World All-Time List — Women

compiled by Glen McMicken

(marks received and verified by 11/19/2024)

Key to abbreviations: (A)=mark made at altitude over 1000m (in affected events only); i=mark made indoors; +=converted time; ‘=road mark made on aided course; t=walk mark made on track

—- = secondary performance by an athlete

Jump To (not all events included in every list type):
100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1500 Mile 2000 2KSt
3000 Steeple 2M 5000 10,000 100H 110H 400H HMar Hour Mar
20W 35W 4×1 4×2 4×4 4×8 4×15 4xMile SpMed DisMed 4x110H
mixed4x4 HJ PV LJ TJ SP DT HT JT Hept Dec
10.54 Elaine Thompson-Herah (Jamaica) 8/21/21
10.60 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (Jamaica) 8/26/21
10.61 Florence Griffith Joyner (US) 7/17/88
10.61 ————Thompson-Herah 7/31/21
10.62 ————Griffith Joyner 9/24/88
10.62 ————Fraser-Pryce 8/10/22
10.63 ————Fraser-Pryce 6/05/21
10.64 Carmelita Jeter (US) 9/20/09
10.64 ————Thompson-Herah 8/26/21
10.65(A) Marion Jones (US) 9/12/98
10.65 ————Thompson-Herah 9/09/21
10.65 ————Fraser-Pryce 9/08/22
10.65 Shericka Jackson (Jamaica) 7/07/23
10.65 Sha’Carri Richardson (US) 8/21/23
**14 performances by 7 performers**
10.72 Marie Josée Ta Lou (Côte d’Ivoire) 8/10/22
10.72 Julien Alfred (St. Lucia) 8/03/24
10.73 Christine Arron (France) 8/19/98
10.49w Florence Griffith Joyner (US) 7/16/88
10.54w ————Griffith Joyner 9/25/88
10.54 Elaine Thompson-Herah (Jamaica) 8/21/21
10.57w Sha’Carri Richardson (US) 4/08/23
10.60w ————Griffith Joyner 7/16/88
10.60 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (Jamaica) 8/26/21
10.61 ————Griffith Joyner 7/17/88
10.61 ————Thompson-Herah 7/31/21
10.62 ————Griffith Joyner 9/24/88
10.62 ————Fraser-Pryce 8/10/22
**10 performances by 4 performers**
10.64 Carmelita Jeter (US) 9/20/09
10.65(A) Marion Jones (US) 9/12/98
10.65 Shericka Jackson (Jamaica) 7/07/23
10.66w Brittany Brown (US) 4/23/22
10.69w Melissa Jefferson (US) 6/24/22
10.72w Tori Bowie (US) 6/26/15
10.72w Tawanna Meadows (US) 5/06/17
10.72w Aleia Hobbs (US) 6/24/22
10.72 Marie Josée Ta Lou (Côte d’Ivoire) 8/10/22
10.72w Julien Alfred (St. Lucia) 4/15/23
21.34 Florence Griffith Joyner (US) 9/29/88
21.41 Shericka Jackson (Jamaica) 8/25/23
21.45 ————Jackson 7/21/22
21.48 ————Jackson 9/08/23
21.53 Elaine Thompson-Herah (Jamaica) 8/03/21
21.55 ————Jackson 6/26/22
21.56 ————Griffith Joyner 9/29/88
21.57 ————Jackson 9/17/23
21.60 Gabby Thomas (US) 7/09/23
21.61 ————Thomas 6/26/21
**10 performances by 4 performers**
21.62(A) Marion Jones (US) 9/11/98
21.63 Dafne Schippers (Netherlands) 8/28/15
21.64 Merlene Ottey (Jamaica) 9/13/91
21.69 Allyson Felix (US) 6/30/12
21.71 Marita Koch (East Germany) 6/10/79
21.71 Heike Drechsler (East Germany) 6/29/86
21.34 Florence Griffith Joyner (US) 9/29/88
21.41 Shericka Jackson (Jamaica) 8/25/23
21.45 ————Jackson 7/21/22
21.48 ————Jackson 9/08/23
21.53 Elaine Thompson-Herah (Jamaica) 8/03/21
21.55 ————Jackson 6/26/22
21.56 ————Griffith Joyner 9/29/88
21.57 ————Jackson 9/17/23
21.60 Gabby Thomas (US) 7/09/23
21.61 ————Thomas 6/26/21
21.61w Sha’Carri Richardson (US) 7/08/23
**11 performances by 5 performers**
21.62(A) Marion Jones (US) 9/11/98
21.63 Dafne Schippers (Netherlands) 8/28/15
21.64 Merlene Ottey (Jamaica) 9/13/91
21.69 Allyson Felix (US) 6/30/12
21.71 Marita Koch (East Germany) 6/10/79
21.71 Heike Drechsler (East Germany) 6/29/86
34.1 Marita Koch (East Germany) 10/06/85
34.41 Shaunae Miller-Uibo (Bahamas) 6/20/19
34.60(A) Beatrice Masilingi (Namibia) 2/18/23
35.00 Marie-José Pérec (France) 8/27/91
35.06 Jarmila Kratochvílová (Czechoslovakia) 8/10/83
35.16 Marileidy Paulino (Dominican Republic) 3/17/23
35.24 Tat’ána Kocembová (Czechoslovakia) 8/10/83
35.30(A) Ana Guevara (Mexico) 5/03/03
35.45i Irina Privalova (Russia) 1/17/93
35.45i ————Miller-Uibo 2/03/18
**10 performances by 9 performers**
35.46 Kathy Cook (Great Britain) 8/18/84
35.46 Chandra Cheeseborough (US) 8/18/84
35.46 Henriette Jaeger (Norway) 5/22/24
47.60 Marita Koch (East Germany) 10/06/85
47.99 Jarmila Kratochvílová (Czechoslovakia) 8/10/83
48.14 Salwa Eid Naser (Bahrain) 10/03/19
48.16 ————Koch 9/08/82
48.16 ————Koch 8/16/84
48.17 Marileidy Paulino (Dominican Republic) 8/09/24
48.22 ————Koch 8/28/86
48.25 Marie-José Pérec (France) 7/29/96
48.26 ————Koch 7/27/84
48.27 Olga Bryzgina (Soviet Union) 10/06/85
**10 performances by 6 performers**
48.36 Shaunae Miller-Uibo (Bahamas) 8/06/21
48.57 Nickisha Pryce (Jamaica) 7/20/24
48.59 Tat’ána Kocembová (Czechoslovakia) 8/10/83
48.63 Cathy Freeman (Australia) 7/29/96
Marks by DSD Athletes
48.54 Christine Mboma (Namibia) 6/30/21
1:21.63 Mary Moraa (Kenya) 9/01/24
1:21.77 Caster Semenya (South Africa) 8/27/17
1:22.39 Ajee Wilson (US) 8/27/17
1:22.63(A) Ana Quirós (Cuba) 7/25/97
1:22.74 Athing Mu (US) 4/30/22
1:22.87 Maria Mutola (Mozambique) 8/27/02
1:22.98 Shafiqua Maloney (St. Vincent) 9/01/24
1:23.13 ————Mutola 9/02/03
1:23.18 Francine Niyonsaba (Burundi) 8/27/17
1:23.35 Pamela Jelimo (Kenya) 7/05/12
**10 performances by 9 performers**
1:23.41i Keely Hodgkinson (Great Britain) 1/28/23
1:53.28 Jarmila Kratochvílová (Czechoslovakia) 7/26/83
1:53.43 Nadezhda Olizarenko (Soviet Union) 7/27/80
1:54.01 Pamela Jelimo (Kenya) 8/29/08
1:54.25 Caster Semenya (South Africa) 6/30/18
1:54.44 Ana Quirós (Cuba) 9/09/89
1:54.60 ————Semenya 7/20/18
1:54.61 Keely Hodgkinson (Great Britain) 7/20/24
1:54.68 ————Kratochvílová 8/09/83
1:54.77 ————Semenya 9/09/18
1:54.81 Olga Mineyeva (Soviet Union) 7/27/80
**10 performances by 7 performers**
1:54.94 Tatyana Kazankina (Russia) 7/26/76
1:54.97 Athing Mu (US) 9/17/23
1:55.05 Doina Melinte (Romania) 8/01/82
2:28.98 Svetlana Masterkova (Russia) 8/23/96
2:29.15 Faith Kipyegon (Kenya) 8/14/20
2:29.34 Maria Mutola (Mozambique) 8/25/95
2:29.66 ————Mutola 8/23/96
2:29.92 ————Kipyegon 9/04/20
2:30.12 ————Mutola 8/30/02
2:30.67 Christine Wachtel (East Germany) 8/17/90
2:30.6 Tatyana Providokhina (Soviet Union) 8/20/78
2:30.70 Caster Semenya (South Africa) 9/02/18
2:30.72 ————Mutola 7/10/95
**10 performances by 6 performers**
2:30.82 Laura Muir (Great Britain) 8/14/20
2:30.85 Martina Steuk (East Germany) 7/09/80
2:31.06 Ciara Mageean (Ireland) 8/14/20
2:31.11 Jemma Reekie (Great Britain) 8/14/20
3:49.04 Faith Kipyegon (Kenya) 7/07/24
3:49.11 ————Kipyegon 6/02/23
3:50.07 Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 7/17/15
3:50.30 Gudaf Tsegay (Ethiopia) 4/20/24
3:50.37 ————Kipyegon 8/10/22
3:50.72 ————Kipyegon 9/16/23
3:50.83 Jessica Hull (Australia) 7/07/24
3:51.07 ————Kipyegon 7/09/21
3:51.29 ————Kipyegon 8/10/24
3:51.41 ————Kipyegon 7/21/23
**10 performances by 4 performers**
3:51.95 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 10/05/19
3:52.47 Tatyana Kazankina (Soviet Union) 8/13/80
3:52.61 Georgia Bell (Great Britain) 8/10/24
3:52.75 Diribe Welteji (Ethiopia) 8/10/24
3:53.22 Birke Haylom (Ethiopia) 4/20/24
3:53.37 Laura Muir (Great Britain) 8/10/24
Questionable circumstances:
3:50.46 Yunxia Qu (China) 9/11/93
3:50.98 Bo Jiang (China) 10/18/97
3:51.34 Yinglai Lang (China) 10/18/97
3:51.92 Junxia Yang (China) 9/11/93
3:53.91 Lili Yin (China) 10/18/97
4:07.64 Faith Kipyegon (Kenya) 7/21/23
4:12.33 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 7/12/19
4:12.56 Svetlana Masterkova (Russia) 8/14/96
4:13.31i Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 2/17/16
4:14.30 ————Dibaba 9/06/16
4:14.58 Ciara Mageean (Ireland) 7/21/23
4:14.71 ————Hassan 7/22/18
4:14.74 ————Hassan 9/03/21
4:14.79 Freweyni Hailu (Ethiopia) 7/21/23
4:15.24 Laura Muir (Great Britain) 7/21/23
**10 performances by 7 performers**
4:15.34 Jessica Hull (Australia) 7/21/23
4:15.61 Paula Ivan (Romania) 7/10/89
4:15.8 Natalya Artyomova (Soviet Union) 8/05/84
5:19.70 Jessica Hull (Australia) 7/12/24
5:21.56 Francine Niyonsaba (Burundi) 9/14/21
5:23.75i Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 2/07/17
5:25.36 Sonia O’Sullivan (Ireland) 7/08/94
5:25.86 Freweyni Gebreezibeher (Ethiopia) 9/14/21
5:26.08 Melissa Courtney-Bryant (Great Britain) 7/12/24
5:26.09 Edinah Jebitok (Kenya) 7/12/24
5:26.93 Yvonne Murray (Great Britain) 7/08/94
5:27.50 ————Dibaba 6/17/14
5:27.73 ————Dibaba 6/19/18
**10 performances by 8 performers**
5:28.69 Maricica Puica (Romania) 7/11/86
5:28.72 Tatyana Kazankina (Soviet Union) 8/04/84
8:16.60i Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 2/06/14
8:16.69i Gudaf Tsegay (Ethiopia) 2/25/23
8:18.49 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 6/30/19
8:19.08 Francine Niyonsaba (Burundi) 8/28/21
8:19.52 Ejgayehu Taye (Ethiopia) 8/28/21
8:20.07 Konstanze Klosterhalfen (Germany) 6/30/19
8:20.27 Letesenbet Gidey (Ethiopia) 6/30/19
8:20.68 Hellen Obiri (Kenya) 5/09/14
8:20.87i Elle St. Pierre (US) 3/02/24
8:21.13i ————Tsegay 3/02/24
**10 performances by 9 performers**
8:21.14 Mercy Cherono (Kenya) 5/09/14
Questionable circumstances:
8:06.11 Junxia Wang (China) 9/13/93
8:12.18 Yunxia Qu (China) 9/13/93
8:12.19 ————Wang 9/12/93
8:12.27 ————Qu 9/12/93
8:16.50 Linli Zhang (China) 9/13/93
8:19.78 Liyan Ma (China) 9/12/93
8:44.32 Beatrice Chepkoech (Kenya) 7/20/18
8:44.39 Winfred Yavi (Bahrain) 8/30/24
8:48.03 Peruth Chemutai (Uganda) 8/30/24
8:50.66 ————Yavi 9/16/23
8:51.67 ————Chepkoech 9/16/23
8:52.76 ————Yavi 8/06/24
8:52.78 Ruth Jebet (Bahrain) 8/27/16
8:53.02 Norah Jeruto (Kazakhstan) 7/20/22
8:53.34 ————Chemutai 8/06/24
8:53.65 ————Jeruto (Kenya) 8/21/21
**10 performances by 5 performers**
8:54.61 Werkwuha Getachew (Ethiopia) 7/20/22
8:55.15 Faith Cherotich (Kenya) 8/06/24
8:56.08 Mekides Abebe (Ethiopia) 7/20/22
8:57.35 Jackline Chepkoech (Kenya) 7/23/23
8:57.77 Courtney Frerichs (US) 8/21/21
8:58.58 Meseret Defar (Ethiopia) 9/14/07
8:59.08 Francine Niyonsaba (Burundi) 5/27/22
9:00.48i Genzebe Dibaba (Ethiopia) 2/15/14
9:00.75 ————Niyonsaba 8/20/21
9:04.84i Laura Muir (Great Britain) 2/11/24
9:06.26i ————Defar 2/26/09
9:06.74 Letesenbet Gidey (Ethiopia) 8/20/21
9:07.12i Melknat Wudu (Ethiopia) 2/11/24
9:09.70i Alicia Monson (US) 2/11/24
9:10.28i Elle St. Pierre (US) 2/13/21
**10 performances by 8 performers**
9:11.49 Mercy Cherono (Kenya) 8/24/14
9:11.97 Regina Jacobs (US) 8/12/99
14:00.21 Gudaf Tsegay (Ethiopia) 9/17/23
14:05.20 Faith Kipyegon (Kenya) 6/09/23
14:05.92 Beatrice Chebet (Kenya) 9/17/23
14:06.62 Letesenbet Gidey (Ethiopia) 10/07/20
14:07.94 ————Gidey 6/09/23
14:08.79 ————Gidey 9/03/23
14:09.52 ————Chebet 9/05/24
14:09.82 ————Chebet 9/14/24
14:11.15 Tirunesh Dibaba (Ethiopia) 6/06/08
14:12.29 ————Tsegay 7/23/23
**10 performances by 5 performers**
14:12.59 Almaz Ayana (Ethiopia) 6/02/16
14:12.88 Meseret Defar (Ethiopia) 7/22/08
14:12.98 Ejgayehu Taye (Ethiopia) 5/27/22
14:13.42 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 7/23/23
14:15.24 Senbere Teferi (Ethiopia) 6/08/21
10,000 METERS
28:54.14 Beatrice Chebet (Kenya) 5/25/24
29:01.03 Letesenbet Gidey (Ethiopia) 6/08/21
29:05.92 Gudaf Tsegay (Ethiopia) 5/25/24
29:06.82 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 6/06/21
29:17.45 Almaz Ayana (Ethiopia) 8/12/16
29:26.89 Lilian Rengeruk (Kenya) 5/25/24
29:27.59 Margaret Kipkemboi (Kenya) 5/25/24
29:29.73 ————Tsegay 6/23/23
29:32.53 Vivian Cheruiyot (Kenya) 8/12/16
29:36.67 ————Hassan 10/10/20
**10 performances by 8 performers**
29:42.56 Tirunesh Dibaba (Ethiopia) 8/12/16
29:47.42 Grace Loibach Nawowuna (Kenya) 6/03/23
Questionable circumstances:
29:31.78 Junxia Wang (China) 9/08/93
12.12 Tobi Amusan (Nigeria) 7/24/22
12.20 Keni Harrison (US) 7/22/16
12.21 Yordanka Donkova (Bulgaria) 8/20/88
12.24 ————Donkova 8/28/88
12.24 ————Harrison 5/28/16
12.24 ————Harrison 8/22/23
12.24 Ackera Nugent (Jamaica) 8/30/24
12.25 Ginka Zagorcheva (Bulgaria) 8/08/87
12.25 Masai Russell (US) 6/30/24
12.26 ————Donkova 9/07/87
12.26 Lyudmila Engquist (Russia) 6/06/92
12.26 Brianna McNeal (US) 6/22/13
12.26 Jasmine Camacho-Quinn (Puerto Rico) 8/01/21
**13 performances by 9 performers**
12.28 Sally Pearson (Australia) 9/03/11
12.06w Tobi Amusan (Nigeria) 7/24/22
12.12 ————Amusan 7/24/22
12.17w Jasmine Camacho-Quinn (Puerto Rico) 5/21/23
12.20 Keni Harrison (US) 7/22/16
12.21 Yordanka Donkova (Bulgaria) 8/20/88
12.23w Britany Anderson (Jamaica) 7/24/22
12.23w ————Camacho-Quinn 7/24/22
12.24 ————Donkova 8/28/88
12.24 ————Harrison 5/28/16
12.24 ————Harrison 8/22/23
12.24 Ackera Nugent (Jamaica) 8/30/24
**11 performances by 6 performers**
12.25 Ginka Zagorcheva (Bulgaria) 8/08/87
12.25 Masai Russell (US) 6/30/24
12.26 Lyudmila Engquist (Russia) 6/06/92
12.26 Brianna McNeal (US) 6/22/13
50.37 Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone (US) 8/08/24
50.65 ————McLaughlin-Levrone (US) 6/30/24
50.68 ————McLaughlin-Levrone 7/22/22
50.95 Femke Bol (Netherlands) 7/14/24
51.30 ————Bol 7/20/24
51.41 ————McLaughlin-Levrone 6/25/22
51.45 ————Bol 7/23/23
51.46 ————McLaughlin-Levrone 8/04/21
51.58 Dalilah Muhammad (US) 8/04/21
51.61 ————McLaughlin-Levrone 6/05/22
**10 performances by 3 performers**
51.87 Anna Cockrell (US) 8/08/24
52.29 Jasmine Jones (US) 8/08/24
52.34 Yuliya Pechonkina (Russia) 8/08/03
52.39 Shamier Little (US) 7/04/21
52.42 Melaine Walker (Jamaica) 8/20/09
52.47 Lashinda Demus (US) 9/01/11
52.51 Rushell Clayton (Jamaica) 6/28/24
18,930m | 11.76M Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 9/04/20
18,571m | 11.53M Lonah Chemtai Salpeter (Israel) 9/04/20
18,517m | 11.50M Dire Tune (Ethiopia) 6/12/08
18,341m | 11.39M Eva Cherono (Kenya) 9/04/20
18,340m | 11.39M Tegla Loroupe (Kenya) 8/07/98
18,302m | 11.37M ————Tune 6/17/09
18,287m | 11.36M ————Loroupe 9/03/00
18,084m | 11.23M Silvana Cruciata (Italy) 5/02/81
18,027m | 11.20M Rosa Mota (Portugal) 5/14/83
17,974m | 11.16M Helen Tola (Ethiopia) 9/04/20
**10 performances by 8 performers**
17,955m | 11.15M Sarah Lahti (Finland) 9/04/20
17,952m | 11.15M Junko Kataoka (Japan) 10/01/94
62:52 Letesenbet Gidey (Ethiopia) 10/24/21
63:04 Agnes Ngetich (Kenya) 10/27/24
63:21 Fotyen Tesfay (Ethiopia) 10/27/24
63:32 Lilian Rengeruk (Kenya) 10/27/24
63:51 Yalemzerf Yehualaw (Ethiopia) 10/24/21
64:02 Ruth Chepngetich (Kenya) 4/04/21
64:14 Girmawit Gebrzihair (Ethiopia) 2/19/22
64:14 Ejgayehu Taye (Ethiopia) 10/27/24
64:22 Hellen Obiri (Kenya) 2/19/22
64:29 Joyciline Jepkosgei (Kenya) 2/11/24
**10 performances by 10 performers**
62:52 Letesenbet Gidey (Ethiopia) 10/24/21
63:04 Agnes Ngetich (Kenya) 10/27/24
63:21 Fotyen Tesfay (Ethiopia) 10/27/24
63:32 Lilian Rengeruk (Kenya) 10/27/24
63:51 Yalemzerf Yehualaw (Ethiopia) 10/24/21
64:02 Ruth Chepngetich (Kenya) 4/04/21
64:14 Girmawit Gebrzihair (Ethiopia) 2/19/22
64:14 Ejgayehu Taye (Ethiopia) 10/27/24
64:22 Hellen Obiri (Kenya) 2/19/22
64:28′ Brigid Kosgei (Kenya) 9/08/19
**10 performances by 10 performers**
2:09:56 Ruth Chepngetich (Kenya) 10/13/24
2:11:53 Tigist Assefa (Ethiopia) 9/24/23
2:13:44 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 10/08/23
2:14:04 Brigid Kosgei (Kenya) 10/13/19
2:14:18 ————Chepngetich 10/09/22
2:14:58 Amane Beriso (Ethiopia) 12/04/22
2:15:25 Paula Radcliffe (Great Britain) 4/13/03
2:15:37 ————Assefa 9/25/22
2:15:37 ————Chepngetich 10/08/23
2:15:51 Worknesh Degefa (Ethiopia) 12/03/23
**10 performances by 7 performers**
2:15:55 Sutume Asefa (Ethiopia) 3/03/24
2:16:07 Tigist Ketema (Ethiopia) 1/07/24
2:16:14 Rosemary Wanjiru (Kenya) 3/03/24
2:09:56 Ruth Chepngetich (Kenya) 10/13/24
2:11:53 Tigist Assefa (Ethiopia) 9/24/23
2:13:44 Sifan Hassan (Netherlands) 10/08/23
2:14:04 Brigid Kosgei (Kenya) 10/13/19
2:14:18 ————Chepngetich 10/09/22
2:14:58 Amane Beriso (Ethiopia) 12/04/22
2:15:25 Paula Radcliffe (Great Britain) 4/13/03
2:15:37 ————Assefa 9/25/22
2:15:37 ————Chepngetich 10/08/23
2:15:51 Worknesh Degefa (Ethiopia) 12/03/23
**10 performances by 7 performers**
2:15:55 Sutume Asefa (Ethiopia) 3/03/24
2:16:14 Rosemary Wanjiru (Kenya) 3/03/24
2:16:22 Almaz Ayana (Ethiopia) 12/03/23
1:23:49 Jiayu Yang (China) 3/20/21
1:24:27 Hong Liu (Chn) 3/20/21
1:24:31 Elvira Khasanova (Russia) 2/27/24
1:24:38 ————Liu 6/06/15
1:24:45 Shenjie Qieyang (China) 3/20/21
1:24:47 Reykhan Kagramanova (Russia) 2/27/24
1:25:02 Yelena Lashmanova (Russia) 8/11/12
1:25:08 Vera Sokolova (Russia) 2/26/11
1:25:09 Anisya Kirdyapkina (Russia) 2/26/11
1:25:12 Xiuzhi Lu (China) 3/20/15
**10 performances by 9 performers**
1:25:27 Elmira Alembekova (Russia) 2/18/12
Judges not to international standard:
1:23:39 Lashmanova 6/09/18
1:24:48 ————Lashmanova 6/25/16
1:24:50 Ivanova 3/04/01
1:25:03 Marina Pandakova (Russia) 2/27/15
1:25:04 Svetlana Vasilyeva (Russia) 2/27/15
1:25.11 Olga Kaniskina (Russia) 2/23/08
1:25:11 ————Kirdyapkina 2/20/10
1:25:18 Tatyana Gudkova (Russia) 5/19/00
1:25:18 ————Lashmanova 2/18/17
1:25:20 Olga Polyakova (Russia) 5/19/00
1:25:21 Reykhan Kagramanova (Russia) 9/10/23
1:25:22 Yekaterina Medvedyeva (Russia) 2/18/17
1:25:26 ————Sokolova 2/28/09
1:25:26 ————Kirdyapkina 2/28/09
2:37:15 Mária Pérez (Spain) 5/21/23
2:37:44 Kimberly García (Peru) 3/25/23
2:38:40 ————Pérez 8/24/23
2:38:42 Hong Liu (China) 4/16/23
2:39:16 ————Pérez 1/30/22
2:39:16 ————García 7/22/22
2:40:03 Katarzyna Zdziebło (Poland) 7/22/22
2:40:06 ————Liu 3/25/23
2:40:23 Klavdiya Afanasyeva (Russia) 2/27/24
2:40:37 Shenjie Qieyang (China) 7/22/22
**10 performances by 6 performers**
2:40:59 Xueying Bai (China) 3/04/23
2:41:00 Li Ma (China) 9/24/22
2:41:58 Antigóni Drisbióti (Greece) 7/22/22
2:42:27 Raquel González (Spain) 7/22/22
2:42:39 Maocuo Li (China) 3/04/23
Judges not to international standard:
2:37:11 Klavdiya Afanasyeva (Russia) 5/20/23
2:37:46 Margarita Nikiforova (Russia) 8/27/22
2:38:49 ————Nikiforova 5/21/22
2:39:51 Darya Golubechkova (Russia) 9/05/21
2:40:27 ————Afanasyeva 2/13/23
2:41:28 ————Nikiforova 1/31/22
4 x 100
40.82 United States 8/10/12
41.01 ————United States 8/19/16
41.02 Jamaica 8/06/21
41.03 ————United States 8/26/23
41.07 ————Jamaica 8/29/15
41.14 ————United States 7/23/22
41.18 ————Jamaica 7/23/22
41.21 ————Jamaica 8/26/23
41.29 ————Jamaica 8/18/13
41.36 ————Jamaica 8/19/16
Top 10 Nations
40.82 United States 8/10/12
41.02 Jamaica 8/06/21
41.37 East Germany 10/06/85
41.49 Russia 8/22/93
41.55 Great Britain 8/05/21
41.62 Germany 7/29/16
41.78 France 8/30/03
41.90 Côte d’Ivoire 8/25/23
41.92 Bahamas 8/29/99
42.00 Soviet Union 8/17/85
4 x 200
1:27.05 Team International # 3/30/24
1:27.46 Nike (US) 4/29/00
1:28.05 Texas # 4/01/23
1:28.15 East Germany 8/09/80
1:28.77 Tumbleweed TC # 4/01/17
1:28.77 PURE Athletics # 3/31/18
1:28.78 Oregon 4/01/17
1:29.03 ————Texas # 3/26/22
1:29.04 Jamaica 4/22/17
1:29.25 ————PURE Athletics # 3/30/19
1:29.40 USA Red Penn 4/24/04
Top 10 Nations
1:27.46 United States 4/29/00
1:28.15 East Germany 8/09/80
1:29:04 Jamaica 4/22/17
1:29.61 Great Britain 5/25/14
1:30.52 Nigeria 5/02/15
1:30.68 Germany 4/22/17
1:30.8 Ukraine 7/29/79
1:31.31 Bahamas 5/25/14
1:31.49 Russia 6/05/93
1:31.75 Switzerland 5/25/14
4 x 400
3:15.17 Soviet Union 10/01/88
3:15.27 United States 8/10/24
3:15.51 ————United States 10/01/88
3:15.92 East Germany 6/03/84
3:16.71 ————United States 8/22/93
3:16.85 ————United States 8/07/21
3:16.87 ————East Germany 8/31/86
3:16.87 ————United States 8/11/12
3:17.79 ————United States 7/24/22
3:17.83 ————United States 8/23/09
Top 10 Nations
3:15.17 Soviet Union 10/01/88
3:15.51 United States 10/01/88
3:15.92 East Germany 6/03/84
3:18.38 Russia 8/22/93
3:18.71 Jamaica 9/03/11
3:19.50 Netherlands 8/10/24
3:19.72 Great Britain 8/10/24
3:19.90 Ireland 8/10/24
3:20.32 Czechoslovakia 8/14/83
3:20.53 Poland 8/07/21
3:21.04 Nigeria 8/03/96
4 x 800
7:50.17 Sovet Union 8/05/84
7:51.62 Soviet Union B 8/05/84
7:52.24 ————Soviet Union 8/04/85
7:52.4 ————Soviet Union 8/16/76
7:54.10 East Germany 8/06/76
7:56.6 Russia 9/09/80
7:56.6 Ukraine 9/09/80
7:56.9 Leningrad (Soviet Union) 9/09/80
7:57.08 ————Russia 6/05/93
7:57.21 Romania 6/05/93
Top 10 Nations
7:50.17 Sovet Union 8/05/84
7:54.10 East Germany 8/06/76
7:56.6 Russia 9/09/80
7:56.6 Ukraine 9/09/80
7:57.21 Romania 6/05/93
8:00.62 United States 5/03/15
8:03.85 Belarus 6/05/93
8:04.28 Kenya 5/25/14
8:05.2 Bulgaria 8/30/75
8:11.36 Poland 5/03/15
4 x 1500
16:27.02 Nike Bowerman TC (US) 7/31/20
16:33.58 Kenya 5/24/14
16:53.87 Arkansas 4/30/22
16:55.19 NC State 4/30/22
16:55.33 United States 5/24/14
17:03.29 ————NC State # 4/27/24
17:05.72 ————Kenya 4/26/14
17:08.05 Virginia # 4/27/24
17:08.2 ————Kenya 4/05/14
17:08.34 Tennessee 4/24/09
1:35.20 USA Red Penn 4/28/18
1:35.59 ————USA Red Penn 4/29/17
1:36.05 Nebraska # 4/09/83
1:36.67 Jamaica 4/29/17
1:36.70 Tennessee # 5/29/81
1:36.79 Wilt’s AC 6/20/82
1:36.81 LSU 4/08/89
1:37.06 Texas 4/08/89
1:37.11 ————Texas 4/08/88
1:37.15+ Tennessee State # 6/09/78
3:34.56 Jamaica 4/25/09
3:34.64 ————Jamaica 4/30/11
3:35.37 ————Jamaica 4/24/10
3:36.10 Texas # 3/31/23
3:37.16 USA Blue Penn 4/29/06
3:37.37 Russia 4/25/09
3:37.42 USA Red Penn 4/30/05
3:37.61 ————Jamaica 4/26/08
3:37.62 Tom Jones All-Stars (Jamaica) 4/04/09
3:37.81 ————USA Red Penn 4/30/11
10:33.85i New Balance 4/15/22
10:36.50 United States 5/02/15
10:37.55 Harvard # 4/26/24
10:39.04 Providence # 4/26/24
10:39.91i Nike Union AC 2/11/22
10:40.31i ————United States 1/28/17
10:42.57i ————New Balance 2/07/15
10:42.79i New York All-Stars 2/07/15
10:43.35 Kenya 5/02/15
10:43.39i Washington # 2/16/24
4 x 100 HURDLES
50.50 USA Blue Drake 4/24/15
50.50 Drake All-Stars # 4/24/15
50.66 Boogie Johnson TC # 4/05/14
50.78 BoogieFast TC 4/06/13
50.93 USA Red Drake 4/25/14
52.00 Russia 6/05/93
52.01 Jamaica 4/25/14
52.07 Star Athletics # 4/05/14
52.29 Great Britain TC # 4/06/13
52.30 Ukraine 6/05/93
Top Nations
50.50 United States 4/24/15
52.00 Russia 6/05/93
52.01 Jamaica 4/25/14
52.30 Ukraine 6/05/93
53.63 Great Britain 6/05/93
MIXED 4 x 400
3:08.80 United States 8/19/23
3:09.34 ————United States 9/29/19
3:09.82 Dominican Republic 7/15/22
3:09.87 Poland 7/31/21
3:09.90 Netherlands 7/15/22
3:10.16 ————United States 7/15/22
3:10.21 ————Dominican Republic 7/31/21
3:10.22 ————United States 7/31/21
3:10.36 ————Netherlands 7/31/21
3:10.41 ————United States 8/19/23
Top 10 Nations
3:08.80 United States 8/19/23
3:09.82 Dominican Republic 7/15/22
3:09.87 Poland 7/31/21
3:09.90 Netherlands 7/15/22
3:11.06 Great Britain 8/19/23
3:11.51 Belgium 7/31/21
3:11.53 Ireland 5/05/24
3:11.76 Jamaica 7/30/21
3:11.82 Bahrain 9/29/19
3:11.98 Czechia 8/19/23
3:12.25 France 8/19/23
2.10 | 6-10¾ Yaroslava Mahuchikh (Ukraine) 7/07/24
2.09 | 6-10¼ Stefka Kostadinova (Bulgaria) 8/30/87
2.08 | 6-9¾ ————Kostadinova 5/31/86
2.08 | 6-9¾i Kajsa Bergqvist (Sweden) 2/04/06
2.08 | 6-9¾ Blanka Vlašić (Croatia) 8/31/09
2.07 | 6-9½ Lyudmila Andonova (Bulgaria) 7/20/84
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Kostadinova 5/25/86
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Kostadinova 9/16/87
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Kostadinova 9/03/88
2.07 | 6-9½i Heike Henkel (Germany) 2/08/92
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Vlašić 8/07/07
2.07 | 6-9½ Anna Chicherova (Russia) 7/22/11
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Mahuchikh ! 7/07/24
**13 performances by 7 performers**
2.06 | 6-9 Hestrie Cloete (South Africa) 8/31/03
2.06 | 6-9 Yelena Slesarenko (Russia) 8/28/04
2.06 | 6-9 Ariane Friedrich (Germany) 6/14/09
2.06 | 6-9 Mariya Lasitskene (Russia) 7/06/17
Non-Kostadinova Performances:
2.10 | 6-10¾ Yaroslava Mahuchikh (Ukraine) 7/07/24
2.08 | 6-9¾i Kajsa Bergqvist (Sweden) 2/04/06
2.08 | 6-9¾ Blanka Vlašić (Croatia) 8/31/09
2.07 | 6-9½ Lyudmila Andonova (Bulgaria) 7/20/84
2.07 | 6-9½i Heike Henkel (Germany) 2/08/92
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Vlašić 8/07/07
2.07 | 6-9½ Anna Chicherova (Russia) 7/22/11
2.07 | 6-9½ ————Mahuchikh ! 7/07/24
2.06 | 6-9 ————Bergqvist 7/26/03
2.06 | 6-9 Hestrie Cloete (South Africa) 8/31/03
2.06 | 6-9 Yelena Slesarenko (Russia) 8/28/04
2.06 | 6-9 ————Vlašić 7/30/07
2.06 | 6-9 ————Vlašić 6/22/08
2.06 | 6-9 ————Vlašić 7/05/08
2.06 | 6-9 Ariane Friedrich (Germany) 6/14/09
2.06 | 6-9i ————Vlašić 2/06/10
2.06 | 6-9i ————Chicherova 2/04/12
2.06 | 6-9 Mariya Lasitskene (Russia) 7/06/17
2.06 | 6-9 ————Lasitskene 6/20/19
2.06 | 6-9i ————Mahuchikh 2/02/21
5.06 | 16-7¼ Yelena Isinbaeva (Russia) 8/28/09
5.05 | 16-6¾ ————Isinbaeva 8/18/08
5.04 | 16-6½ ————Isinbaeva 7/29/08
5.03 | 16-6 ————Isinbaeva 7/11/08
5.03 | 16-6i Jenn Suhr (US) 1/30/16
5.02 | 16-5½i(A) ————Suhr 3/02/13
5.01 | 16-5¼ ————Isinbaeva 8/12/05
5.01 | 16-5¼i ————Isinbaeva 2/23/12
5.01 | 16-5¼i ————Suhr 10/01/16
5.01 | 16-5¼ Anzhelika Sidorova (Russia) 9/09/21
**10 performances by 3 performers**
5.00 | 16-4¾ Sandi Morris (US) 9/09/16
4.95 | 16-2¾ Katie Moon (US) 6/26/21
4.94 | 16-2½ Eliza McCartney (New Zealand) 7/17/18
4.92 | 16-1¾ Molly Caudery (Great Britain) 6/22/24
4.91 | 16-1¼ Yarisley Silva (Cuba) 8/02/15
4.91 | 16-1¼ Katerína Stefanídi (Greece) 8/06/17
4.90 | 16-1¼i Nina Kennedy (Australia) 8/31/23
4.90 | 16-¾ Holly Bradshaw (Great Britain) 6/26/21
Non-Isinbaeva Performances:
5.03 | 16-6i Jenn Suhr (US) 1/30/16
5.02 | 16-5½i(A) ————Suhr 3/02/13
5.01 | 16-5¼i ————Suhr 10/01/16
5.01 | 16-5¼ Anzhelika Sidorova (Russia) 9/09/21
5.00 | 16-4¾ Sandi Morris (US) 9/09/16
4.96 | 16-3¼ ————Sidorova ! 9/09/21
4.95 | 16-2¾i ————Morris 3/12/16
4.95 | 16-2¾i ————Morris 3/03/18
4.95 | 16-2¾ ————Morris 7/27/18
4.95 | 16-2¾ ————Sidorova 9/29/19
4.95 | 16-2¾i ————Sidorova 2/29/20
4.95 | 16-2¾ Katie Moon (US) 6/26/21
7.52 | 24-8¼ Galina Chistyakova (Soviet Union) 6/11/88
7.49 | 24-7 Jackie Joyner-Kersee (US) 5/22/94
7.49 | 24-7(A) ————Joyner-Kersee 7/31/94
7.48 | 24-6½ Heike Drechsler (East Germany) 7/09/88
7.48 | 24-6½ ————Drechsler 7/08/92
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Drechsler 6/21/86
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Drechsler 7/03/86
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Joyner-Kersee 8/13/87
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Chistyakova ! 6/11/88
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Chistyakova 8/12/88
**10 performances by 3 performers**
7.43 | 24-4½ Anisoara Stanciu (Romania) 6/04/83
7.42 | 24-4¼ Tatyana Kotova (Russia) 6/23/02
7.39 | 24-3 Yelena Belevskaya (Soviet Union) 7/18/87
7.37 | 24-2¼ Inessa Kravets (Ukraine) 6/13/92
7.33 | 24-¾ Tatyana Lebedeva (Russia) 7/31/04
7.31 | 23-11¾ Yelena Kokonova (Soviet Union) 9/12/85
7.31 | 23-11¾ Marion Jones (US) 5/31/98
7.31 | 23-11¾ Brittney Reese (US) 7/02/16
7.63 | 25-½(A)w Heike Drechsler (Germany) 7/21/92
7.52 | 24-8¼ Galina Chistyakova (Soviet Union) 6/11/88
7.49 | 24-7 Jackie Joyner Kersee (US) 5/22/94
7.49 | 24-7(A) ————Joyner-Kersee 7/31/94
7.48 | 24-6½ ————Drechsler (East Germany) 7/09/88
7.48 | 24-6½ ————Drechsler 7/08/92
7.47 | 24-6¼(A)w ————Drechsler ! 7/21/92
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Drechsler (East Germany) 6/21/86
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Drechsler 7/03/86
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Joyner-Kersee 8/13/87
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Chistyakova ! 6/11/88
7.45 | 24-5½w ————Joyner-Jersee 7/23/88
7.45 | 24-5½ ————Chistyakova 8/12/88
**13 performances by 3 performers**
7.43 | 24-4½ Anisoara Stanciu (Romania) 6/04/83
7.42 | 24-4¼ Tatyana Kotova (Russia) 6/23/02
7.39 | 24-3 Yelena Belevskaya (Soviet Union) 7/18/87
7.37 | 24-2¼ Inessa Kravets (Ukraine) 6/13/92
7.33 | 24-¾ Tatyana Lebedeva (Russia) 7/31/04
7.31 | 23-11¾ Yelena Kokonova (Soviet Union) 9/12/85
7.31 | 23-11¾ Marion Jones (US) 5/31/98
7.31 | 23-11¾ Brittney Reese (US) 7/02/16
15.74 | 51-7¾i Yulimar Rojas (Venezuela) 3/20/22
15.67 | 51-5 ————Rojas 8/01/21
15.52 | 50-11 ————Rojas ! 8/26/21
15.50 | 50-10¼ Inessa Kravets (Ukraine) 8/10/95
15.48 | 50-9½ ————Rojas 9/09/21
15.47 | 50-9¼ ————Rojas 7/18/22
15.43 | 50-7½i ————Rojas 2/21/20
15.43 | 50-7½ ————Rojas 5/22/21
15.42 | 50-7¼ ————Rojas ! 8/26/21
15.41 | 50-6¾ ————Rojas 9/06/19
15.41 | 50-6¾ ————Rojas ! 8/01/21
15.41 | 50-6¾i ————Rojas 3/02/22
**12 performances by 2 performers**
15.39 | 50-6 Françoise Mbango (Cameroon) 8/17/08
15.36 | 50-4¾i Tatyana Lebedeva (Russia) 3/06/04
15.32 | 50-3¼ Piyí Devetzí (Greece) 8/21/04
15.31 | 50-2¾ Caterine Ibargüen (Colombia) 7/18/14
15.29 | 50-2 Yamilé Aldama (Cuba) 7/11/03
15.28 | 50-1¾ Yargelis Savigne (Cuba) 8/31/07
15.25 | 50-½ Olga Rypakova (Kazakhstan) 9/04/10
15.20 | 49-10½ Šárka Kaspárková (Czechia) 8/04/97
15.20 | 49-10½ Tereza Marinova (Bulgaria) 9/24/00
15.74 | 51-7¾i Yulimar Rojas (Venezuela) 3/20/22
15.67 | 51-5 ————Rojas 8/01/21
15.56 | 51-¾w ————Rojas 8/26/21
15.52 | 50-11 ————Rojas ! 8/26/21
15.50 | 50-10¼ Inessa Kravets (Ukraine) 8/10/95
15.48 | 50-9½ ————Rojas 9/09/21
15.47 | 50-9¼ ————Rojas 7/18/22
15.43 | 50-7½i ————Rojas 2/21/20
15.43 | 50-7½ ————Rojas 5/22/21
15.42 | 50-7¼ ————Rojas ! 8/26/21
**10 performances by 2 performers**
15.39 | 50-6 Françoise Mbango (Cameroon) 8/17/08
15.36 | 50-4¾i Tatyana Lebedeva (Russia) 3/06/04
15.32 | 50-3¼ Piyí Devetzí (Greece) 8/21/04
15.31 | 50-2¾ Caterine Ibargüen (Colombia) 7/18/14
15.29 | 50-2 Yamilé Aldama (Cuba) 7/11/03
15.28 | 50-1¾ Yargelis Savigne (Cuba) 8/31/07
15.25 | 50-½ Olga Rypakova (Kazakhstan) 9/04/10
15.24 | 50-0(A)w Magdelin Martínez (Italy) 8/01/04
22.63 | 74-3 Natalya Lisovskaya (Soviet Union) 6/07/87
22.60 | 74-1¾ ————Lisovskaya ! 6/07/87
22.55 | 73-11¾ ————Lisovskaya 7/05/88
22.53 | 73-11 ————Lisovskaya 5/27/84
22.53 | 73-11 ————Lisovskaya 8/14/88
22.50 | 73-10i Helena Fibingerová (Czechoslovakia) 2/19/77
22.45 | 73-8 Ilona Briesenick (East Germany) 5/11/80
22.41 | 73-6¼ ————Briesenick 7/24/80
22.40 | 73-6 ————Briesenick 6/03/83
22.40 | 73-6 ————Lisovskaya ! 8/14/88
**10 performances by 3 performers**
22.19 | 72-9¾ Claudia Losch (West Germany) 8/22/87
21.89 | 71-10 Ivanka Khristova (Bulgaria) 7/04/76
21.86 | 71-8¾ Marianne Adam (East Germany) 6/23/79
21.76 | 71-4¾ Meisu Li (China) 4/23/88
21.73 | 71-3½ Natalya Akhrimenko (Soviet Union) 5/21/88
21.69 | 71-2 Vita Pavlysh (Ukraine) 8/20/98
21.66 | 71-¾ Xinmei Sui (China) 6/09/90
76.80 | 252-0 Gabriele Reinsch (East Germany) 7/09/88
74.56 | 244-7 Zdenka Śilhavá (Czechoslovakia) 8/26/84
74.56 | 244-7 Ilke Wyludda (East Germany) 7/23/89
74.44 | 244-3 ————Reinsch 9/13/88
74.40 | 244-1 ————Wyludda 9/13/88
74.08 | 243-0 Diana Gansky (East Germany) 6/20/87
73.90 | 242-5 ————Gansky 6/27/87
73.84 | 242-3 Daniela Costian (Romania) 4/30/88
73.78 | 242-1 ————Costian 4/24/88
73.42 | 240-10 ————Reinsch 6/12/88
**10 performances by 5 performers**
73.36 | 240-8 Irina Meszynski (East Germany) 8/17/84
73.28 | 240-5 Galina Yermakova (Soviet Union) 9/08/84
73.22 | 240-3 Tsvetanka Khristova (Bulgaria) 4/18/87
73.10 | 239-10 Gisela Beyer (East Germany) 7/20/84
73.09 | 239-9 Yaime Perez (Cuba) 4/13/24
82.98 | 272-3 Anita Włodarczyk (Poland) 8/28/16
82.87 | 271-10 ————Włodarczyk 7/29/17
82.29 | 269-11 ————Włodarczyk 8/15/16
81.77 | 268-3 ————Włodarczyk ! 8/28/16
81.74 | 268-2 ————Włodarczyk ! 8/15/16
81.63 | 267-9 ————Włodarczyk ! 7/29/17
81.27 | 266-7 ————Włodarczyk ! 8/28/16
81.08 | 266-0 ————Włodarczyk 8/01/15
80.85 | 265-3 ————Włodarczyk 8/27/15
80.79 | 265-0 ————Włodarczyk 7/23/17
**10 performances by 1 performer**
80.31 | 263-6 DeAnna Price (US) 6/26/21
80.17 | 263-0 Brooke Andersen (US) 5/20/23
79.42 | 260-7 Betty Heidler (Germany) 5/21/11
78.62 | 257-11 Camryn Rogers (Canada) 5/26/23
78.00 | 255-11 Janee’ Kassanavoid (US) 5/21/22
77.80 | 255-3 Tatyana Beloborodova (Russia) 8/15/06
77.78 | 255-2 Gwen Berry (US) 6/08/18
77.68 | 254-10 Zheng Wang (China) 3/29/14
77.33 | 253-8 Wenxiu Zhang (China) 9/28/14
72.28 | 237-2 Barbora Špotáková (Czechia) 9/13/08
71.70 | 235-3 Osleidys Menéndez (Cuba) 8/14/05
71.58 | 234-10 ————Špotáková 9/02/11
71.54 | 234-8 ————Menéndez 7/01/01
71.53 | 234-8 ————Menéndez 8/27/04
71.42 | 234-4 ————Špotáková 8/21/08
71.40 | 234-3 Maria Andrejczyk (Poland) 5/09/21
70.53 | 231-4 Mariya Abakumova (Russia) 9/01/13
70.20 | 230-4 Christina Obergföll (Germany) 6/23/07
70.03 | 229-9 ————Obergföll 8/14/05
**10 performances by 5 performers**
69.48 | 227-11 Trine Hattestad (Norway) 7/28/00
69.35 | 227-6 Sunette Viljoen (South Africa) 6/09/12
69.19 | 227-0 Christin Hussong (Germany) 5/30/21
68.92 | 226-1 Kathryn Mitchell (Australia) 4/11/18
68.43 | 224-6 Sara Kolak (Croatia) 7/06/17
7291 Jackie Joyner-Kersee (US) 9/24/88
7215 ————Joyner-Kersee 7/16/88
7158 ————Joyner-Kersee 8/02/86
7148 ————Joyner-Kersee 7/07/86
7128 ————Joyner-Kersee 9/01/87
7044 ————Joyner-Kersee 8/02/92
7032 Carolina Klüft (Sweden) 8/26/07
7013 Nafi Thiam (Belgium) 5/28/17
7007 Larisa Nikitina (Soviet Union) 6/11/89
7001 ————Klüft 8/24/03
**10 performances by 4 performers**
6988 Anna Hall (US) 5/28/23
6985 Sabine Braun (Germany) 5/31/92
6981 Katarina Johnson-Thompson (Great Britain) 10/03/19
6955 Jessica Ennis-Hill (Great Britain) 8/04/12
6946 Sabine John (East Germany) 5/06/84
6942 Ghada Shouaa (Syria) 5/26/96
Non-JJK Performances:
7032 Carolina Klüft (Sweden) 8/26/07
7013 Nafi Thiam (Belgium) 5/28/17
7007 Larisa Nikitina (Soviet Union) 6/11/89
7001 ————Klüft 8/24/03
6988 Anna Hall (adidas) 5/28/23
6985 Sabine Braun (Germany) 5/31/92
6981 Katarina Johnson-Thompson (Great Britain) 10/03/19
6955 Jessica Ennis-Hill (Great Britain) 8/04/12
6952 ————Klüft 8/21/04
6947 ————Thiam 7/18/22
8358 Austra Skujytė (Lithuania) 4/15/05
8246w Jordan Gray (US) 8/22/21
8150 Marie Collonvillé (France) 9/26/04
8091 ————Skujytė 4/14/06
7921 ————Gray 6/23/19
**5 performances by 3 performers**
7885 Mona Steigauf (Germany) 9/21/97
7798 Irina Karpova (Kazakhstan) 9/26/04