2019 DL Events Sorted By Meet

In the 2019 version of the IAAF’s Diamond League, only the 2 final meets have 16 events, Zürich and Brussels each having 8 men’s events and 8 women’s…

Of the 12 “regular season” meets, 2 have 15 events (Shanghai, split 8/7; London 6/9), 4 have 14 events (Doha, Rome & Lausanne split 7/7; Paris 8/6) and 6 have 13 (Stockholm, Rabat, Stanford & Monaco 7/6; Oslo 6/7, Birmingham 5/8)…

On 15 occasions—London 100; Doha & Stockholm 200; Shanghai & London 400, Doha 800; Oslo 400H; Monaco & Paris TJ; Stanford SP; Stockholm, Rabat & Brussels DT; Shanghai & Zürich JT—a meet will have the same event for both sexes. Last year there were 13, after only 4 the year before…

Some 1500s will be miles, some 5000s will be 3000s…

The event distribution for 2019 (some meets may have “street events” on days before the official calendar date):

Doha (May 03)

Men’s 200, 800, 1500, St, PV, SP, DT

Women’s 200, 800, 5000, 100H, 400H, HJ, LJ

Shanghai (May 18)

Men’s 100, 400, 5000, 110H, 400H, HJ, LJ, JT

Women’s 100, 400, 1500, St, PV, SP, JT

Stockholm (May 30)

Men’s 200, 400, 1500, 400H, PV, LJ, DT

Women’s 200, 800, 5000, 100H, HJ, DT

Rome (June 06)

Men’s 200, 800, 5000, 110H, HJ, TJ, SP

Women’s 100, 400, 1500, 400H, PV, LJ, JT

Oslo (June 13)

Men’s 100, 1500, 5000, 400H, PV, JT

Women’s 200, St, 100H, 400H, HJ, TJ, SP

Rabat (June 16)

Men’s 200, 800, St, 110H, HJ, LJ, DT

Women’s 100, 400, 800, 1500, PV, DT

Stanford (June 30)

Men’s 100, 400, 1500, 110H, 400H, PV, SP

Women’s 200, 800, St, 5000, HJ, SP

Lausanne (July 05)

Men’s 200, 800, 1500, 5000, 110H, PV, LJ

Women’s 100, 400, 400H, HJ, TJ, SP, JT

Monaco (July 12)

Men’s 100, 400, 800, St, PV, TJ, JT

Women’s 200, 1500, 100H, 400H, HJ, TJ

London (July 20-21)

Men’s 100, 400, 800, HJ, TJ, DT

Women’s 100, 400, 1500, 5000, 100H, 400H, PV, LJ, JT

Birmingham (August 18)

Men’s 100, 400, 400H, HJ, JT

Women’s 200, 800, 1500, St, 100H, PV, LJ, DT

Paris (August 24)

m200, 1500, St, 100H, 400H, HJ, TJ, SP

Women’s 100, 400, 800, PV, TJ, DT

Zürich (August 29)

Men’s 100, 800, 5000, 400H, HJ, PV, LJ, JT

Women’s 200, 400, 1500, St, 400H, TJ, SP, JT

Brussels (September 06)

Men’s 200, 400, 1500, St, 110H, TJ, SP, DT

Women’s 100, 800, 5000, 100H, HJ, PV, LJ, DT