
**5 performances by 4 performers**
4:33.86 Lindsey Gallo (Reebok) Reeb Boston 01/27
4:34.94 -Shannon Rowbury (Duke) Tyson Inv 02/09
4:35.84 Collette Douglas (unat) Bloomington 02/16
4:38.54 Natalie Hughes (Nike) USATF 02/24
4:38.74 Keira Carlstrom (unat) USATF 02/24
4:38.98 *Frances Koons (Vill) PennSt Nat 01/27
4:39.14 Desiraye Osburn (New Balance) Sevigne 02/03
4:40.09 Andrea Parker (unat) Ann Arbor 01/20
4:40.18 Amy Mortimer (Reebok) USATF 02/24
4:40.43 Jenelle Deatherage (Reebok) Reeb Boston 01/27
4:40.66 **Tasmin Fanning (VaT) Blacksburg 02/17
4:40.72 **Sarah Bowman (Tn) Tyson Coll 02/09
4:41.26 **Brie Felnagle (NC) Carolina 02/09
4:41.27 Rebecca Donaghue (NewBalB) Armory Inv 01/20
4:41.42 *Allie Bohannon (UCLA) Tyson Coll 02/09
4:41.47 **Geena Gall (Mi) Ann Arbor 01/20
Foreign Collegians:
4:36.08 *Nicole Edwards (Mi-Can) Tyson Inv 02/09
4:40.97 -Barbara Parker (FlSt-GB) Tyson Coll 02/09
4:41.35 **Alex Becker (Tuls-Can) Razorback 01/20
Oversized Track:
4:38.18 **Sally Kipyego (TxT-Ken) Big 12 02/24
4:38.90 *Arianna Lambie (Stan) Husky Cl 02/10
4:39.37 -Katie Erdman (Mi) Lexington 01/13
4:39.95 -Jennie Twitchell (UtSt) Wa LC 03/03
4:41.04 Jen Rhines (adidas) Wash Inv 01/27
4:41.16 Lauren Fleshman (Nike) Wash Inv 01/27
4:41.18 *Meghan Armstrong (Ia) IaSt LC 03/03
4:41.22 ***Jenny Barringer (Co) Big 12 02/24
4:41.36 *Amanda Miller (Wa) Wa LC 03/03
8:33.25 Shalane Flanagan (Nike) Reeb Boston 01/27
8:56.74 ——Flanagan USATF 02/24
9:01.02 *Frances Koons (Vill) Armory Coll 02/03
9:01.22 Sara Hall (Asics) Millrose 02/02
9:02.73 -Shannon Rowbury (Duke) NCAA 03/10
**5 performances by 4 performers**
9:02.91 Jen Rhines (adidas) Millrose 02/02
9:03.47 -Julia Lucas (NCSt) Armory Coll 02/03
9:04.81 *Arianna Lambie (Stan) NCAA 03/10
9:10.75 Lisa Galaviz (Nike) USATF 02/24
9:11.32 Emily Field (unat) USATF 02/24
9:13.03 Collette Douglas (unat) Indiana R 02/03
9:13.33 -Michelle Sikes (WF) NCAA 03/10
9:13.57 Melissa Cook (New Balance) USATF 02/24
9:13.96 Rebecca Donaghue (NewBalB) USATF 02/24
9:14.21 **Brie Felnagle (NC) NCAA 03/10
9:15.52 -Liz Wort (Duke) Tyson Coll 02/10
9:19.07 Kristin Anderson (Nike) USATF 02/24
9:19.31 -Amy Hastings (AzSt) NCAA 03/10
9:20.50 -Erin Webster (Mi) NCAA 03/10
9:20.83 Renee Gunning (PhilTC) Gotham Cup 01/12
9:22.01 *Lindsay Donaldson (Yale) ECAC 03/04
Foreign Collegians:
9:02.05 **Sally Kipyego (TxT-Ken) NCAA 03/10
9:10.62 **Christine Kalmer (Ar-SA) Armory Coll 02/03
9:16.72 -Salome Kosgei (Iona-Ken) Valentine 02/10
9:19.10 **Alex Becker (Tuls-Can) Tyson Coll 02/10
Oversized Track:
8:56.72 Kipyego’ Wash Inv 01/27
9:00.60 Lambie Wash Inv 01/27
9:10.50 Cack Ferrell (OTC) Wash Inv 01/27
9:11.12 Cook Wash Inv 01/27
9:12.75 *Irene Kimaiyo (TxT-Ken) Wash Inv 01/27
9:13.28 Hastings Mtn Pac 02/24
9:13.42 Webster Lexington 01/13
9:13.60 Brianna Dahm (OTC) Wash Inv 01/27
9:16.02 Victoria Jackson (Nike) Wash Inv 01/27
9:16.86 *Kassi Andersen (BYU) Wash Inv 01/27
9:19.65 ***Jenny Barringer (Co) Big 12 02/24
9:20.43 **Erin Bedell (Bay) Wash Inv 01/27
**Sarah Bowman (Tn) SEC 02/24
9:22.01 *Dacla Barr (Ar) SEC 02/24
15:37.97 *Arianna Lambie (Stan) NCAA 03/09
15:44.97 -Michelle Sikes (WF) NCAA 03/09
15:52.10 -Amy Hastings (AzSt) NCAA 03/09
15:57.24 ——Sikes ACC 02/23
15:58.85 -Julia Lucas (NCSt) NCAA 03/09
**5 performances by 4 performers**
16:00.77 -Lindsey Anderson (Web) NCAA 03/09
16:10.40 **Maddie McKeever (Duke) NCAA 03/09
16:11.57 -Sally Meyerhoff (Duke) ECAC 03/03
16:15.26 -Erin Webster (Mi) NCAA 03/09
16:16.53 -Mandi Zemba (GVal) Kent 12/08
16:16.75 Treniere Clement (unat) Tyson Coll 02/09
16:17.39 Renee Gunning (PhilTC) Terrier Inv 01/26
16:17.48 *Kristin Heffelfinger (Ga) Tyson Coll 02/09
16:18.84 ***Lisa Koll (IaSt) NCAA 03/09
16:19.12 **Katie DiCamillo (Prov) ECAC 03/03
16:21.85 **Melissa Grelli (Gtn) Terrier Inv 01/26
16:24.41 -Katie Flaute (Tn) Tyson Coll 02/09
16:24.44 **Jenna Kingma (AzSt) NCAA 03/09
-Toni Salucci (Corn) Heps 02/24
16:28.51 -Jill Steffens (Ga) Tyson Coll 02/09
16:29.27 Rene Metivier-Baillie (Nike) Reeb Boston 01/27
Foreign Collegians:
15:27.42 **Sally Kipyego (TxT-Ken) NCAA 03/09
15:53.42 -Aine Hoban (Prov-GB) NCAA 03/09
16:01.28 -Salome Kosgei (Iona-Ken) New York 02/23
16:24.60 *Diane Nukuri (Ia-Bur) Big 10 02/25
16:27.79 **Danette Doetzel (Prov-Can) ECAC 03/03
16:27.83 *Irene Kimaiyo (TxT-Ken) Tyson Coll 02/09
Oversized Track:
15:30.17 Hastings Husky Cl 02/10
15:57.18 Victoria Jackson (Nike) Wash Inv 01/26
16:13.53 Webster Meyo Inv 02/02
16:14.12 Kingma Wa LC 03/03
16:14.67 ***Ali Kielty (AzSt) Wa LC 03/03
16:15.47 Melissa Cook (New Balance) Husky Cl 02/10
16:15.65 Koll IaSt LC 03/03
16:16.33 **Whitney McDonald (BYU) Wash Inv 01/26
16:21.52 *Rachel Papin (LaS) Husky Cl 02/10
16:23.09 *Irene Kimaiyo’ Big 12 02/24
16:24.50 Nukuri’ IaSt Class 02/09
16:25.90 -Molly Huddle (NDm) Big East 02/17
16:27.74 -Nicole Feest (CoSt) Husky Cl 02/10
16:28.02 -Amy Kohlmeier (NDm-Can) Big East 02/17
16:28.19 **Anita Campbell (Wa-Can) Mtn Pac 02/23
7.11 Jackie Coward (TnHS) NIN 03/11
7.60 *Shantia Moss (GaT) Gator Inv 01/27
7.61 ——Moss Gator Inv 01/27
***Kristi Castlin (VaT) VaT LC 03/03
7.65 *Yvette Lewis (Hamp) VaT Inv 01/12
——Lewis VaT Inv 01/12
**5 performances by 3 performers**
7.67 Jackie Coward (TnHS) Nashville 01/07
7.70 **Pavi’elle James (Tn) VaT LC 03/03
7.76 -Chiquita Martin (SC) VaT LC 03/03
Lindsay Rowe (NYHS) Eastern St HS 02/27
7.77 **Aleesha Barber (PennSt) University Park 02/09
7.78 Ebony Foster (Nike) Boone 02/08
7.81 ***Queen Harrison (VaT) University Park 02/09
Foreign Collegian:
7.81 -Jessica Cziakowski (WV-Can) University Park 02/09
7.86 Gail Devers (Nike) Millrose 02/02
7.87 Lolo Jones (unat) Karlsruhe 02/11
7.88 ——Jones USATF 02/25
7.91 Joanna Hayes (Nike) Millrose 02/02
——Jones Stuttgart 02/03
**5 performances by 3 performers**
7.92 Danielle Carruthers (Nike) USATF 02/25
7.93 Nichole Denby (Nike) USATF 02/25
7.98 *Shantia Moss (GaT) NCAA 03/09
8.00 *Jessica Ohanaja (LSU) NCAA 03/09
8.01 -Ashley Lodree (Wa) NCAA 03/09
8.05 -Candice Davis (USC) NCAA 03/09
**Tiffany Ofili (Mi) Meyo Inv 02/03
8.06 Jenny Adams (adidas) Tyson Inv 02/09
Sheena Johnson (Nike) USATF 02/25
8.08 Dawn Harper (Vec) Tyson Inv 02/09
8.11 Kellie Wells (Nike) Reeb Boston 01/27
8.13 ***Nia Ali (Tn) NCAA 03/09
8.15 **Celriece Law (Tn) SEC 02/25
*LaNeisha Waller (Il) Big 10 02/25
8.17 Jackie Coward (TnHS) Ky Inv HS 02/17
*Yvette Lewis (Hamp) PennSt Nat 01/27
8.19(A) Ebony Foster (Nike) NM Inv 02/16
*Amber Williams (Ball) MAC 02/24
-Rebecca Williams (IaSt) Big 12 02/24
Foreign Collegians:
8.01 **Nickiesha Wilson (LSU-Jam) NCAA 03/09
8.17 -Monique Morgan (Vill-Jam) ECAC 03/04
4 x 200
1:37.98 Pitt Armory Coll 02/03
1:38.74 George Mason Armory Coll 02/03
1:39.17 Uniondale HS, NY Armory Col 02/03
4 x 400
3:29.57 South Carolina NCAA 03/10
3:29.93 Texas A&M NCAA 03/10
3:30.26 LSU NCAA 03/10
3:30.95 ——South Carolina Armory Coll 02/03
3:31.77 ——LSU Armory Coll 02/03
**5 performances by 3 performers**
3:33.39 Penn State NCAA 03/10
3:34.68 Louisiana Tech NCAA 03/10
3:34.75 TCU NCAA 03/10
3:35.19 Arkansas NCAA 03/10
3:36.02 Texas NCAA 03/10
3:36.17 Arizona State NCAA 03/10
3:36.69 Tennessee VaT LC 03/03
3:36.76 Illinois Tyson Coll 02/10
3:37.10 Baylor Fayetteville 03/02
3:38.27 UCLA Tyson Coll 02/10
3:38.63 Ohio State University Park 02/10
3:38.92 Oregon Tyson Coll 02/10
3:39.20 Virginia Tech PennSt Nat 01/27
3:39.96 Western Michigan University Park 02/10
3:40.32 Lincoln Indiana R 02/03
3:40.56 Oklahoma NCAA 03/10
3:40.71 St Augustine’s NCAA II 03/10
3:40.97 Miami Tyson Coll 02/10
Oversized Track:
3:29.86 LSU SEC 02/25
3:34.69 Arkansas SEC 02/25
3:35.61 Oklahoma Wilson Inv 03/03
3:36.20 Illinois Wilson Inv 03/03
3:37.48 Oregon Mtn Pac 02/24
3:37.62 Western Michigan Wilson Inv 03/03
3:37.64 Cal Mtn Pac 02/24
3:39.85 Seton Hall Big East 02/18
3:39.98 Mississippi Wilson Inv 03/03
3:40.66 Kansas IaSt LC 03/03
4 x 800
8:49.37 Columbia Heps 02/25
8:54.09 Yale Heps 02/25
8:55.60 Penn Heps 02/25
8:56.43 Duke ECAC 03/04
8:56.47 Cornell ECAC 03/04
**5 performances by 5 performers**
8:58.49 Villanova Gotham Cup 01/12
8:59.85 Carmel HS, NY Nat Scho 03/11
9:01.09 Georgetown VaT Inv 01/13
9:01.17 Roosevelt HS, Greenbelt, Md Armory Coll 02/03
9:01.48 Hampton Armory Coll 02/03
9:02.65 Warwick Valley HS, Warwick, NY Nat Scho 03/11
9:02.66 Albany America E 02/17
9:02.67 Princeton Heps 02/25
9:03.28 Boston U America E 02/17
9:03.65 Brown Heps 02/25
Oversized Track:
8:49.04 Villanova Big East 02/18
8:50.47 Georgetown Big East 02/18
9:01.26 Marquette Big East 02/18
9:02.61 Syracuse Big East 02/18
9:03.60 South Florida Big East 02/18
3:52.25 Penn State University Park 01/13
3:53.19 Cornell University Park 01/13
3:56.46 Easton Area HS, Easton, Pa NIN 03/10
10:59.46 North Carolina NCAA 03/09
11:04.63 ——North Carolina Armory Coll 02/02
11:05.92 Tennessee NCAA 03/09
11:08.67 Michigan NCAA 03/09
11:10.84 Virginia Tech NCAA 03/09
**5 performances by 4 performers**
11:10.87 Baylor NCAA 03/09
11:12.93 Georgetown ECAC 03/04
11:12.95 Villanova PennSt Nat 01/26
11:13.47 Princeton ECAC 03/04
11:13.48 Oklahoma NCAA 03/09
11:14.78 Penn State PennSt Nat 01/26
11:14.91 Minnesota NCAA 03/09
11:15.20 Duke Tyson Coll 02/10
11:16.89 Arkansas NCAA 03/09
11:19.42 Columbia ECAC 03/04
11:19.58 Texas Tech Tyson Coll 02/10
11:26.92 Penn ECAC 03/04
11:27.13 Illinois Tyson Coll 02/10
11:27.73 Kentucky Armory Coll 02/02
11:29.89 Grand Valley State NCAA II 03/09
11:34.46 Wisconsin-Platteville NCAA III 03/09
Oversized Track:
11:04.38 Michigan Meyo Inv 02/02
11:10.71 Baylor Wash Inv 01/26
11:13.17 Arkansas Wilson Inv 03/02
11:14.83 Minnesota Meyo Inv 02/02
11:15.73 BYU Wilson Inv 03/02
11:17.96 Purdue Wilson Inv 03/02
11:18.07 Texas Tech Big 12 02/23
11:18.29 Oregon Mtn Pac 02/24
11:21.20 Rice Wilson Inv 03/02
11:23.61 Wisconsin Wilson Inv 03/02
11:24.45 Washington Wash Inv 01/26
11:25.16 Indiana Wilson Inv 03/02
11:28.62 Florida SEC 02/25
11:29.34 UC Riverside Wash Inv 01/26
11:33.88 Texas Big 12 02/23
1.96 6-5 **Destinee Hooker (Tx) Tyson Coll 02/10
1.93 6-4 ——Hooker ! Tyson Coll 02/10
1.92 6-3 1/2 Amy Acuff (Asics) USATF 02/24
1.90 6-2 3/4 ——Hooker ! Tyson Coll 02/10
1.89 6-2 1/4 ——Acuff Millrose 02/02
——Acuff ! USATF 02/24
**6 performances by 2 performers**
1.87 -Sarah Wilfred (Corn) Heps 02/25
1.86 6-1 1/4 Sheena Gordon (unat) USATF 02/24
-Kaylene Wagner (KsSt) Manhattan 02/14
Gwen Wentland (Nike) Manhattan 02/14
1.85 6-3/4 *Kristina Bolterstein (MO) Big East 02/18
1.84(A) 6-1/2 *Keneisha Creary (UCLA) Flagstaff 02/17
*Mariesa Greene (Il) Tyson Coll 02/10
**Raevan Harris (Aub) LSU LC 03/02
(A) -Caroline Wolf (TxAM) Lobo Inv 01/19
1.83 6-0 ***Epley Bullock (Nb) Big 12 02/24
**Inika McPherson (Cal) Wa LC 03/03
-Natalie Sako (Akr) Ann Arbor 01/20
-Lacy Wilson (TxT) Big 12 02/24
1.82 5-11 1/2 -Diana Pickler (WaSt) Mtn Pac 02/24
**Brittney Reese (Ms) SEC 02/25
-Debra Vento (Duke) ACC 02/24
1.81 5-11 1/4 Beth Castagno (Shore) IaSt Class 02/10
**Becky Christensen (Harv) Princeton 02/10
*Kwonya Ferguson (StA) Blacksburg 02/17
Ann Larsen (unat) Gainesville 01/13
***Kristen Meister (David) Southern 02/17
(A) ***Liz Patterson (Az) Flagstaff 01/20
-Brittany Robinson (Morg) ECAC 03/03
(A) *Britney Rogers (NnAz) Flagstaff 02/17
Karol Rovelto (unat) Manhattan 02/14
Christine Spence (Nike) Columbus 02/17
-Jessie Stringer (OhSt) Columbus 02/17
1.80 5-10 3/4 Kelley Bowman (unat) Carbondale 12/08
Deirdre Mullen (Shore) USATF 02/24
Monique Roberts (NYHS) State HS 02/19
1.79 5-10 1/2 *Sharon Day (SLO) Husky Cl 02/10
-Alesha Stegemoller (SMU) C-USA 02/23
Questionable performance:
1.87 6-1 1/2 Bolterstein Findlay 12/02
-Renee Hein (Cin) Findlay 12/02
Foreign Collegians:
1.89 6-2 1/4 **Lavern Spencer (Ga-StL) NCAA 03/09
-Patty Sylvester (Ga-Grn) NCAA 03/09
1.85 6-3/4 -Gaëlle Niare (SMU-Fra) C-USA 02/23
1.84 6-1/2 -Miruna Mataoanu (Al-Rom) Armory Coll 02/03
1.83 6-0 -Peaches Roach (Ia-Jam) Iowa City 02/16
1.82 5-11 1/2 **Viktoria Andonova (Mia-Bul) ACC 02/24
4.72 15-5 3/4 Jenn Stuczynski (adidas) Tyson Inv 02/09
4.70(A) 15-5 ——Stuczynski PV Sum 01/19
4.63 15-2 1/4 ——Stuczynski Reeb Boston 01/27
4.62 15-1 3/4 ——Stuczynski ! Tyson Inv 02/09
4.61 15-1 1/2 ——Stuczynski Ithaca 01/06
——Stuczynski Toronto 02/18
**6 performances by 1 performer**
4.60 15-1 Lacy Janson (Nike) USATF 02/25
(A) April Steiner (adidas) PV Sum 01/19
4.53 14-10 1/4 Becky Holliday (New Balance) Jonesboro 02/14
4.52 14-10 Mary Sauer (Asics) Tyson Inv 02/09
4.46 14-7 1/2 Niki McEwen (unat) Husky Cl 02/10
4.43 14-6 1/4 Jillian Schwartz (Nike) Reeb Boston 01/27
4.40 14-5 1/4 Erica Bartolina (unat) USATF 02/25
4.37 14-4 Tracy O’Hara (adidas) Tyson Inv 02/09
4.33 14-2 1/2 Tori Anthony (CaHS) Husky Cl 02/10
4.30(A) 14-1 1/4 *April Kubishta (AzSt) Flagstaff 02/03
*Natalie Moser (Fl) NCAA 03/10
Andreé Pickens (Bell) USATF 02/25
**Elouise Rudy (MtSt) NCAA 03/10
4.27 14-0 Tamara Diles (PalTC) Nampa 02/16
**Katelin Rains (Mank) NCAA II 03/09
4.25(A) 13-11 1/4 Erin Asay (Shef) PV Sum Op 01/20
4.22 13-10 Chelsea Johnson (Nike) Tyson Inv 02/09
(A) *Ingrid Kantola (UCLA) Flagstaff 02/17
4.21 13-9 3/4 Kate Soma (unat) Husky Cl 02/10
4.20 13-9 1/4 *Jessie Gallaher (Conc/O) NAIA 03/09
-Melinda Owen (Id) NCAA 03/10
Kira Sims (unat) USATF 02/25
4.18 13-8 1/2 *Stephanie Irwin (Ar) Tyson Coll 02/09
**Brysun Stately (Nb) Tyson Coll 02/09
4.17 13-8 1/4 -Jodi Unger (Ar) SEC 02/24
4.15 13-7 1/4 *Sarah Landau (M/O) Muncie 02/16
4.12 13-6 1/4 -Emily Enders (Or) Wa LC 03/03
*Ashley Laughlin (Tx) Fayetteville 03/02
4.11 13-5 3/4 ***Vera Neuenswander (In) Big 10 02/24
**Mallory Peck (Pur) Big 10 02/24
(A) Shade Weygandt (TxHS) PV Sum HS 01/20
Foreign Collegians:
4.30 14-1 1/4 *Kate Sultanova (Ks-Rus) NCAA 03/10
6.64 21-9 1/2 **Brittney Reese (Ms) SEC 02/24
6.55 21-6 Akiba McKinney (Nike) USATF 02/24
6.53 21-5 1/4 Nolle Graham (unat) Gainesville 01/13
——Reese ! SEC 02/24
6.52 21-4 3/4 ——Graham ! Gainesville 01/13
**5 performances by 3 performers**
6.48 21-3 1/4 -Brenda Faluade (Mia) NCAA 03/09
6.43 21-1 1/4 Shameka Marshall (unat) Gotham Cup 01/12
6.42(A) 21-3/4 -Janay DeLoach (CoSt) Laramie 12/09
6.38 20-11 1/4 *Kwonya Ferguson (StA) Blacksburg 02/16
6.37 20-10 3/4 **Natasha Harvey (Jack) NCAA 03/09
6.35 20-10 Brianna Glenn (unat) USATF 02/24
6.31 20-8 1/2 *Kathryn Coleman (LSU) Baton Rouge 01/26
6.30 20-8 *Vonteena Knotts (App) Boone 12/02
6.29 20-7 3/4 Antonette Carter (Asics) USATF 02/24
6.28 20-7 1/4 -Portia Nash (Ok) Big 12 02/23
6.27 20-7 -Amy Seward (Mia) ACC 02/23
6.26 20-6 1/2 -Lauryn Jordan (Or) Mt Pac 02/23
*Yvette Lewis (Hamp) Armory Coll 02/02
***Sarah Matthew (Stan) Mtn Pac 02/23
**Mindy Neeley (BYU) Nampa 01/20
6.25 20-6 1/4 -Sandra Anane (NMSt) Norman 02/17
***Ashika Charan (TxAM) Armory Coll 02/02
Foreign Collegians:
6.57 21-6 3/4 **Rhonda Watkins (UCLA-Tri) NCAA 03/09
6.31 20-8 1/2 **Bianca Stuart (SnIl-Bah) Mo Vly 02/23
6.30 20-8 -Yvonne Mensah (Il-Can) Big 10 02/24
6.26 20-6 1/2 -Tanika Liburd (SnMs-StK) LSU LC 03/02
13.91 45-7 3/4 *Erica McLain (Stan) NCAA 03/10
13.61 44-8 *Yvette Lewis (Hamp) NCAA 03/10
13.58 44-6 3/4 Ke’Nyia Richardson (CaHS) Nat Scho 03/11
13.56 44-6 Shani Marks (unat) USATF 02/25
13.54 44-5 1/4 ——McLain ! NCAA 03/10
**5 performances by 4 performers**
13.53 44-4 3/4 -Tomika Ferguson (Va) VaT LC 03/03
13.43 44-3/4 Tiombé Hurd (Nike) Baton Rouge 02/16
13.39 43-11 1/4 -Brenda Faluade (Mia) ACC 02/24
13.38(A) 43-10 3/4 *Renee Williams (UCLA) Flagstaff 02/17
13.31 43-8 -Alyce Williams (FlSt) ACC 02/24
13.30 43-7 3/4 *Kwonya Ferguson (StA) Blacksburg 02/17
13.26 43-6 Sherita Williams (GBTC) Valentine 02/10
13.19(A) 43-3 1/4 *Cassandra Strickland (Cal) Albuquerque 01/27
13.18 43-3 -Sharonda Johnson (UNCC) VaT LC 03/03
*Toni Smith (Ok) Big 12 02/24
13.17 43-2 1/2 Brandy Depland (unat) USATF 02/25
13.16 43-2 1/4 *Crystal Manning (Ks) Tyson Coll 02/10
13.14 43-1 1/2 -Sandra Anane (NMSt) WAC 02/24
-Jackie Smart (CMi) Wilson Inv 03/03
13.05(A) 42-9 3/4 ***Neidra Covington (TCU) Mtn West 02/24
13.01 42-8 1/4 ***Ashika Charan (TxAM) Big 12 02/24
12.92 42-4 3/4 Ronda White (unat) Chapel Hill 01/13
12.89 42-3 1/2 *Tahari James (BU) America E 02/17
12.87 42-2 3/4 Cortney Stafford (unat) Husky Cl 02/10
Amanda Thieschafer (unat) USATF 02/25
Jamesha Youngblood (CaHS) NIN 03/11
Foreign Collegians:
13.60 44-7 1/2 -Patty Sylvester (Ga-Tri) Gator Inv 01/27
13.32 43-8 1/2 -Michelle Vaughn (Aub-Guy) SEC 02/25
13.30 43-7 3/4 -Yvonne Mensah (Il-Can) Big 10 02/25
13.27 43-6 1/2 **Yasmine Regis (TxAM-GB) Big 12 02/24
*Nelly Tchayem (UTEP-Fra) Tyson Coll 02/10
13.26 43-6 *Agata Kosuda (IaSt-Pol) IaSt LC 03/03
13.21 43-4 1/4 **Andrea Linton (LSU-Jam) LSU LC 03/02
13.18 43-3 *Marianne Schlachter (KsSt-Ger) Big 12 02/24
13.11 43-1/4 ***Patrícia Mamona (Clem-Por) Fayetteville 03/02
13.02 42-8 3/4 **Eléni Kafoúrou (Boise-Gre) Nampa 02/03
13.01(A) 42-8 1/4 -Kamila Rywelska (BYU-Pol) Mtn West 02/24
12.99 42-7 1/2 ***Shara Proctor (Fl-Agu) SEC 02/25
18.55 60-10 1/2 Liz Wanless (NYAC) Gator Inv 01/27
18.48 60-7 3/4 ——Wanless ! Gator Inv 01/27
18.46 60-6 3/4 Jill Camarena (NYAC) USATF 02/24
18.44 60-6 ——Camarena ! USATF 02/24
18.42 60-5 1/4 ——Camarena Flagstaff 02/03
** 5 performances by 2 performers**
18.16 59-7 **Sarah Stevens (AzSt) NCAA 03/09
18.12 59-5 1/2 -Michelle Carter (Tx) NCAA 03/09
17.95 58-10 3/4 Kristin Heaston (unat) Tyson Coll 02/10
17.42 57-2 -Kacey Onwuchekwa (TxAM) Armory Coll 02/02
17.28 56-8 1/2 **Ashley Muffet (Ky) SEC 02/25
17.20 56-5 1/4 *Rachel Jansen (NnIa) Mo Vly 02/23
17.11 56-1 3/4 -Gail Lee (Mem) C-USA 02/24
17.03 55-10 1/2 *Jessica Pressley (AzSt) NCAA 03/09
16.90 55-5 1/2 Robyn Jarocki (unat) USATF 02/24
16.66 54-8 Chandra Brewer (unat) IaSt Class 02/10
16.62 54-6 1/2 Adriane Blewitt (unat) Flagstaff 02/17
16.61 54-6 -Abby Ruston (TxSt) NCAA 03/09
16.53 54-2 3/4 Jennifer Leatherman (unat) Lewisburg 02/10
16.52 54-2 1/2 *Brittany Pryor (VaT) Univ Park 02/10
16.36 53-8 1/4 *Ciera Ayangbile (VaT) McCravy 01/20
Kenitra Woods (unat) USATF 02/24
16.33 53-7 **Jeré Summers (CSN) WAC 02/23
16.12 52-10 3/4 -Liz Alabi (Mn) Big 10 02/24
16.11 52-10 1/4 *Liz Podominick (Mn) Big 10 02/24
16.07 52-8 3/4 -Sarah Vance (Buf) PennSt Nat 01/27
16.06 52-8 1/4 **Stevi Large (Akr) Akron 01/12
16.04 52-7 1/2 *Billie-Jo Grant (Va) VaT Inv 01/13
16.01 52-6 1/2 Kamorean Hayes (NCHS) NIN 03/11
15.97 52-4 3/4 Susan King (unat) Jonesboro 12/02
15.87 52-3/4 -Kelli Burton (Az) Albuquerque 01/27
15.86 52-1/2 Dayana Octavien (unat) GB Ch 02/11
15.85 52-0 **Krishna Lee (Mo) Columbia 12/08
Foreign Collegians:
16.63 54-6 3/4 -Aymara Albury (Al-Bah) SEC 02/25
16.32 53-6 1/2 ***Mariam Kevkhishvili (Fl-Geo) NCAA 03/09
16.20 53-1 3/4 *Shernelle Nicholls (Mo-Bar) IaSt LC 03/03
16.01 52-6 1/2 *Nadia Alexander (LaT-Jam) WAC 02/23
15.85 52-0 -Zara Northover (NEn-Jam) New York 01/19
15.83 51-11 1/4 **Sivan Aballi (Mem-Isr) Cape Girard 02/16
25.56 83-10 1/4 *Brittany Riley (SnIl) NCAA 03/10
25.05 82-2 1/4 ——Riley ! NCAA 03/10
24.57 80-7 1/2 ——Riley Bloomington 01/27
24.54 80-6 1/4 Amber Campbell (Mjo) USATF 02/25
24.25 79-6 3/4 ——Campbell ! USATF 02/25
**5 performances by 2 performers**
23.30 76-5 1/2 Erin Gilreath (NYAC) Indiana R 02/03
22.26 73-1/2 Jennifer Leatherman (unat) PennSt Nat 01/26
22.15 72-8 Kristal Yush (unat) USATF 02/25
22.10 72-6 1/4 Loree Smith (NYAC) Husky Cl 02/10
21.42 70-3 1/2 Keturah Lofton (unat) Akron 02/03
21.16 69-5 1/4 **Sarah Stevens (AzSt) Mtn Pac 02/23
**Shawneise Williams (Fl) Gainesville 01/13
21.05 69-3/4 -Liz Alabi (Mn) Big 10 02/25
20.91 68-7 1/4 *Khadija Talley (Mia) VaT LC 03/03
20.87 68-5 3/4 *Veronica Jatsek (OhSt) Big 10 02/25
20.85 68-5 -Della Clark (Clem) NCAA 03/10
20.84 68-4 1/2 -Britney Henry (Or) Wa LC 03/03
20.82 68-3 3/4 **Loren Groves (KsSt) Manhattan 02/14
20.79 68-2 1/2 *Elisha Hunt (Mo) NCAA 03/10
20.57 67-6 Astin Steward (unat) W Lafayette 02/17
20.54 67-4 3/4 Melissa Myerscough (unat) Lincoln 02/16
20.37 66-10 *Kristen Callan (VaT) VaT LC 03/03
20.35 66-9 1/4 -Tiffany Evans (Rad) VaT LC 03/03
Foreign Collegians:
22.53 73-11 -Jenny Dahlgren (Ga-Arg) NCAA 03/10
4393 *Jacquelyn Johnson (AzSt) NCAA 03/10
4339 -Diana Pickler (WaSt) NCAA 03/10
4260 ——Pickler Pullman 01/26
4225 -Melissa Talbot (Wi) NCAA 03/10
4202 -Kerstin Greene (Ford) NCAA 03/10
**5 performances by 4 performers**
4177 *Liz Roehrig (Mn) Big 10 02/24
4158 **Bettie Wade (Mi) Big 10 02/24
4098 Fiona Asigbee (unat) USATF 03/04
4097 Bridgette Ingram (LM) USATF 03/04
4085 -Abbie Stechschulte (WV) NCAA 03/10
4084 -Katie Lloyd (CoSt) NCAA 03/10
4073 *Kasey Hill (BC) NCAA 03/10
4046 -Julie Pickler (WaSt) NCAA 03/10
4040 Sara Jane Baker (unat) Sevigne 02/03
4033 **Gayle Hunter (PennSt) University Park 02/09
4025 *Julianne Kennedy (TxT) Big 12 02/23
4019 *Tamara Highsmith (Ct) ECAC 03/03
3993 Lela Nelson (Nike) Clemson 01/26
3983 Reidun Wallin (AzStTC) Dartmouth R 01/05
3963o **Lauren Collins (UCI) Mtn Pac 02/23
3957o -Lauryn Jordan (Or) Mtn Pac 02/23
Foreign Collegians:
4089 ***Liane Weber (Clem-Ger) ACC 02/22
4039 **Annett Wichmann (Hi-Ger) Wash Inv 01/26
3996 -Gunild Kreb (VaT-Ger) ACC 02/22