U.S. Men’s Indoor List — 2004

compiled by Dan Lilot

(marks received and verified by 03/10/2004)


These lists give the top U.S. performers of the indoor season, with an appending of those foreign collegians whose marks also fall into the range of our reporting standards. In the oversized-track category, the domestics and foreign collegians are commingled (‘ after name = foreigner on OT list). Relay teams may contain non-U.S. nationals.

Open athletes and high schoolers have no notation before their name. Collegians are noted by class: – = senior; * = junior; **=soph; *** = frosh.

Oversized tracks are those larger than 200m in circumference. OT marks at races longer than 1000m are no longer carried with the main list (except in the multis) because too many huge tracks have been turned into speedways. (A) = altitude over 1000m (in affected events only).

! = secondary performance in a field-event series (only applicable to final end-of-season lists); ¶ = field-event mark for which complete series data is missing (only applicable to final end-of-season lists)

6.20        *Chris Johnson (ArLR)      Jonesboro.........12/07
            Ricardo Shaw (unat)        Fl Intercoll......01/17

6.47        Shawn Crawford (Nik)       USATF Ind.........02/28
6.52        John Capel (adi)           USATF Ind.........02/28
6.55        Mickey Grimes (Nik)        World Ind.........03/05
6.56        Marcus Brunson (adi)       Stuttgart.........01/31
6.57        **DaBryan Blanton (Ok)     Big 12 Ind........02/27
            **Tyson Gay (Ar)           SEC Ind...........02/29
6.58        Brian Lewis (NBal)         Birmingham........02/20
6.60(A)     Kendall Stevens (Find)     EnMi Inv..........01/17
6.61        Jon Drummond (Nik)         Adidas Boston.....01/31
            Maurice Greene (adi)       USATF Ind.........02/28
            Coby Miller (Nik)          USATF Ind.........02/28
            Bernard Williams (Nik)     Chemnitz..........02/27
            **Oliver Williams (Nb)     IaSt Qual.........03/06
6.62        Lamont Johnson (unat)      IaSt Qual.........03/06
6.63        Obadiah Cooper (unat)      USATF Ind.........02/28
         (A)Josh Norman (HP)           Salt Lake City....01/17
            -Mardy Scales (MTn)        Ky Inv............01/17
6.64(A)     Dwight Phillips (Nik)      Flagstaff.........02/07
6.65        *Stanford Routt (Hous)     Houston...........02/07
            *Dusty Stamer (Nb)         Big 12 Ind........02/27
Foreign Collegians:
6.59        **Steve Mullings (Bart-Jam)JUCO Ind..........03/06
6.60        **Tyrone Edgar (KCKCC-GB)  Razorback Inv.....02/13
6.61        **Mark Burns (Aub-Tri)     Husker Inv........02/07
Questionable timing/track length:
6.54        *Johnie Drake (CMi)        CCC Ind...........01/23
6.60        Kendall Stevens (Find)     EnMi Inv..........01/17

20.58       -Leo Bookman (Ks)          Big 12 Ind........02/28
20.74       ***Wallace Spearmon (Ar)   Razorback Inv.....02/13
20.83       Jimmie Hackley (unat)      USATF Ind.........02/29
            **Kelly Willie (LSU)       Ar Inv............01/16
20.84       *Rodney Martin (SC)        Armory Coll Inv...02/14
20.88       *Stanford Routt (Hous)     Razorback Inv.....02/13
20.94       Coby Miller (Nik)          Tyson Inv.........02/14
20.96       Ramon Clay (adi)           Athens............02/22
            Rubin Williams (Her)       Nampa.............02/07
20.97       Shawn Crawford (Nik)       Tyson Inv.........02/14
20.99       *Albert Booker (TxT)       Big 12 Ind........02/27
21.03       James Carter (Nik)         PennSt Inv........01/31
21.04       Xavier Carter (FlHS)       Fast Times Inv....03/06
21.06       -Harold Manning (Md)       IC4A Ind..........03/07
21.08       Jerome Mathis (Hamp)       Armory Coll Inv...02/14
            Joe Mendel (unat)          Allston...........02/14
21.09       -Mitch Potter (Mn)         Big 10 Ind........02/29
21.10       *Seth Amoo (AzSt)          Razorback Inv.....02/13
Foreign Collegians:
20.72       **Steve Mullings (Bart-Jam)Razorback Inv.....02/13
20.85       ***Paul-Vince Obuon (VMI-Ken)IC4A Ind........03/06
21.02       -Ray Ardill (Boise-Can)    WAC Ind...........02/28
Oversized Track:
20.40       **Tyson Gay (Ar)           SEC Ind...........02/29
20.72       *Kyle Farmer (Fl)          SEC Ind...........02/29
20.84       Mike Mitchell (Azusa)      NAIA Ind..........03/05
            ***Domenik Peterson (AzSt) IaSt Qual.........03/06
            -Mardy Scales (MTn)        Sun Belt Ind......02/28
20.87(A)    Milton Mallard (USAr)      AF Open...........02/21
21.00       LeShaunte Edwards (unat)   Kent..............02/21
21.04       ***Kerron Clement (Fl-Tri) SEC Ind...........02/28
21.08       Brian Dzingai (FlSt)       IaSt Qual.........03/06
            David Neville (In)         Wilson Inv........03/06

45.52       -Jerry Harris (TCU)        Razorback Inv.....02/13
45.78       **Jeremy Wariner (Bay)     Big 12 Ind........02/28
45.83       -O.J. Hogans (SH)          IC4A Ind..........03/07
45.92(A)    Elzie Coleman (NYHS)       Simplot G.........02/21
46.00       -Mitch Potter (Mn)         Husker Inv........02/07
46.32       Milton Campbell (HolyI)    Tyson Inv.........02/14
46.40       Quentin Bowens (SH)        IC4A Ind..........03/07
            Corey Nelson (Nik)         Tyson Inv.........02/14
46.55       Joe Mendel (USAr)          PennSt Inv........01/31
46.60       James Carter (Nik)         PennSt Inv........01/31
46.71       *Idris Payne (NEn)         Armory Open.......02/14
46.72       -Eric Porter (Navy)        IC4A Ind..........03/07
46.86       Godfrey Herring (Nik)      Tyson Inv.........02/14
46.92       *Albert Booker (TxT)       Big 12 Ind........02/28
Foreign Collegians:
46.35       *Pete Coley (LSU-Jam)      Ar Inv............01/16
Oversized Track:
45.79       *Darold Williamson (Bay)   IaSt Cl...........02/14
45.80(A)    *Jason Barton (AzSt)       Flagstaff.........01/31
45.82(A)    **Lewis Banda (AzSt-Zim)   Flagstaff.........01/31
            -Andrew Rock (WiLC)        IaSt Cl...........02/14
46.04       **Kelly Willie (LSU)       SEC Ind...........02/28
46.10       ***Kerron Clement (Fl-Tri) SEC Ind...........02/28
46.35       -Terry Gatson (Ar)         SEC Ind...........02/28
46.40       **Matt Scherer (Or)        IaSt Cl...........02/14
46.41       -Rickey Harris (Fl)        SEC Ind...........02/29
46.51       ***Reggie Witherspoon (Fl) SEC Ind...........02/29
46.53       *LaRon Bennett (Ga)        SEC Ind...........02/28
46.62'      *Damion Barry (Aub-Tri)    SEC Ind...........02/28
46.68       **Stefan Pastor (Fl)       SEC Ind...........02/28
46.71       *Dirk Homewood (NnIa)      IaSt Qual.........03/06
46.74       *Franz Bernard (Ms-Jam)    Wilson Inv........03/06
46.79       -Jak Taylor (Tn)           Wilson Inv........03/06
46.80(A)    -Steve Fitch (AzSt)        Flagstaff.........01/31
46.84       Lancford Davis (unat)      IaSt Cl...........02/14
46.85       **Craig Everhart (UCLA)    Mtn Pac Ind.......02/28
46.94       *Rob Merritt (Mn)          IaSt Cl...........02/14

1:17.55     **Joe Detmer (Wi)          Big 10 Ind........02/29
1:17.56     Lubert Lewis (Reeb)        Adidas Boston.....01/31
1:17.62     ***Zach Glavash (Il)       Big 10 Ind........02/29
1:17.97     **Tramel Smith (Il)        Champaign.........02/07
1:18.01     ***Zach Glavash (Il)       Champaign.........02/07

1:46.00     David Krummenacker (adi)   Tyson Inv.........02/14
1:47.31     Derrick Peterson (adi)     Tyson Inv.........02/14
1:48.04     **Logan Jones (Ct)         New Eng Ind.......02/28
1:48.08     Michael Stember (Nik)      Terrier Cl........01/31
1:48.09     Fred Sharpe (adi)          Razorback Inv.....02/13
1:48.17     Sam Burley (Asics)         Tyson Inv.........02/14
1:48.19     -Moise Joseph (Fl)         Razorback Inv.....02/13
1:48.40     *Joel Legare (Ct)          New Eng Ind.......02/28
1:48.74     Jesse O'Connell (unat)     USATF Ind.........02/27
1:48.83     *Matt Lincoln (PennSt)     Univ Park.........02/14
1:48.92     Jeff DeLong (NFT)          Terrier Cl........01/31
1:48.94     -Adam Davis (Rice)         Razorback Inv.....02/13
1:49.05     Kevin Elliott (NFT)        USATF Ind.........02/27
1:49.18     Brian Rue (unat)           Razorback Inv.....02/13
1:49.26     Floyd Thompson (SMTC)      Armory Open.......02/14
1:49.30     Lubert Lewis (ReebBo)      Armory Open.......02/14
1:49.50     **Gered Burns (Alb)        New York..........02/27
Foreign Collegians:
1:46.09     *Jackson Langat (TCU-Ken)  Razorback Inv.....02/13
1:47.74     *Nathan Brannen (Mi-Can)   Big 10 Ind........02/29
1:49.13     **Andrew Ellerton (Mi-Can) Univ Park.........02/14
Oversized Track:
1:46.91     **Peter Etoot (Al-Ken)     SEC Ind...........02/29
1:47.09     ***Dmitrijs Milkevics (Nb-Lat)IaSt Qual......03/06
1:47.88     ***Prince Mumba (OR-Zam)   IaSt Qual.........03/06
1:47.91     **Christian Smith (KsSt)   IaSt Cl...........02/14
1:47.93     **Mike Inge (Kent)         Kent..............01/31
1:48.10     **Aaron Nasers (Nb)        IaSt Qual.........03/06
1:48.16     *Sherridan Kirk (Aub-Tri)  SEC Ind...........02/29
1:48.17     *Marc Sylvester (Tn)       SEC Ind...........02/28
1:48.30     Jeremiah Johnson (Wy)      IaSt Qual.........03/06
            -Kris Seats (WnMi)         IaSt Qual.........03/06
            ***Chris Stoves (OkSt-GB)  IaSt Qual.........03/06
1:48.34     Andrew Neugebauer (NFT)    Seattle...........02/15
1:48.42     *Aldwyn Sappleton (Ok-Jam) IaSt Qual.........03/06
1:48.44     -Jeffrey Fisher (LSU)      IaSt Qual.........03/06
1:48.60     -Chris Mulvaney (Ar-GB)    Meyo Inv..........02/07
1:48.64     -James Doaty (Ky)          SEC Ind...........02/29
1:48.78     *James Hatch (Ar)          SEC Ind...........02/29
1:48.79     -Jason Briggs (InSt)       Wilson Inv........03/06
1:48.82     **Will Fitts (Bay)         IaSt Qual.........03/06
1:49.01     ***Paul Cross (Tn)         SEC Ind...........02/29
1:49.05     -Brendon Mahoney (GaT)     Wilson Inv........03/06
1:49.15     *Jeremy Mims (Ks)          IaSt Cl...........02/14
1:49.18     -McGavock Dunbar (Va)      Wilson Inv........03/06
1:49.37     -Paul Moser (Vill)         Wilson Inv........03/06

2:20.24     **Christian Smith (KsSt)   Big 12 Ind........02/28
2:21.33     David Krummenacker (adi)   Adidas Boston.....01/31
2:22.02     -Jesse O'Connell (Gtn)     University Park...01/17
2:22.12     **Aaron Nasers (Nb)        Big 12 Ind........02/28
2:22.53     Derrick Peterson (adi)     Adidas Boston.....01/31
2:22.58     *Joel Legare (Ct)          IC4A Ind..........03/07
2:23.54     Jason Long (unat)          PennSt Inv........01/31
2:23.89     Cameron Schwehr (Ks)       Big 12 Ind........02/27
2:23.90     Rob Myers (unat)           OhSt Inv..........01/31
2:24.03     Sam Burley (Asics)         Adidas Boston.....01/31
2:24.14     **Tyler Raymond (Man)      IC4A Ind..........03/07
2:24.32     -Patrick Nash (LaS)        University Park...01/17
2:24.34     -Mike LoSapio (LaS)        IC4A Ind..........03/07
2:24.39     *Eric Heely (Army)         IC4A Ind..........03/07
Foreign Collegians:
2:21.60     *Nathan Brannen (Mi-Can)   Adidas Boston.....01/31
2:22.88     ***Chris Stoves (OkSt-GB)  Big 12 Ind........02/28
2:24.19     Abraham Kimeli (Ks-Ken)    Big 12 Ind........02/27
2:24.41     Liam Reale (Prov-Ire)      Big East Ind......02/22
2:24.93     ***Salah Hussein (Ok)      Big 12 Ind........02/27

3:40.80     Rob Myers (unat)           USATF Ind.........02/28
3:40.83     Charlie Gruber (Nik)       USATF Ind.........02/28
3:42.26     Jason Long (unat)          USATF Ind.........02/28
3:42.44     Bruce Hyde (LR)            USATF Ind.........02/28
3:42.95     Jason Lunn (Nik)           USATF Ind.........02/28
3:43.31     Aaron Lanzel (USN)         USATF Ind.........02/28

3:57.52     Alan Webb (Nik)            Tyson Inv.........02/14
3:59.83     -Jordan Desilets (EnMi)    Meyo Inv..........02/07
3:59.99     -Nathan Robison (BYU)      Pac-10 Inv........02/14
4:00.04     Jason Long (unat)          Armory Open.......02/14
4:00.17     Rob Myers (unat)           In Inv............02/06
4:00.19     Charlie Gruber (Nik)       Adidas Boston.....01/31
4:00.23     Sean O'Brien (NFT)         Pac-10 Inv........02/14
4:00.53     -Eric Garner (Wa)          Mtn Pac Ind.......02/28
4:00.56     *Ben Aragon (UCLA)         Mtn Pac Ind.......02/28
4:00.83     **Sean Jefferson (In)      In Inv............02/06
4:01.04     *Bryan Lindsay (BYU)       Pac-10 Inv........02/14
4:01.14     Thomas Morgan (Ky)         Wilson Inv........03/06
4:01.36     -David Freeman (Ky)        SEC Ind...........02/29
4:01.38     Eric Savoth (NFT)          Pac-10 Inv........02/14
4:01.44     ***Chris Solinsky (Wi)     Meyo Inv..........02/07
4:01.56     -Erik Schmidt (Navy)       Wilson Inv........03/06
4:01.57     Chris Estwanik (NFT)       Pac-10 Inv........02/14
4:01.80     *Steve Sherer (MiSt)       Wilson Inv........03/06
4:01.94     *Mike Taylor (Ar)          Razorback Inv.....01/24
4:02.32     -Brendon Mahoney (GaT)     Meyo Inv..........02/07
4:02.59     ***Stephen Pifer (Co)      Wa Qual...........03/06
4:02.69     Blake Boldon (unat)        Razorback Inv.....02/13
4:02.87     **Shane Stroup (Fl)        SEC Inv...........01/25
            Brandon Strong (Asics)     Wa Inv............01/31
4:02.99     Bruce Hyde (LR)            Wilson Inv........03/06
4:03.00     Aaron Lanzel (USN)         PennSt Inv........01/31
4:03.01     *Josh Spiker (Wi)          IaSt Cl...........02/14
4:03.07     Ryan Bak (unat)            Adidas Boston.....01/31
4:03.28     Bruce Hyde (LR)            Armory Open.......02/14
4:03.30     *Ryan Hampton (Mo)         IaSt Qual.........03/06
4:03.38     ***Sam Vazquez (Ar)        SEC Ind...........02/29
4:03.41     -Grant Robison (Stan)      Mtn Pac Ind.......02/28
4:03.67     ***Kurt Benninger (NDm-Can)Meyo Inv..........02/07
            ***Sam Vasquez (Ar)        Meyo Inv..........02/07
4:03.69     Jonathon Riley (Nik)       NBal G............01/24
4:03.71     -Jonathan Kieliszak (Prin) Wilson Inv........03/06
4:03.73     *Matt Tegenkamp (Wi)       Wi Elite..........01/24
4:03.77     -John Russell (Wa)         Mtn Pac Ind.......02/28
4:03.93     Dan Maher (Az)             Wa Qual...........03/06
Foreign Collegians:
3:56.55     **Nick Willis (Mi-NZ)      Meyo Inv..........02/07
3:58.55     *Nate Brannen (Mi-Can)     Meyo Inv..........02/07
3:59.05     -Gavin Thompson (EnMi-GB)  Meyo Inv..........02/07
3:59.72     -Chris Mulvaney (Ar-GB)    Tyson Inv.........02/14
4:00.68     -Jason Woolhouse (OkSt-NZ) IaSt Qual.........03/06
4:01.15     *Dylan Wykes (Prov-Can)    Allston...........02/07
4:02.18     *Taylor Milne (HP-Can)     Wilson Inv........03/06
4:02.80     *Eric Morrison (NDm-Can)   Meyo Inv..........02/07
4:03.17     Bernard Manirakiza (ACU-Bur)Razorback Inv....02/13
4:03.67     ***Kurt Benninger (NDm-Can)Meyo Inv..........02/07
4:03.85     **Sean Connolly (Iona-Ire) MAAC Ind..........02/20
4:03.87     *Simon Ngata (Ga-Ken)      SEC Ind...........02/29

7:40.17     Daniel Lincoln (Nik)       Tyson Inv.........02/14
7:45.72     Matt Lane (Nik)            Adidas Boston.....01/31
7:47.20     Jason Lunn (Nik)           Adidas Boston.....01/31
7:48.59     Bolota Asmerom (Nik)       Wa Inv............01/31
7:49.56     Luke Watson (adi)          Adidas Boston.....01/31
7:51.51     Chris Estwanik (NFT)       Wa Inv............01/31
7:51.80     -Grant Robison (Stan)      Wa Inv............01/31
7:54.65     *Ian Dobson (Stan)         Mtn Pac Ind.......02/27
7:54.75     -Donald Sage (Stan)        Wa Inv............01/31
            Eric Savoth (NFT)          Wa Inv............01/31
7:55.14     *Matt Tegenkamp (Wi)       Meyo Inv..........02/07
7:55.23     Tom Chorny (NFT)           Pac-10 Inv........02/14
7:55.58     Jonathon Riley (Nik)       World Ind.........03/05
7:56.37     Charlie Gruber (Nik)       Tyson Inv.........02/14
7:57.04     Brendan Rodgers (NFT)      Pac-10 Inv........02/14
7:57.10     **Bret Schoolmeester (Co)  Wa Qual...........03/06
7:57.52     *Chris Emme (Stan)         Pac-10 Inv........02/14
7:57.58     ***Chris Solinsky (Wi)     IaSt Cl...........02/14
7:58.00     Dave Davis (Nik)           Wa Inv............01/31
7:58.22     *Bryan Lindsay (BYU)       Wa Inv............01/31
7:58.64     Ahman Dirks (unat)         Wa Qual...........03/06
7:58.78     **Danny Wolf (WaSt)        Mtn Pac Ind.......02/27
7:58.85     **Forest Braden (Boise)    Wa Qual...........03/06
7:58.92     Chris Graff (NFT)          Wa Inv............01/31
7:59.31     Alan Webb (Nik)            USATF Ind.........02/29
7:59.38     Chad Johnson (Nik)         Wa Inv............01/31
7:59.96     Thomas Morgan (KMC)        Meyo Inv..........02/07
8:00.10     Drew Griffin (NFT)         Pac-10 Inv........02/14
8:00.29     ***Neftalem Araia (Stan)   Wa Inv............01/31
8:00.98     **Chris Lukezic (Gtn)      Pac-10 Inv........02/14
8:01.05     -Seth Hejny (Stan)         Mtn Pac Ind.......02/27
8:01.06     **Bobby Lockhart (Wi)      IaSt Cl...........02/14
8:01.07     ***Peter Meindl (Stan)     Wa Inv............01/31
8:01.18     **Dathan Ritzenhein (Co)   Big 12 Ind........02/28
8:01.27     *Steve Sherer (MiSt)       Ann Arbor.........01/24
8:01.80     -Chris Acs (AF)            Wa Qual...........03/06
8:01.83     -Tom Parlapiano (Vill)     Armory Coll Inv...02/14
8:02.25     **Rod Koborsi (Gtn)        Armory Coll Inv...02/14
8:02.37     Ryan Woods (NFT)           Pac-10 Inv........02/14
8:02.61     Lyle Weese (TMn)           Wa Inv............01/31
8:02.72     **David Vidal (Stan)       Mtn Pac Ind.......02/27
8:02.82     ***Carl Moe (Wa)           Wa Inv............01/31
8:03.18     **Roger Cahill (AzSt)      Wa Qual...........03/06
8:03.31     Bruce Hyde (LR)            Terrier Cl........01/31
Foreign Collegians:
7:38.59     -Alistair Cragg (Ar-Ire)   Tyson Inv.........02/14
7:44.90     **Nick Willis (Mi-NZ)      Adidas Boston.....01/31
7:52.00     **Robert Cheseret (Az-Ken) Mtn Pac Ind.......02/27
7:57.05     **Simon Bairu (Wi-Can)     Meyo Inv..........02/07
7:58.70     *Dylan Wykes (Prov-Can)    Terrier Cl........01/31
7:59.91     -Jason Woolhouse (OkSt-NZ) Tyson Inv.........02/14
8:01.26     **Benson Chesang (Ks-Ken)  Wilson Inv........03/06
8:01.84     ***Velibor Radojevic (NnIa-Yug)IaSt Cl.......02/14
8:02.54     **Mircea Bogdan (UTEP-Rom) IaSt Cl...........02/14
8:03.20     *Nate Brannen (Mi-Can)     Ann Arbor.........01/24
8:03.86     **Richard Kiplagat (Iona-Ken)MAAC Ind........02/20

13:47.40    Mike Donnelly (Nik)        Wa Qual...........03/06
13:49.17    *Ian Dobson (Stan)         Pac-10 Inv........02/14
13:50.91    Mark Menefee (Hans)        Wilson Inv........03/05
13:51.00    -Ryan Andrus (Or)          Wa Qual...........03/06
13:52.07    **Rod Koborsi (Gtn)        Wilson Inv........03/05
13:54.66    Jason Hubbard (unat)       Allston...........02/14
13:55.50    **Dathan Ritzenhein (Co)   Big 12 Ind........02/27
13:55.75    -Kyle Goklish (Az)         Wa Qual...........03/06
13:56.65    *Matt Tegenkamp (Wi)       IaSt Cl...........02/13
13:56.83    -Kyle King (Bay)           Razorback Inv.....02/13
13:56.99    ***Neftalem Araia (Stan)   Pac-10 Inv........02/14
13:58.49    ***Peter Meindl (Stan)     Pac-10 Inv........02/14
13:59.28    -Chad Pearson (NCSt)       New York..........02/27
13:59.57    -Steve Sundell (Col)       IaSt Cl...........02/13
13:59.72    *Brian Olinger (OhSt)      Wilson Inv........03/05
13:59.86    *Jason Sandfort (Ar)       Razorback Inv.....02/13
13:59.88    Dave Davis (Nik)           Wa Qual...........03/06
14:00.14    **Jesus Solis (Adams)      Allston...........02/14
14:00.46    Mike Hill (CNW)            Wa Qual...........03/06
14:00.47    *Ryan Sheehan (StF)        New York..........02/27
14:00.51    Scott Nagelkerke (WnCo)    Razorback Inv.....02/13
14:00.66    Carl Blackhurst (BouR)     Allston...........02/14
14:01.29    -Ryan Craig (Port)         Wa Qual...........03/06
14:01.95    -Jason Hartmann (Or)       IaSt Cl...........02/13
14:02.12    *Casey Jermyn (MtSt)       Wa Qual...........03/06
14:02.98    *Steve Sherer (MiSt)       IaSt Cl...........02/13
14:03.13    *Chris Emme (Stan)         Wa Inv............01/31
14:04.26    -Ben Payne (AF)            Pac-10 Inv........02/14
14:04.83    *Celedonio Rodriguez (Adams)Allston..........02/14
14:06.29    **Stephen Haas (In)        Razorback Inv.....02/13
14:06.44    -Chris Powers (In)         Wilson Inv........03/05
14:06.53    James Carney (TMon)        Terrier Cl........01/31
14:08.18    Richie Brinker (Hans)      Wilson Inv........03/05
14:09.95    **Casey Burchill (AzSt)    Pac-10 Inv........02/14
Foreign Collegians:
13:42.29    **Richard Kiplagat (Iona-Ken)New York........02/27
13:42.95    -Alistair Cragg (Ar-Ire)   SEC Ind...........02/29
13:52.95    **Antony Ford (Mt-GB)      Wa Qual...........03/06
13:55.93    **Sean Connolly (Iona-Ire) New York..........02/27
13:56.30    -Joe McAlister (Iona-GB)   Allston...........02/14
13:56.83    -Adam Sutton (Prov-GB)     IC4A Ind..........03/07
13:59.48    **Simon Bairu (Wi-Can)     Big 10 Ind........02/29
14:09.26    *Tyler Cardinal (Iona)     IC4A Ind..........03/07

2:11:42     Alan Culpepper (adi)       Oly T.............02/07
2:11:47     Meb Keflezighi (Nik)       Oly T.............02/07
2:12:02     Dan Browne (Nik)           Oly T.............02/07
2:12:35     Trent Briney (Hans)        Oly T.............02/07
2:14:37     Clint Verran (Hans)        Oly T.............02/07
2:15:03     Scott Larson (NBal)        Oly T.............02/07
2:15:18     Josh Cox (Fila)            Oly T.............02/07
2:15:36     Eddy Hellebuyck (NBal)     Oly T.............02/07
2:15:44     Peter Gilmore (NFT)        Oly T.............02/07
2:16:27     Jason Lehmkuhle (TMn)      Oly T.............02/07
2:16:50     Keith Dowling (adi)        Oly T.............02/07
2:17:00     Kevin Collins (FF)         Oly T.............02/07
2:17:19     Brian Sell (Hans)          Oly T.............02/07
2:17:20     Fred Kieser (Oh)           Oly T.............02/07
2:17:44     Scott Strand (NBal)        Oly T.............02/07
2:17:48     Steven Moreno (adiT)       Oly T.............02/07
2:17:58     Corey Creasey (adiT)       Oly T.............02/07
2:18:13     Scott Nicholas (Or)        Oly T.............02/07
2:18:17     Conor Holt (Ok)            Oly T.............02/07
2:18:56     Chris Banks (GtnRC)        Oly T.............02/07
2:19:02     Ryan Meissen (Wi)          Oly T.............02/07
2:19:11     Scott Goff (USAr)          Oly T.............02/07
2:19:20     Ryan Shay (Nik)            Oly T.............02/07
2:20:23     Matt Sandercock (Pa)       Oly T.............02/07
2:21:08     Carl Rundell (Hans)        Oly T.............02/07
2:21:12     John Dimoff (Or)           Oly T.............02/07
2:21:52     Michael Cox (WV)           Oly T.............02/07
2:21:55     Jason Ryf (Wi)             Oly T.............02/07

7.15        *Antwon Hicks (Ms)         SEC Inv...........01/25
7.17        *Josh Walker (Fl)          SEC Inv...........01/25
7.20        Karl Jennings (unat)       Tn Cl.............02/20
7.26        -Colin Aina (RI)           Allston...........02/14
            -Garland Martin (MTn)      Sun Belt Ind......02/29
            ***Aries Merritt (Tn)      Tn Cl.............02/20
            **Eric Mitchum (Or)        Fast Times Inv....03/06
7.27        *Richard Phillips (GM-Jam) IC4A Ind..........03/07
7.28        *Dwight Ruff (Fl)          Fast Times Inv....03/06
7.30        **Esteban Guzman (Ga)      Gator Inv.........02/01
            Robby Hughes (SpD)         Fl Intercoll......01/17
         (A)Wiley King (Web)           Big Sky Ind.......02/28
            **Linnie Yarbrough (MTn)   Murfreesboro......01/24
Foreign Collegians:
7.21        **Shamar Sands (Aub-Bah)   Gator Inv.........02/01
7.30        ***Kerron Clement (Fl-Tri) SEC Inv...........01/25

7.36        Allen Johnson (Nik)        World Ind.........03/06
7.43        Xiang Liu (Chn)            World Ind.........03/06
7.53        Duane Ross (Nik)           USATF Ind.........02/27
7.59        Larry Wade (Nik)           Houston...........01/23
            Dawane Wallace (Nik)       Chapel Hill.......01/17
7.61        Aubrey Herring (Nik)       PennSt Inv........01/30
            Robby Hughes (SpD)         USATF Ind.........02/27
7.66        Joel Brown (unat)          USATF Ind.........02/28
            Ken Ferguson (unat)        VaT Chall.........02/13
            *Antwon Hicks (Ms)         Lexington.........01/31
            Arend Watkins (Nik)        USATF Ind.........02/28
7.67        *Josh Walker (Fl)          Razorback Inv.....02/13
7.68        Brandon Hon (InI)          In Inv............02/07
            Chris Phillips (Nik)       Ar Inv............01/16
7.69        **Dexter Faulk (Bart)      JUCO Ind..........03/06
            -Mike Thomas (Ar)          Razorback Inv.....02/13
7.70        Anwar Moore (unat)         Chapel Hill.......01/10
7.72        Micah Harris (HolyI)       USATF Ind.........02/28
7.73        -David Oliver (How)        PennSt Inv........01/30
7.75        *Selim Nurudeen (NDm)      Wilson Inv........03/06
            Terry Reese (SpC)          USATF Ind.........02/27
7.76        Lewis Edmonson (Shore)     Houston...........01/23
            *Montrell Person (GaT)     Clemson Inv.......01/24
7.77        -Jermaine Cooper (Tx)      Big 12 Ind........02/27
            David Davis (unat)         IaSt Qual.........03/06
7.79        **Roy Cheney (Clem)        Clemson...........02/28
7.80        *Shannon Armstrong (Wich)  Husker Inv........02/07
            *Matt Mason (WaSt)         Husker Inv........02/07
Foreign Collegians:
7.80        ***Kerron Clement (Fl-Tri) SEC Ind...........02/28

3:58:24     Curt Clausen (NYAC)        Oly Trials........02/15
4:08:06     Tim Seaman (NYAC)          Oly Trials........02/15
4:10:37     Philip Dunn (NBal)         Oly Trials........02/15
4:18:33     Sean Albert (NBal)         Oly Trials........02/15
4:23:52     Al Heppner (USAr)          Oly Trials........02/15
4:27:38     Ben Shorey (unat)          Oly Trials........02/15
4:37:30     Dave McGovern (NBal)       Oly Trials........02/15
4:41:53     Theron Kissinger (NBal)    Oly Trials........02/15
4:45:26     Gary Morgan (unat)         Oly Trials........02/15
4:46:29     Steve Quirke (WiP)         Oly Trials........02/15
4:51:35     Dave Doherty (SDiTC)       Oly Trials........02/15
5:04:31     Nick Bdera (unat)          Oly Trials........02/15

4 x 400
3:05.98     Baylor                     Big 12 Ind........02/28
3:06.03     TCU                        Tyson Inv.........02/14
3:06.06     Arizona State              Tyson Inv.........02/14
3:07.49     LSU                        Armory Coll Inv...02/14
3:07.57     Seton Hall                 IC4A Ind..........03/06
3:07.58     United States              World Ind.........03/07
3:07.61     Holyfield International    Razorback Inv.....02/13
3:07.87     South Carolina             Gator Inv.........02/01
3:08.55     Auburn Elite               Gator Inv.........02/01
3:08.79     Minnesota                  Husker Inv........02/07
3:09.13     Oregon                     Nampa.............02/07
3:09.36     Florida                    Tyson Inv.........02/14
3:09.41     Texas Tech                 Razorback Inv.....02/13
3:09.66     Nebraska                   Big 12 Ind........02/28
3:10.17     St. Augustine's            Armory Open.......02/14
3:10.24     Oklahoma                   Big 12 Ind........02/28
3:10.43     Arkansas                   Ar Inv............01/16
3:10.54     Kansas State               Big 12 Ind........02/28
3:10.64     Georgia                    Husker Inv........02/07
3:10.86     Penn State                 IC4A Ind..........03/07
3:10.91     Fairfax All-Stars          Fairfax...........01/10
3:10.94     Rend Lake CC               Razorback Inv.....02/13
            Southwestern Christian CC  JUCO Ind..........03/06
Oversized Track:
3:03.43     Arizona State              IaSt Qual.........03/06
3:03.97     LSU                        IaSt Qual.........03/06
3:05.27     Baylor                     IaSt Cl...........02/14
3:05.28     Minnesota                  IaSt Cl...........02/14
3:06.54     Oregon                     IaSt Cl...........02/14
3:06.83     Mississippi                Wilson Inv........03/06
3:06.97     Northern Iowa              IaSt Qual.........03/06
3:07.10     Nebraska                   IaSt Qual.........03/06
3:07.93     Georgia                    SEC Ind...........02/29
3:08.21     Illinois                   Wilson Inv........03/06
3:08.32     Middle Tennessee           IaSt Qual.........03/06
3:08.76     St. Augustine's            Johnson City......01/24
3:09.07     UCLA                       Mtn Pac Ind.......02/28
3:09.40     Iowa State                 IaSt Qual.........03/06
3:09.52     Arkansas                   Meyo Inv..........02/07
3:09.87     Notre Dame                 Wilson Inv........03/06
3:09.99     Kansas State               IaSt Cl...........02/14
3:10.05     Abilene Christian          Lubbock...........01/31
3:10.60     Michigan                   Meyo Inv..........02/07
3:10.67     Washington                 Wa Inv............01/31

4 x 800
7:32.54     Penn                       IC4A Ind..........03/07
7:32.97     Penn State                 IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:33.27     Cornell                    IC4A Ind..........03/07
7:33.47     Yale                       IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:33.78     St. Joseph's               IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:35.42     Manhattan                  IC4A Ind..........03/07
7:35.82     Maine                      IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:36.65     Seton Hall                 METS..............02/08
7:37.01     Rutgers                    IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:37.17     Columbia                   Armory Coll Inv...02/13
7:38.05     Georgetown                 University Park...01/17
7:38.25     Fordham                    IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:38.29     Rider                      IC4A Ind..........03/06
7:38.48     St. Francis                University Park...01/17
7:38.98     Hampton                    PennSt Inv........01/31
7:39.67     Albany                     America E Ind.....02/21
Oversized Track:
7:39.26     Kentucky                   Ky Inv............01/16

9:29.79     Michigan                   Univ Park.........02/14
9:30.14     Arkansas                   Razorback Inv.....01/23
9:31.26     Indiana                    Tyson Inv.........02/14
9:34.72     Villanova                  Adidas Boston.....01/31
9:35.19     Arkansas Alumni            Ar Inv............01/16
9:36.32     Rice                       Tyson Inv.........02/14
9:36.93     Georgetown                 Adidas Boston.....01/31
9:37.11     Florida                    Fast Times Inv....03/06
9:40.80     Providence                 IC4A Ind..........03/06
9:41.62     Navy                       New York..........02/27
9:42.88     Duke                       New York..........02/27
9:43.08     Columbia                   Col Inv...........01/31
9:43.41     North Carolina             Adidas Boston.....01/31
9:44.83     Yale                       Armory Coll Inv...02/13
9:45.33     Notre Dame                 Adidas Boston.....01/31
9:45.72     La Salle                   Armory Coll Inv...02/13
9:46.34     Kent State                 Univ Park.........02/14
9:47.00     Princeton                  Univ Park.........02/14
9:47.30     Connecticut                IC4A Ind..........03/07
9:48.42     Penn State                 PennSt Inv........01/30
9:49.26     St. Francis                PennSt Inv........01/30
9:49.40     Baylor                     Big 12 Ind........02/27
9:49.42     Penn                       IC4A Ind..........03/07
9:49.56     Texas A&M                  Big 12 Ind........02/27
Oversized Track:
9:31.53     Minnesota                  Wilson Inv........03/05
9:32.65     Georgetown                 Wilson Inv........03/05
9:33.02     Wisconsin                  Wilson Inv........03/05
9:33.12     Texas A&M                  Wilson Inv........03/05
9:34.21     UCLA                       Pac-10 Inv........02/14
9:34.27     Arizona                    Wa Qual...........03/06
9:34.46     Texas                      Wilson Inv........03/05
9:34.98     Colorado State             Wilson Inv........03/05
9:35.35     Washington                 Wa Qual...........03/06
9:37.06     Stanford                   Pac-10 Inv........02/14
9:38.79     Kent State                 Wilson Inv........03/05
9:40.62     Air Force                  Wa Qual...........03/06
9:40.65     UTEP                       IaSt Cl...........02/13
9:41.44     BYU                        Wa Inv............01/31
9:42.47     Illinois State             Wilson Inv........03/05
9:44.68     Kentucky                   SEC Ind...........02/29
9:45.54     Northern Iowa              IaSt Cl...........02/13
9:47.75     Alabama                    SEC Ind...........02/29
9:48.71     Illinois                   IaSt Cl...........02/13
9:49.23     Montana                    Wa Inv............01/31
9:49.77     Oregon                     IaSt Cl...........02/13

2.32       7-7 1/4......Jamie Nieto (Nik)..........Weinheim...........02/11
2.29       7-6..........***Andra Manson (Tx).......Armory Coll Inv....02/14
2.26       7-5..........**Kyle Lancaster (KsSt)....KsSt AC............12/12
           .............Terrance Woods (unat)......TxT A-C............01/23
2.25       7-4 1/2......Tora Harris (Nik)..........Wuppertal..........01/23
2.23       7-3 3/4......David Furman (GatA)........Gator Inv..........02/01
           .............**Marcus Harris (TxSn).....Houston............01/17
           .............Matt Hemingway (adi).......Millrose G.........02/06
           .............Adam Shunk (InI)...........In Inv.............02/07
2.21       7-3..........*John Albert (Mn)..........Big 10 Ind.........02/29
           .............***Michael Morrison (Fl)...SEC Ind............02/29
           .............-Cedric Norman (SnMs)......C-USA Ind..........02/27
           .............-Joe Squittieri (Fl).......SEC Ind............02/29
2.20       7-2 1/2......Charles Clinger (Nik)......Nampa..............01/31
           .............Ryan Fitzpatric (unat).....USATF Ind..........02/29
           .............Ryan Fitzpatrick (unat)....Findlay............02/13
           .............Shaun Guice (unat).........Pur Inv............01/17
           .............Dan Olson (Wheat)..........Dartmouth R........01/11
           .............Henry Patterson (unat).....USATF Ind..........02/29
           .............-Nick Talley (Tx)..........Armory Coll Inv....02/14
           .............**Teak Wilburn (Cal).......Pullman............01/31
2.19       7-2 1/4......Shaun Kologinczak (unat)...IaSt Qual..........03/06
           .............***Adam Linkenauger (Clem).ACC Ind............02/21
           .............**Jesse Williams (SC)......Fast Times Inv.....03/06
2.18       7-1 3/4......*Brett Frykberg (Tn).......SEC Ind............02/29
           .............**Jas Gill (Mt)............Moscow.............03/06
           .............-Michael Massey (GaT)......Wilson Inv.........03/06
           .............Keith Moffatt (More).......Tn Cl..............02/20
           .............*Kevin Netzer (Mn).........Big 10 Ind.........02/29
           .............Matt Vincent (unat)........Fl Intercoll.......01/17
Foreign Collegians:
2.21       7-3..........*Einar Hjartarson (SMU-Ice)WAC Ind............02/27
2.20       7-2 1/2......***Michael Hanany (SMU-Fra)Razorback Inv......02/13
2.19       7-2 1/4......-Henderson Dottin (UTEP-Bar)Husker Inv........02/07

5.88       19-3 1/2.....Jeff Hartwig (Nik).........Jonesboro..........02/22
5.81       19-3/4.......Toby Stevenson (Nik).......Wa Inv.............01/31
5.80(A)    19-1/4.......Derek Miles (Nik)..........PV Summit..........01/09
5.75       18-10 1/4....Russ Buller (Asics)........USATF Ind..........02/28
5.71       18-8 3/4.....***Tommy Skipper (Or)......Nampa..............02/07
5.70       18-8 1/4.....Tye Harvey (NBal)..........Potsdam............02/07
5.65       18-6 1/2.....Bubba McLean (Bell)........Jonesboro..........02/22
5.62       18-5 1/4.....Tim Mack (Nik).............Donests'k..........02/15
5.61       18-4 3/4.....Jim Davis (CJW)............Razorback Inv......02/13
5.60       18-4 1/2.....Mark Calvin (Bell).........Jonesboro..........02/22
           .............Nick Hysong (Nik)..........USATF Ind..........02/28
           .............Justin Norberg (Shore).....USATF Ind..........02/28
           .............Jacob Pauli (unat).........IaSt Cl............02/14
           .............-Brad Walker (Wa)..........USATF Ind..........02/28
5.51       18-1.........-Daniel Trosclair (LSU)....Nampa..............02/07
5.50(A)    18-1/2.......Scott Slover (Nik).........PV Summit..........01/09
         (A).............Dean Starkey (Shore).......PV Summit.........01/09
5.45(A)    17-10 1/2....Kevin Opalka (unat)........Flagstaff..........02/07
           .............**John Russell (Akr).......MAC Ind............02/28
5.43       17-9 3/4.....-Chris Chappell (Az).......Mtn Pac Ind........02/27
5.40(A)    17-8 1/2.....Brian DaCunha (Sky)........Flagstaff..........01/17
           .............*Brad Smith (Ga)...........VaT Last Chance....03/06
         (A).............Paul Terek (WGAD)..........PV Summit.........01/09
         (A).............Mike Westlund (ZG).........PV Summit.........01/09
5.38       17-7 3/4.....Rocky Danners (unat).......Lexington..........01/30
           .............**Ray Scotten (SnIl).......Lexington..........01/30
           .............Brad Tyler (Bell)..........Jonesboro..........02/10
5.36(A)    17-7.........*Paul Gensic (AF)..........Mtn West Ind.......02/28
           .............-Pat Luke (UCLA)...........Pac-10 Inv.........02/14
           .............Phillips (Willa)...........Pac-10 Inv.........02/14
           .............Daniel Ryland (Bell).......Jonesboro..........02/03
           .............Chris Steddum (SC).........Fast Times Inv.....03/06
Foreign Collegians:
5.51       18-1.........-Giovanni Lanaro (CSF-Mex).Nampa..............02/14
5.41(A)    17-9.........***Robbie Pratt (BYU-Mex)..Mtn West Ind.......02/28

8.41       27-7 1/4.....Savanté Stringfellow (Nik).Razorback Inv......02/13
8.27       27-1 3/4.....-John Moffitt (LSU)........Armory Coll Inv....02/13
8.08       26-6 1/4.....*Matt Mason (WaSt).........Mtn Pac Ind........02/27
7.93       26-1/4.......-Juaune Armon (UCLA).......VaT Chall..........02/14
7.91       25-11 1/2....Dwight Phillips (US).......Birmingham.........02/20
7.90       25-11........Kevin Dilworth (adi).......Tampere............02/14
7.88       25-10 1/4....***Mike Mitchell (Azusa)...NAIA Ind...........03/05
7.87       25-10........Melvin Lister (ArTC).......Ar Inv.............01/16
7.84       25-8 3/4.....Marcus Thomas (unat).......Baton Rouge........01/24
7.83       25-8 1/4.....-Aundre Edwards (TCU)......IaSt Qual..........03/06
7.81       25-7 1/2.....-LeJuan Simon (LSU)........Baton Rouge........01/24
7.80       25-7 1/4.....-Tony Allmond (SC).........SEC Ind............02/28
           .............Eric Walder (unat).........Sooner Ind.........02/21
7.78       25-6 1/4.....*Leonidas Watson (Or)......Mtn Pac Ind........02/27
7.76       25-5 1/2.....Brian Johnson (unat).......Baton Rouge........01/30
7.74       25-4 3/4.....Joseph Allen (unat)........USATF Ind..........02/29
           .............*Darryl Reeves (SCSt)......Fairfax............01/10
           .............*Allen Simms (USC).........Fairfax............01/10
7.72       25-4.........*George Kitchens (Clem)....IaSt Qual..........03/06
7.71       25-3 1/2.....-Brian Veal (TxSt).........TxT A-C............01/23
Foreign Collegians:
8.10       26-7.........-Leevan Sands (Aub-Bah)....SEC Ind............02/28
7.78       25-6 1/4.....***Arturs Abolins (Nb-Lat).IaSt Qual..........03/06
7.75       25-5 1/4.....-Magnus Åhlén (Man-Swe)....MAAC Ind...........02/20
           .............*Kevin Bartlett (Aub-Bar)..SEC Ind............02/28

16.99      55-9.........LaMark Carter (Nik)........Houston............01/17
16.91      55-5 3/4.....-Lejuan Simon (LSU)........Armory Coll Inv....02/14
16.88      55-4 3/4.....*Allen Simms (USC).........USATF Ind..........02/28
16.68      54-8 3/4.....LeVar Anderson (unat)......LSU Twi............02/20
16.56      54-4.........-John Moffitt (LSU)........Armory Coll Inv....02/14
16.51      54-2.........-Lawrence Willis (LaL).....LSU Twi............02/20
16.49      54-1 1/4.....Marcus Jones (unat)........Murfreesboro.......01/24
16.39      53-9 1/4.....Melvin Lister (Nik)........Tyson Inv..........02/14
16.38      53-9.........Robert Howard (Nik)........Tyson Inv..........02/14
16.31      53-6 1/4.....*Willie Bradley (LSU)......Armory Coll Inv....02/14
16.21      53-2 1/4.....-Brian Veal (TxSt).........TxT A-C............01/23
16.11      52-10 1/4....Chris Hercules (unat)......USATF Ind..........02/28
           .............*Leon Watson (Or)..........Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
16.07      52-8 3/4.....Erik Newby (unat)..........Fl Intercoll.......01/17
16.03      52-7 1/4.....*Antonio Saunders (Ga).....Gator Inv..........02/01
15.97      52-4 3/4.....*Brandon Atkinson (Ms).....Lexington..........01/30
15.96      52-4 1/2.....-Everett Bruce (NCAT)......Chapel Hill........01/17
15.94      52-3 3/4.....**Rafeeq Curry (FlSt)......USATF Ind..........02/28
15.90      52-2.........Michael Roberts (unat).....PennSt Inv.........01/31
15.86      52-1/2.......*Kendrick Johnson (Boise)..WAC Ind............02/28
15.85      52-0.........**Alonzo Moore (Wi)........Wilson Inv.........03/06
           .............Tim Rusan (Nik)............Tyson Inv..........02/14
15.80      51-10........Lester Smith (unat)........Razorback Inv......02/13
Foreign Collegians:
17.02      55-10 1/4....-Leevan Sands (Aub-Bah)....Tyson Inv..........02/14
16.25(A)   53-3 3/4.....*Rodrigo Mendes (BYU-Bra)..AF Inv.............01/24

21.95      72-1/4.......Christian Cantwell (Nik)...Mo A-C.............02/21
21.07      69-1 1/2.....Reese Hoffa (NYAC).........World Ind..........03/07
20.45      67-1 1/4.....-Dan Taylor (OhSt).........Columbus...........02/21
19.81      65-0.........Adam Nelson (Nik)..........Millrose G.........02/06
19.58      64-3.........-Dan Ames (UCLA)...........Mtn Pac Ind........02/27
19.48      63-11........-Jeff Chakouian (Ky).......Ky Inv.............01/17
19.39      63-7 1/2.....Simon Stewart (unat).......Moscow.............02/07
19.34      63-5 1/2.....Jesse Roberge (Azusa)......Flagstaff..........02/07
19.27      63-2 3/4.....-Jeff Chaoukian (Ky).......Lexington..........01/31
19.12      62-8 3/4.....-Steve Manz (MiSt).........Wilson Inv.........03/06
19.04      62-5 3/4.....Tyrell Nelson (BTC)........Nampa..............02/07
19.00      62-4.........Sean Shields (unat)........Nampa..............01/24
18.97      62-3.........Jon Kalnas (unat)..........USATF Ind..........02/29
18.92      62-1.........*Conrad Woolsey (Mo).......Mo A-C.............02/21
18.83      61-9 1/2.....-Scott Hecht (Pur).........Big 10 Ind.........02/28
18.79      61-7 3/4.....Brian Hallett (unat).......Kent...............02/21
18.74      61-5 3/4.....-Tim Gehring (WaSt)........WaSt Open..........01/24
18.67      61-3.........Vincent Mosca (unat).......Flagstaff..........02/07
18.61      61-3/4.......*Rhuben Williams (Cal).....Nampa..............02/07
18.57      60-11 1/4....*Bradford Williams (Ga)....VaT Chall..........02/14
18.56      60-10 3/4....**Ryan Ketchum (In)........Wilson Inv.........03/06
18.50      60-8 1/2.....*Karl Erickson (Mn)........Minneapolis........01/24
18.48      60-7 3/4.....**Jeremy Silverman (UCLA)..Mtn Pac Ind........02/27
18.44      60-6.........Chris Adams (AshE).........Findlay............02/13
18.35      60-2 1/2.....Jamie Beyer (HP)...........Millrose G.........02/06
18.33      60-1 3/4.....Sheldon Battle (unat)......Flagstaff..........02/07
18.30      60-1/2.......*Kenton Kemeny (Ia)........Big 10 Ind.........02/28
Foreign Collegians:
20.91      68-7 1/4.....-Carl Myerscough (Nb-GB)...Big 12 Ind.........02/28
19.91      65-4.........***Niklas Arrhenius (BYU-Swe)Mtn West Ind.....02/28
19.60      64-3 3/4.....*Hannes Hopley (SMU-SA)....TxT Quad...........01/24
19.56      64-2 1/4.....-Ronny Jiménez (TxAM-Ven)..Big 12 Ind.........02/28
19.55      64-1 3/4.....*Nedzad Mulabegovic (Pur-Cro)West Lafayette...01/30
19.15      62-10........***Magnus Lohse (CoSt-Swe).Mtn West Ind.......02/28
19.10      62-8.........**Vikas Gowda (NC-Ind).....UNC Inv............01/31
18.62      61-1 1/4.....***Edis Elkasevic (Aub-Cro)Fast Times Inv.....03/06
18.42      60-5 1/4.....-Amin Nikfar (Cal-Irn).....Wa Qual............03/06

24.01      78-9 1/4.....-Dan Taylor (OhSt).........Columbus...........02/21
23.18      76-3/4.......James Parker (USAF)........USATF Ind..........02/27
22.94      75-3 1/4.....John McEwen (NYAC).........Kent...............12/05
22.87      75-1/2.......A.G. Krueger (AshE)........Kent...............01/31
22.61      74-2 1/4.....Mike Mai (USAr)............Mountain View......01/05
22.56      74-1/4.......A.G. Kruger (AshE).........USATF Ind..........02/27
22.48      73-9.........Jake Freeman (unat)........Millrose G.........02/06
22.23      72-11 1/4....Chris Brown (unat).........GBTC Inv...........01/18
22.04      72-3 3/4.....-Keith McBride (Pur).......OhSt Tri...........01/24
21.91      71-10 3/4....Bert Sorin (Sor)...........USATF Ind..........02/27
21.60      70-10 1/2....Chris Nulle (unat).........USATF Ind..........02/27
21.58      70-9 3/4.....Michael Freeman (unat).....Col Inv............01/31
21.48      70-5 3/4.....-Lucais MacKay (Ga)........SEC Ind............02/29
21.32      69-11 1/2....Rich Ulm (unat)............Kent...............01/31
21.16      69-5 1/4.....*Garland Porter (Tn).......SEC Ind............02/29
21.14      69-4 1/4.....-Scott Hecht (Pur).........Armory Coll Inv....02/13
21.04      69-1/2.......-Dan Ames (UCLA)...........Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
20.92      68-7 3/4.....Louis Chisari (unat).......Terrier Cl.........01/31
20.90      68-7.........*John Newell (Ga)..........VaT Chall..........02/13
20.86      68-5 1/4.....-Antonio Emperator (Fl)....Fast Times Inv.....03/06
20.85      68-5.........-Tom Carey (StF)...........University Park....01/17

3880o      .............***Juan Walker (Lind)......NAIA Ind...........03/04
3833o      .............*Dustin Boswell (WayB).....NAIA Ind...........03/04

6365       .............Bryan Clay (unat)..........World Ind..........03/07
6040       .............Paul Terek (WGAD)..........USATF Multis.......03/07
5989       .............Stephen Harris (unat)......USATF Multis.......03/07
5898       .............Phil McMullen (Nik)........USATF Multis.......03/07
5856       .............***Donovan Kilmartin (Tx)..NnIa Inv...........01/31
5711       .............David Lemen (unat).........USATF Multis.......03/07
5674       .............Chris Boyles (WGAD)........Boise..............02/14
5645       .............-Mustafa Abdur-Rahim (Dart)Heps Ind...........02/29
5635       .............Ryan Olkowski (WGAD).......USATF Multis.......03/07
5628(A)    .............Bryan Anderson (Mt)........Pocatello..........02/07
5616       .............Chris Wineberg (BeTC)......Kent...............01/10
5600       .............Jamie Cook (unat)..........USATF Multis.......03/07
5581o      .............-Fred Townsend (SC)........SEC Ind............02/29
5574       .............-Will Thomas (Ct)..........PennSt Inv.........01/31
5565       .............-Chris Richardson (Nb).....Big 12 Ind.........02/28
5549       .............-Ashraf Fadel (Wi).........Big 10 Ind.........02/29
5532(A)    .............Mike Kuoppamaki (PocTC)....Pocatello..........03/06
5528       .............-Rick Hill (Clem)..........ACC Ind............02/21
5525o      .............***Chris Helwick (Tn)......SEC Ind............02/29
5520       .............Andy Giesler (unat)........USATF Multis.......03/07
5504       .............*Dave Hinton (MSM).........PennSt Inv.........01/31
5495(A)    .............Adam Bork (Mt).............Pocatello..........02/07
5483       .............Justin Youngblood (UTSA)...Southland Ind......02/21
5478(A)    .............-Andrew Levin (Mt).........Big Sky Ind........02/28
5476       .............*Travis Brandstatter (Mn)..NnIa Inv...........01/31
5471       .............Travis Geopfert (unat).....USATF Multis.......03/07
5443o      .............-Gabe LeMay (Or)...........Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
5393       .............**Brent Hobbs (Clem).......ACC Ind............02/21
5391       .............Bevan Hart (USAr)..........USATF Multis.......03/07
5385o      .............**Andy Young (Or)..........Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
5376o      .............-Blake Sabo (Tn)...........SEC Ind............02/29
5373       .............*Ronald Veillon (Hous).....C-USA Ind..........02/28
5362o      .............*Chris Staton (UCLA).......Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
5362       .............-Ryan Tremelling (Wi)......Big 10 Ind.........02/29
5346o      .............-Jereme Richardson (Id)....Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
5331       .............Peter Wagner (unat)........USATF Multis.......03/07
5320       .............*Edwin Billot (McN)........Southland Ind......02/21
5317       .............David Pope (unat)..........Tallinn............02/08
5304(A)    .............-Adam Matthews (IdSt)......Pocatello..........02/07
5299       .............**Joe Detmer (Wi)..........NnIa Inv...........01/31
5297       .............*Greg Royster (SC).........UNC Inv............01/31
5292       .............Tom Pappas (Nik)...........USATF Multis.......03/07
5280o      .............Scott Sobieraski (Cal).....Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
5270       .............*Robert Bates (NC).........ACC Ind............02/21
5265       .............**Brandon Buteax (UTSA)....Boise..............02/14
5263o      .............**Keith Baker (Al).........SEC Ind............02/29
         o(A).............-Mark Johnson (NM).........Mtn West Ind.....02/27
5245(A)    .............-Ben Allen (IdSt)..........Big Sky Ind........02/28
5244(A)    .............Erik Rasmussen (unat)......Pocatello..........02/07
5243o      .............*Kevin Yeager (Tn).........SEC Ind............02/29
5241o      .............-Andrew Phillips (UCLA)....Mtn Pac Ind........02/28
5222       .............Casey Thom (unat)..........Husker Inv.........02/07
5212       .............*Chris Carter (Penn).......PennSt Inv.........01/31
5201       .............**Ben Roland (Wi)..........Big 10 Ind.........02/29
Foreign Collegians:
5767o      .............-Maurice Smith (Aub-Jam)...SEC Ind............02/29
5502       .............-Rajne Svenssohn (Man-Swe).Riverdale..........12/02
5437o      .............**Jonas Hallgrimsson (Cal-Ice)Mtn Pac Ind.....02/28
5323       .............-Aki Heikkinen (TxT-Fin)...Big 12 Ind.........02/28